A Rite of Spring….
Spring is the ultimate time to begin a cleanse. Spring represents renewal and rebirth. The liver and your gallbladder loves attention at this time. You can show how much you appreciate them by giving them the foods and herbs which help them to do their job. Your liver is one of the hardest working organs in your body. The liver provides immunity against infection, metabolizes fats, regulates blood clotting, bile production and excretion. While metabolizing the activation, excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones and drugs.
While Storing glycogen, vitamins, minerals and Performing over 500 different chemical functions. While it Purifies and detoxifies a liter of blood every minute. The top 5 Herbs that support and cleanse the liver are artichoke, milk thistle, dandelion root, Turmeric root, bupleurum root. Other herbs that are very beneficial for the liver are Cyprus rhizome, ginger root, Licium fruit, dong quai, Chinese skullcap root, Peony root, Marshmallow root, and yellow dock. Phosphatidylcholine…. its extremely important for liver support as well.
Also avoid alcohol, acetaminophen, antibiotics and anti-acid medicines. To help support your liver eat healthy and organic food…. Foods that help support the liver are avocados, apples, cabbage, walnuts, grapefruit, beets, cruciferous vegetables, carrots, artichokes, flaxseed, olive & coconut oil. With Lemon juice one of the best things you can do for your liver. If you start your day off…. with a fresh glass of lemonade you will make the liver and gallbladder very HAPPY.
Also avoid alcohol, acetaminophen, antibiotics and anti-acid medicines. To help support your liver eat healthy and organic food…. Foods that help support the liver are avocados, apples, cabbage, walnuts, grapefruit, beets, cruciferous vegetables, carrots, artichokes, flaxseed, olive & coconut oil. With Lemon juice one of the best things you can do for your liver. If you start your day off…. with a fresh glass of lemonade you will make the liver and gallbladder very HAPPY.
REMOVING GALLSTONES FROM THE BODY…. Do a liver and gallbladder flush….
Before you attempt this flush you need to be on 3 to 4 capsules of choline per day for at least 2 to 3 weeks . One of the best things you can do for your liver is a gallbladder flush. A congested gallbladder…. can result in many symptoms including increasing allergies, exhaustion, pain in the right side…. below the rib cage, poor digestion and constipation, jaundice, poor skin conditions, weakened eye sight, weak alcohol tolerance, with increase desire for sugar, a tendency to put on weight, and stress on all the other organs that leads to more imbalances.
REMOVING GALLSTONES FROM THE BODY…. Do a liver and gallbladder flush….
Before you attempt this flush you need to be on 3 to 4 capsules of choline per day for at least 2 to 3 weeks . One of the best things you can do for your liver is a gallbladder flush. A congested gallbladder…. can result in many symptoms including increasing allergies, exhaustion, pain in the right side…. below the rib cage, poor digestion and constipation, jaundice, poor skin conditions, weakened eye sight, weak alcohol tolerance, with increase desire for sugar, a tendency to put on weight, and stress on all the other organs that leads to more imbalances.
The liver is the largest organ in your body and perhaps the hardest working responsible for many functions. Many health problems that appear throughout the body stem from a toxic liver. When clogged with stones…. that might eventually make their way into the gallbladder. Removal of the gallbladder is one of the most common surgical operations in most hospitals, and yet a simple recipe can remove stones overnight and restore your health in many areas. There are many websites that explain the medical detail regarding cholesterol and gallstone formation.
The purpose of this page is to provide a simple safe and effective recipe to cleanse stones for all different body sizes. While this recipe has also been adapted from several sources. The first time you do this cleanse…. you will likely follow the recipe like a pharmaceutical chemist due to the unfamiliar ingredients. However, after your first or second flush you’ll find you can adjust the ingredients intuitively to suit your body type.
PRE-CLEANSE: An apple a day that keeps the doctor away. Starting six days before with your olive oil and lemon juice cleanse and take 42 to 64 ounces of high-quality organic Apple juice each day.
A few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar each day is also very beneficial, eat raw organic apples when you get hungry. Your liver loves apples. The malic acid in The Juice helps to open the bile ducts and run through your liver and begins to soften and release the stones.
EXAMPLE SCHEDULE: Monday to Friday taking no fat, oils or dressings WITH No MEAT nothing with fat in it. Lite diet should include salads, brown rice, quinoa, Vegetables and plenty of apples and apple juice. On Saturday morning: Eat a breakfast you can eat oatmeal, quinoa, or fruit, no oils or fat and drink 16 ounces of apple juice to get you through the next 24 hours. You may not feel hungry during the fast… but you will need the energy. Around noon drink 16 ounces of apple juice.
Around 2 o’clock in the afternoon stop all food. No snacking at all ….allow your digestive system empty and rest completely. Water and herbal teas… are recommended throughout the afternoon. With Peppermint tea is excellent. Drink plenty of water so that you are well hydrated. At 8 o’clock in the evening drink one 16 ounce glass of high quality organic apple juice. At 10 o’clock: drink another 16 ounces of apple juice. At midnight: be totally ready for bed and DRINK 4 OUNCES of OLIVE OIL and 2 LEMONS freshly squeezed. Be totally ready for bed between midnight and 1 AM. Shower or take a bath and be set for bed after drinking the olive oil.
Get your bathroom tools ready for morning, including a colander and a stir stick and a jar if you want to collect your stones. A water pitcher to flush the Colander is also handy. It is extremely important you lie down immediately after taking the olive oil in order to release the most stones. Lay on your right side…. with your knees tucked in a fetal position. Stay very still for at least 20 minutes before you change positions. You will also likely hear a lot of gurgling down there which is a good sign that the Olive oil is at work. Of course you can change positions during the night. Go to sleep and stay in bed as long as possible.
The next morning around 8:00 AM take 2 teaspoons of Epson salt and 8 ounces of organic apple juice. Then you can go back to bed. You will have diarrhea sometime during the day after your flash. Do not plan on going anywhere. You can expect strong bowel movements in the morning…. usually between 8 AM and noon. Start with looking… for the stones after your first bowel movement. The first bowel movement which maybe regular and second dark green diarrhea. Each flush is a little different. And in the afternoon you will likely feel weak during your cleanse. But just rest and do what you need to do to help your cleansing. Don’t eat anything until you’ve had at least two or three bowel movements and you passed stones.
You may not see any stones until your second or third bowel movement. Some may not appear until the next day. If your gallbladder is full, you may only pass a few stones during the first flush. And during the second flush…. you may see hundreds of stones right away. You may not notice the stones immediately…. but they will float. They can be large, bright green, or blue green and fuzzy or they can be like small pebbles anywhere from blue-green to tan color. They’re generally the consistency of semi hard rubber. Now you have a happy liver and GALLBLADDER.
If you have questions I am Holistic Health Advocate & Wellness Coach and you can Contact me.
The purpose of this page is to provide a simple safe and effective recipe to cleanse stones for all different body sizes. While this recipe has also been adapted from several sources. The first time you do this cleanse…. you will likely follow the recipe like a pharmaceutical chemist due to the unfamiliar ingredients. However, after your first or second flush you’ll find you can adjust the ingredients intuitively to suit your body type.
PRE-CLEANSE: An apple a day that keeps the doctor away. Starting six days before with your olive oil and lemon juice cleanse and take 42 to 64 ounces of high-quality organic Apple juice each day.
A few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar each day is also very beneficial, eat raw organic apples when you get hungry. Your liver loves apples. The malic acid in The Juice helps to open the bile ducts and run through your liver and begins to soften and release the stones.
EXAMPLE SCHEDULE: Monday to Friday taking no fat, oils or dressings WITH No MEAT nothing with fat in it. Lite diet should include salads, brown rice, quinoa, Vegetables and plenty of apples and apple juice. On Saturday morning: Eat a breakfast you can eat oatmeal, quinoa, or fruit, no oils or fat and drink 16 ounces of apple juice to get you through the next 24 hours. You may not feel hungry during the fast… but you will need the energy. Around noon drink 16 ounces of apple juice.
Around 2 o’clock in the afternoon stop all food. No snacking at all ….allow your digestive system empty and rest completely. Water and herbal teas… are recommended throughout the afternoon. With Peppermint tea is excellent. Drink plenty of water so that you are well hydrated. At 8 o’clock in the evening drink one 16 ounce glass of high quality organic apple juice. At 10 o’clock: drink another 16 ounces of apple juice. At midnight: be totally ready for bed and DRINK 4 OUNCES of OLIVE OIL and 2 LEMONS freshly squeezed. Be totally ready for bed between midnight and 1 AM. Shower or take a bath and be set for bed after drinking the olive oil.
Get your bathroom tools ready for morning, including a colander and a stir stick and a jar if you want to collect your stones. A water pitcher to flush the Colander is also handy. It is extremely important you lie down immediately after taking the olive oil in order to release the most stones. Lay on your right side…. with your knees tucked in a fetal position. Stay very still for at least 20 minutes before you change positions. You will also likely hear a lot of gurgling down there which is a good sign that the Olive oil is at work. Of course you can change positions during the night. Go to sleep and stay in bed as long as possible.
The next morning around 8:00 AM take 2 teaspoons of Epson salt and 8 ounces of organic apple juice. Then you can go back to bed. You will have diarrhea sometime during the day after your flash. Do not plan on going anywhere. You can expect strong bowel movements in the morning…. usually between 8 AM and noon. Start with looking… for the stones after your first bowel movement. The first bowel movement which maybe regular and second dark green diarrhea. Each flush is a little different. And in the afternoon you will likely feel weak during your cleanse. But just rest and do what you need to do to help your cleansing. Don’t eat anything until you’ve had at least two or three bowel movements and you passed stones.
You may not see any stones until your second or third bowel movement. Some may not appear until the next day. If your gallbladder is full, you may only pass a few stones during the first flush. And during the second flush…. you may see hundreds of stones right away. You may not notice the stones immediately…. but they will float. They can be large, bright green, or blue green and fuzzy or they can be like small pebbles anywhere from blue-green to tan color. They’re generally the consistency of semi hard rubber. Now you have a happy liver and GALLBLADDER.
If you have questions I am Holistic Health Advocate & Wellness Coach and you can Contact me.
Medical Disclaimer: This is NOT medical advice. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. None of the health topics presented on JA Health Advocate have been evaluated or approved by the Jamaican Ministry of Health or the FDA. They should not replace personal judgment nor medical treatment, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always talk to your Natural Health Provider or M.D. about the use of these or any other complimentary modalities. JA Health Advocate encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or the Jamaica Ministry of Health. Reading this website denotes your understanding and agreement to our full disclaimer.