A Desire to Help Those Suffering With Disease Processes:
Toxins, polluted food, air and water, and a toxic environment can make cleansing the colon, liver and other elimination organs more important now than ever. The burden of over-pollution may be responsible for the detrimental effects on the immune system, a scenario which makes us highly susceptible to chronic, degenerative and autoimmune diseases, such as some forms of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, lupus, Alzheimer’s disease and so much more. Cancer patients in general, should make sure to always avoid refined foods, sugars, MSG, yeast, dairy products, soy and soy derivatives, alcohol and non-whole-grain starches, etc. while doing any type of cleanse or fast. By following a Probiotic Lifestyle, anyone will be able to overcome life altering health issues and improve their digestion, energy, brain function, immune system, and overall quality of life. Most of the time, individuals have severe leaky gut syndrome as an underlying root cause of whatever other issues they are dealing with. A good, sensible detoxification program will make a world of difference. Hopefully, in this section of the website, we will be able to guide you to ridding yourself of your underlying health saboteurs. Grant Amazing ProductsDisclaimer: This product is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or any symptoms of illness or disease. All illnesses should be checked by a physician. If you are pregnant, seek medical advice before consuming this herb. Not advised for children under 12 years of age. Individual results may vary.
Caution: Do not take this product if you have any neurodegenerative disorders, Parkinson’s disease, or are taking any MAO inhibitor medications. Users should consult Naturopathy or Ayurvadic health professionals on any Herbal products usage relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but users who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. Click Picture for Details
Chlorine Dioxide a safe DIY Mold Oxidation Protocol is a technology providing viable approaches for decontamination and infection control of buildings, surfaces, food, air and water through the use of Chlorine Dioxide...without he high price. See Info Here Injecting Aluminum from Cinema Libre Studio on Vimeo. This Documentary documents the ill effects of Aluminium in Vaccines. At 1:04:00 you'll hear the Aluminium research Expert explain how aluminium in Gardasil contributes to infertility. JUST LIKE IT'S DOING IN THE US, NOW IN 2019. In the early 90s, a mysterious muscular disease with symptoms that included severe muscle and joint pain, fatigue, and fever began to surface among multiple patients in France, leaving them debilitated.
These two ancient healing tools can be used on their own, or they can support an existing internal detox regimen such as herbs. Both are excellent for pulling waste out of your body and releasing congestion/stagnation.
The liquid (pre-mixed) bentonite in this video: http://amzn.to/1sK2hSi ​The bentonite clay powder I buy in bulk to mix on my own: http://amzn.to/1O3ECX3 The cold-pressed castor oil in this video: http://amzn.to/281LNWp If you're familiar with bentonite clay's ability to detox the body, then you should also learn how to do a foot detox with bentonite clay. Just as ingesting bentonite clay internally can do amazing things for the body, so also soaking your feet in clay water can help to draw toxins out from your body.
Three important things to consider before preparing your bentonite clay foot detox bath are how much clay to use, what you should eat and drink as part of the detox, and how to treat your feet after the detox. Once you know the importance of each of these aspects, you will be much more prepared to do your very own foot detox with bentonite clay. If you want to consume bentonite clay but are concerned about how it will effect your body, then you will want to read this article to learn about potential bentonite clay side effects. Not everyone that consumes clay experiences side effects, but it's still a good idea to know what the possibilities are.
After reading this article, you will be aware of how bentonite clay works with the body, which will help you decide if or how you want to consume this detoxifying substance. Important: Clay Really Is Healthy! First of all, it is important to understand that bentonite clay itself is a very healthy substance. It generally does not harm the body when taken properly and in appropriate quantities. It is simply the way that the body reacts to the toxin-pulling effect of clay that may sometimes seem undesirable (at first glance, that is). In your study of bentonite clay and its uses both internally and externally, you have most likely come up with many questions for which you need answers. The following list of common questions and answers is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather introductory. These questions and answers will build your confidence in clay's ability to help your body, and will make you more eager to consume clay. You can find more answers by doing further research online, in books, and through trying it out yourself.
What Is Bentonite Clay? Bentonite clay is a type of clay that typically comes from layers of volcanic ash, and is used internally and externally for detoxification and for support of health in general. How Does Bentonite Clay Remove Toxins? Clay is highly negatively charged, and most toxins are positively charged. Thus, clay removes harmful chemicals and toxins by literally attracting, or "pulling" them to itself. At that point, the body is not able to utilize the toxin filled clay molecules, and so it flushes it out of the body. The result? Toxins are removed in an efficient, unobtrusive way. Click here to learn more about how clay removes toxins. The family of B vitamins are necessary drivers of liver detox pathways. They are also your best protection against elevated levels of homocysteine, an amino acid produced in the body that in excess, can increase your risk of mood disorders, poor mental performance, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Dirty Secrets About Hotel Drinking Glasses Hidden camera investigation on how room service actually cleans your rooms drinking glasses. NASTY!
Why Squat?
It may seem a bit too much work to squat every time you need to go to the bathroom, so why do it? Simply put, it is healthier. Squatting is what humans (and most animals) have done for thousands of years before the invention of the modern toilet. Ailments such as constipation, hemorrhoids, and appendicitis have increased since the adaption of the modern toilet. Research shows that our bathroom posture plays a bigger role in these ailments than a lack of dietary fiber. This awesome video explains everything in more detail. Make your own Natural Refreshing Weight Loss Detox Water!~ flush toxicity, add nutrients, and drink the weight away~
Not only can you flush away toxicity but you can add vital nutrients & minerals to your water with the following combinations: |
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Amare EDGE
The content of this JA Health Advocate Website is presented for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions.
This information (and any accompanying material) is not intended to replace the attention or advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional.
Anyone who wishes to embark on any dietary, drug, exercise, or other lifestyle change intended to prevent or treat a specific disease or condition should first consult with and seek clearance from a physician or other qualified health care professional. Pregnant women in particular should seek the advice of a physician before using any protocol listed on this website.
The protocols described on this website are for adult use only, unless otherwise specified. Protocol or product labels may contain important safety information and the most recent information provided by the linked product manufacturers, should be carefully reviewed prior to use to verify the usage rate, administration, and contraindications.
National, state, and local laws may vary regarding the use and application of many of the therapies discussed. The reader assumes the risk of any injuries. The authors and publishers, their affiliates and assigns are not liable for any injury and/or damage to persons arising from ANY protocols listed on this website, and expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
The protocols raise many issues that are subject to change as new data emerge. None of our suggested protocol regimens can guarantee health benefits. JA Health Advocate has not performed independent verification of the data contained in the referenced materials, and expressly disclaims responsibility for any error in any of the shared literature.
The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience.
JA Health Advocate encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
The CLO2 Protocols described on this site are for informational purposes ONLY. The reader accepts 100% responsibility for any and all use made of any information herein.
These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or the Jamaica Ministry of Health. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. They should not replace personal judgment nor medical treatment, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Always talk to your Natural Health Provider or M.D. about the use of these or any other complimentary modalities. Reading this website denotes your understanding and agreement to our full disclaimer.
You should contact a trained professional who understands how to safely and effectively use CLO2 and it's derivatives.
This warning and this stance taken by a government agency should be considered carefully by everyone.
The chemicals must be handled with respect. In addition, usage rates and guidelines must be understood and followed carefully. Many individuals have found they can learn to use chlorine dioxide effectively, but this has yet to be recognized by government authorities.
The recommendation is for you to find a doctor who will be on board and be supportive of using any of the self-help techniques you may find on this site.
FDA Patents for MMS/CD - Chlorine Dioxide for Cancer Care
FDA Patent: Chlorine dioxide gas for use in treating respiratory virus infection
FDA Patent: Apparatus and method for disinfecting water
FDA Patent for HIV Treatment
FDA Patent for Inflammatory Diseases
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