Eating While On Chlorine Dioxide (CD) Protocols
Health Recovery Manual
REMEMBER: CD is NOT Medicine and CANNOT Heal Anyone
Anyone considering the use of chlorine dioxide needs to be aware the US Food and Drug Administration has issued a Consumer Update warning against the use of chlorine dioxide, see This warning and this stance taken by a government agency should be considered carefully by everyone.. These chemicals are hazardous materials that need to be handled with respect. On this website we share info based on FDA patents.
NOT at mealtimes.
While on the protocols, it is best to plan your meals around your dosing. Space out the CD usage and meals by 20 to 30 minutes from the time you take your dose. For example, if you take your CD usage at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:20-8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am. Your breakfast should be relatively simple and small and take no longer than 10-15 minutes to eat. Likewise if you take an CD usage at 12 noon, lunch could be at 12:30 pm and so on.
During the hours you are on the protocol, it is best to try and eat smaller meals and/or snacks, as opposed to very large meals. (Don't get me wrong, you can eat while taking CD, just avoid the larger meals during the hours you are taking your doses.) There are a variety of ways this can be done—adjust according to your daily routine. For example, if you start your protocol fairly early in the morning, say at 8:00 am, eight hours later would be 3:00 pm, which would be the time of your last dose. If you have had smaller meals or snacks during this eight hour dosing period, and you finish your last dose at 3:00 pm, this means that by 5:00 pm or later, you could have your larger meal of the day.
Some people prefer to start their dosing later in the day, so that they are free in the morning hours to drink orange juice, or their cup of coffee or tea (see page 56 in the manual for more info). If a person starts their usage rate at 3:00 pm for example, their last usage would be at 10:00 pm if on the eight hour protocol. This means that before 1:00 pm they can have their coffee, tea or orange juice—things which are not compatible with CD and MMS2—at least two hours before starting the protocol. The idea is to adjust your dosing to fit your needs and schedule. See what works for you.
The effectiveness of CD can be cancelled out when mixed with certain foods which are particularly high in antioxidants. I have not had the time or the resources to do a completely thorough study of all foods on the planet to see what actually cancels out CD. Even if I did, there are many factors that may weigh into the equation of whether a certain food is cancelling out the effectiveness of CD. Such as if the food is GMO, what pesticides are present, what types of additives are in the food, that might have bearing, etc.
If you are very sick with a life threatening disease, to be absolutely sure if something in your diet is cancelling out CD or not, I can suggest using the test strips (see page 278) to test compatibility of CD with everything you eat. This may or may not be feasible for you.
Let me say, that just because a food is labeled as being antioxidant, it might not be particularly high in antioxidants, and thus it is not a given that it will necessarily cancel out CD. We will continue to try and do more testing on a wide range of foods to see what is compatible with CD and what is not. However, people have been taking CD for 20 years and recovering their health without having so many details defined. This book gives you some guidelines on what to avoid when taking CD. Do not take foods or supplements that are particularly high in antioxidants.
Beyond that, take note of what is working or not working for you. If you don't seem to be getting results with CD after a reasonable time on the protocol, take a serious look at your diet and see if something can be eliminated that you may suspect is conflicting with CD. If you are accustomed to eating many items at one meal, consider going with a menu that has less ingredients. Following a mono diet (or at least a partial mono diet) during the time you are on the protocol may be a help.
To Summarize
● Do not take an MMS dose with your meals, space out food consumption and your MMS1 dose by 20-30 minutes.
● During the hours you are actually taking your MMS doses, try not to eat big “feast” types of meals, but rather eat smaller meals and/or snacks.
● Do not eat or drink things that neutralize MMS during your dosing hours. (See pages 42-45, 56.)
● If you don’t seem to be having success after a reasonable time, consider simplifying your diet. Try eliminating things that could be suspect of canceling out MMS.
Nutritional Supplements and the HRP
There are two basic reasons for doing the HRP (Health Recovery Plan—see Chapter 5):
If you have a disease of most any kind then the decision is simple. What you want to do is eliminate the disease.
When someone is sick, and especially if they are seriously sick, it is a good time for the person to stop and examine various things, such as their diet and lifestyle. Eating right, exercising right, and living right all contribute to
good health.
While good nutrition is important for the body to get well, when someone is on the protocols described in this book, it can actually be helpful to avoid taking nutritional supplements for a time. This is because pathogens also feed on good nutrition, so in a sense, if you are taking nutritional supplements while the pathogens are still alive, you are building up with one hand and tearing down with the other. In addition, some nutritional supplements neutralize MMS.
This is especially true with cancer, and a number of major diseases—when you begin the protocols it is not the time to simultaneously be building up with an increase of extra nutritional supplements. In these cases, I would suggest that it is best to forgo taking supplements for two to three weeks, and possibly up to several weeks, depending on the situation. Because as I said, cancer cells and other pathogens can feed off good nutrition. You don’t want to do anything to encourage cancer or other diseases to live longer or multiply. The idea is to starve and kill the disease, not give it more to thrive on.
If you have a major disease, as mentioned above, suspend or do not start any supplements as you begin taking MMS—try to give it time to sufficiently destroy the pathogens before adding in supplements. On the other hand, if you really feel the need for some type of supplements that you know are good, or you have already tried, you may want to add them in at some point (as suggested above, I would say not before two to three weeks for major diseases) and see how you do.
It is imperative to pay close attention to how your body is reacting. If you are feeling good and doing better with the addition of a supplement(s), then continue. Do not change as long as you are improving. But if you do add supplements, (even though you take them at a different time than your MMS doses), and you are not progressing and getting well, or your healing is moving along too slowly, then it may be best to suspend the supplements again for a period of time.
If taking supplements, it is very important to space them out from the times you are taking your MMS doses by at least two hours, or even more if you can.
Never take supplements at the same time you take your MMS dose.
There are just about as many nutritional theories today as there are people. But our observations indicate that it is best to use MMS to kill the cancer cells and diseases while not promoting any special nutritional boosts for the body for a time. Then, once the disease is eliminated or greatly reduced, one can build up the immune system through good nutrition. It is a step-by-step process. Detox first, before introducing any new nutritional supplements and foods.
If you do not have a major disease but just want to cleanse from various toxins and heavy metals, and eliminate other things such as skin problems, achy joints, various nagging irritations, and a myriad of other ailments that are not necessarily life threatening, then you may begin supplementation any time after the first week or two on the protocol if you believe that the supplements will be of benefit to you. But the same principles apply, if you don't feel you are getting sufficient benefit from your MMS protocol, try suspending the supplements for a period of time and see how you do.
Anytime you are taking vitamins and supplements while dosing with MMS, always be sure to separate the times you take these from the times you take your MMS doses, by at least two hours. If possible, take your MMS doses in the first part of the day.
Then when you have completed your protocol for the day, two hours after your last MMS dose, begin taking your vitamins and supplements. It goes without saying, that if you start taking vitamins and supplements, do avoid synthetic and artificial products. It’s always best to try and eat nutritious whole foods.
Food and Drink to Avoid When on an MMS Protocol
● When taking MMS1 or MMS2 avoid alcohol, chocolate, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated drinks, tea (black, green and many herbal teas) milk, coconut water, orange juice, tangerine juice or any drinks with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
● Do not take foods or supplements that are particularly high in antioxidants such as Moringa, as these things cancel out the effectiveness of MMS. This is not to say you cannot have any of these foods if you are taking MMS. However when on a particular protocol it is better to wait until you finish your MMS doses for the day before consuming the above items, or take them first thing in the morning, then wait two hours before starting MMS dosing. Space them out by at least two hours after your last daily dose, or two hours before starting your daily dosing.
● If you are battling with a major disease you may want to suspend supplements all together for a time, as explained in the section above on Nutritional Supplements and the HRP.
Note: While tea is on this list of “dont's” there are some (not all) herbal teas that are compatible with MMS1. Use the test strip method described on page 278 to be sure what is and is not compatible.
While on the protocols, it is best to plan your meals around your dosing. Space out the CD usage and meals by 20 to 30 minutes from the time you take your dose. For example, if you take your CD usage at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:20-8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am. Your breakfast should be relatively simple and small and take no longer than 10-15 minutes to eat. Likewise if you take an CD usage at 12 noon, lunch could be at 12:30 pm and so on.
During the hours you are on the protocol, it is best to try and eat smaller meals and/or snacks, as opposed to very large meals. (Don't get me wrong, you can eat while taking CD, just avoid the larger meals during the hours you are taking your doses.) There are a variety of ways this can be done—adjust according to your daily routine. For example, if you start your protocol fairly early in the morning, say at 8:00 am, eight hours later would be 3:00 pm, which would be the time of your last dose. If you have had smaller meals or snacks during this eight hour dosing period, and you finish your last dose at 3:00 pm, this means that by 5:00 pm or later, you could have your larger meal of the day.
Some people prefer to start their dosing later in the day, so that they are free in the morning hours to drink orange juice, or their cup of coffee or tea (see page 56 in the manual for more info). If a person starts their usage rate at 3:00 pm for example, their last usage would be at 10:00 pm if on the eight hour protocol. This means that before 1:00 pm they can have their coffee, tea or orange juice—things which are not compatible with CD and MMS2—at least two hours before starting the protocol. The idea is to adjust your dosing to fit your needs and schedule. See what works for you.
The effectiveness of CD can be cancelled out when mixed with certain foods which are particularly high in antioxidants. I have not had the time or the resources to do a completely thorough study of all foods on the planet to see what actually cancels out CD. Even if I did, there are many factors that may weigh into the equation of whether a certain food is cancelling out the effectiveness of CD. Such as if the food is GMO, what pesticides are present, what types of additives are in the food, that might have bearing, etc.
If you are very sick with a life threatening disease, to be absolutely sure if something in your diet is cancelling out CD or not, I can suggest using the test strips (see page 278) to test compatibility of CD with everything you eat. This may or may not be feasible for you.
Let me say, that just because a food is labeled as being antioxidant, it might not be particularly high in antioxidants, and thus it is not a given that it will necessarily cancel out CD. We will continue to try and do more testing on a wide range of foods to see what is compatible with CD and what is not. However, people have been taking CD for 20 years and recovering their health without having so many details defined. This book gives you some guidelines on what to avoid when taking CD. Do not take foods or supplements that are particularly high in antioxidants.
Beyond that, take note of what is working or not working for you. If you don't seem to be getting results with CD after a reasonable time on the protocol, take a serious look at your diet and see if something can be eliminated that you may suspect is conflicting with CD. If you are accustomed to eating many items at one meal, consider going with a menu that has less ingredients. Following a mono diet (or at least a partial mono diet) during the time you are on the protocol may be a help.
To Summarize
● Do not take an MMS dose with your meals, space out food consumption and your MMS1 dose by 20-30 minutes.
● During the hours you are actually taking your MMS doses, try not to eat big “feast” types of meals, but rather eat smaller meals and/or snacks.
● Do not eat or drink things that neutralize MMS during your dosing hours. (See pages 42-45, 56.)
● If you don’t seem to be having success after a reasonable time, consider simplifying your diet. Try eliminating things that could be suspect of canceling out MMS.
Nutritional Supplements and the HRP
There are two basic reasons for doing the HRP (Health Recovery Plan—see Chapter 5):
- 1. To eradicate a disease and recover your health.
- 2. For cleansing purposes, to detox and thus get rid of poisons in the body, which can then help clear up a number of health problems both small and large.
If you have a disease of most any kind then the decision is simple. What you want to do is eliminate the disease.
When someone is sick, and especially if they are seriously sick, it is a good time for the person to stop and examine various things, such as their diet and lifestyle. Eating right, exercising right, and living right all contribute to
good health.
While good nutrition is important for the body to get well, when someone is on the protocols described in this book, it can actually be helpful to avoid taking nutritional supplements for a time. This is because pathogens also feed on good nutrition, so in a sense, if you are taking nutritional supplements while the pathogens are still alive, you are building up with one hand and tearing down with the other. In addition, some nutritional supplements neutralize MMS.
This is especially true with cancer, and a number of major diseases—when you begin the protocols it is not the time to simultaneously be building up with an increase of extra nutritional supplements. In these cases, I would suggest that it is best to forgo taking supplements for two to three weeks, and possibly up to several weeks, depending on the situation. Because as I said, cancer cells and other pathogens can feed off good nutrition. You don’t want to do anything to encourage cancer or other diseases to live longer or multiply. The idea is to starve and kill the disease, not give it more to thrive on.
If you have a major disease, as mentioned above, suspend or do not start any supplements as you begin taking MMS—try to give it time to sufficiently destroy the pathogens before adding in supplements. On the other hand, if you really feel the need for some type of supplements that you know are good, or you have already tried, you may want to add them in at some point (as suggested above, I would say not before two to three weeks for major diseases) and see how you do.
It is imperative to pay close attention to how your body is reacting. If you are feeling good and doing better with the addition of a supplement(s), then continue. Do not change as long as you are improving. But if you do add supplements, (even though you take them at a different time than your MMS doses), and you are not progressing and getting well, or your healing is moving along too slowly, then it may be best to suspend the supplements again for a period of time.
If taking supplements, it is very important to space them out from the times you are taking your MMS doses by at least two hours, or even more if you can.
Never take supplements at the same time you take your MMS dose.
There are just about as many nutritional theories today as there are people. But our observations indicate that it is best to use MMS to kill the cancer cells and diseases while not promoting any special nutritional boosts for the body for a time. Then, once the disease is eliminated or greatly reduced, one can build up the immune system through good nutrition. It is a step-by-step process. Detox first, before introducing any new nutritional supplements and foods.
If you do not have a major disease but just want to cleanse from various toxins and heavy metals, and eliminate other things such as skin problems, achy joints, various nagging irritations, and a myriad of other ailments that are not necessarily life threatening, then you may begin supplementation any time after the first week or two on the protocol if you believe that the supplements will be of benefit to you. But the same principles apply, if you don't feel you are getting sufficient benefit from your MMS protocol, try suspending the supplements for a period of time and see how you do.
Anytime you are taking vitamins and supplements while dosing with MMS, always be sure to separate the times you take these from the times you take your MMS doses, by at least two hours. If possible, take your MMS doses in the first part of the day.
Then when you have completed your protocol for the day, two hours after your last MMS dose, begin taking your vitamins and supplements. It goes without saying, that if you start taking vitamins and supplements, do avoid synthetic and artificial products. It’s always best to try and eat nutritious whole foods.
Food and Drink to Avoid When on an MMS Protocol
● When taking MMS1 or MMS2 avoid alcohol, chocolate, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated drinks, tea (black, green and many herbal teas) milk, coconut water, orange juice, tangerine juice or any drinks with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
● Do not take foods or supplements that are particularly high in antioxidants such as Moringa, as these things cancel out the effectiveness of MMS. This is not to say you cannot have any of these foods if you are taking MMS. However when on a particular protocol it is better to wait until you finish your MMS doses for the day before consuming the above items, or take them first thing in the morning, then wait two hours before starting MMS dosing. Space them out by at least two hours after your last daily dose, or two hours before starting your daily dosing.
● If you are battling with a major disease you may want to suspend supplements all together for a time, as explained in the section above on Nutritional Supplements and the HRP.
Note: While tea is on this list of “dont's” there are some (not all) herbal teas that are compatible with MMS1. Use the test strip method described on page 278 to be sure what is and is not compatible.
Disclaimer - Legal Notice
Notice: The information & pages contained within this website have neither been approved nor endorsed by the FDA or similar regulatory body. The information within this website is here as an educational resource only, & should not be taken as medical advice or replace the advice of a doctor.
The products known as the MMS/MMS1/CD/CLO2, should be researched as far as due diligence goes - any product taken in the capacity of a health supplement should be researched carefully. We do not assume responsibility for links going out to other websites - one must again research the veracity of the information. Let it be stated once again that there is no replacement for the advice from a medically trained doctor or appropriately trained medical practitioner.
Please be aware that the MMS/CD is a controversial product and should not be used in any capacity until you perform your own due diligence, and consult with your medical doctor. No information within this website is meant to provide the impression that self diagnosis is supported or endorsed by us.
ALWAYS be sure to consult your health care professional or medical practitioner when dealing with ANY type of illness or health related issue. Pregnant women MUST do your due diligence before beginning use of MMS/CD.
Notice: The information & pages contained within this website have neither been approved nor endorsed by the FDA or similar regulatory body. The information within this website is here as an educational resource only, & should not be taken as medical advice or replace the advice of a doctor.
The products known as the MMS/MMS1/CD/CLO2, should be researched as far as due diligence goes - any product taken in the capacity of a health supplement should be researched carefully. We do not assume responsibility for links going out to other websites - one must again research the veracity of the information. Let it be stated once again that there is no replacement for the advice from a medically trained doctor or appropriately trained medical practitioner.
Please be aware that the MMS/CD is a controversial product and should not be used in any capacity until you perform your own due diligence, and consult with your medical doctor. No information within this website is meant to provide the impression that self diagnosis is supported or endorsed by us.
ALWAYS be sure to consult your health care professional or medical practitioner when dealing with ANY type of illness or health related issue. Pregnant women MUST do your due diligence before beginning use of MMS/CD.