Get Your Sex Swagger Back!
On January 22, 1879, the world's most powerful army fell to a band of warriors using just spears and a secret weapon.
The weapon was a rare South African root — a secret safeguarded by the Zulu tribe for 3,000 years. Before battle, the Zulu would take a tiny dose of this strange plant. And when they did, they instantly felt consumed by almost god-like power. It not only gave them superior strength, agility and prowess…
It's what gave Zulu men legendary supernatural sexual powers (even elderly chiefs, council members and healers). It can do the same for you too.
Just a small dose could give you the most powerful, longest-lasting, and fullest erections of your life… whether you're struggling in the bedroom, or just want to add a surge of vitality to your sex life.
Get Your Sex Swagger Back!
How three African shrubs can rescue you from a testosterone-killing world. First, it’s important that you know the real reason you might be slowing down in bed. This modern plague can crash your desire… your erection… your staying power… and even your ability to reach an orgasm.
And it’s not going away anytime soon.
You see, your body today is swamped with testosterone-robbing chemicals. Yours, mine, and every other guy’s, too — no one is immune.
The worst of these toxic agents are called phthalates. The “ph” is silent, just like the way they could be smothering your sex life.
They’re in hundreds of plastic products as well as detergents, medications, soap, food packaging, shampoo, and even products like aftershave lotion.
They’re in the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the water you drink. You can’t escape them. The only question is:
How Much Do They Affect Your Ability To Perform?
Study1 after study2 after study3 reveals the link between phthalate exposure and decreased serum testosterone in men.
Indeed, recent studies indicate that phthalates may even interfere with testicular function.4,5
If that’s not slow “chemical castration,” I don’t know what is!
It can accelerate unwanted “low T” symptoms like muscle loss… man boobs… weakness… depression… and fatigue. None of that is healthy and you know it.
But if you’re like most guys facing this problem…It’s Your Fading Sex Life That Worries You the Most
That’s the 900-pound gorilla in the room. And that’s what I help men turn around practically every day of the week.
You see, after all the bad news, there’s a lot of encouraging news, too.
There’s a fast, easy, safe path to strong-again erections naturally — and it starts with this African “super trio” for sexual arousal.
They’ll help you achieve the kind of erection that makes you feel 21 years old again, and experience…
The Hottest Lovemaking You’ve Had in 30 Years! You’ll be happy. Your partner will be happy. The afterglow will last for days.
Great sex will do that for you every time! And the first step, as you can well imagine, is giving your own testosterone-producing ability a much-needed lift.
Simple, Right? Prime That Pump and Fuel Your Passion
There are natural ways to do it, too — and one of the best is a remarkable testosterone-boosting shrub from South Africa called Bulbine natalensis. Bulbine natalensis is in the same family as aloe vera, the world-famous healing plant. And like aloe, it has been a highly prized botanical in African Traditional Medicine for centuries. These supplements contain the testosterone boosting supplement.
However, bulbine natalensis stands out from aloe in one truly remarkable way — its libido-boosting powers are legendary.
In fact, it’s one of the most popular natural aphrodisiacs.
And Now We Know Why It’s So Popular. It Works 3 Ways to Boost Testosterone!
As you may already know, testosterone is produced in your testicles. Special cells called Leydig cells manufacture it.
These cells have worked endlessly to pump testosterone into your system since puberty. Remember the days you’d get an erection just by thinking about sex? You can thank your Leydig cells. Back then, testosterone was practically coming out of your pores!
Unfortunately, these cells decline with age and toxic overload. That’s why your testosterone levels drop by 2% to 3% per year as you get older.
You could lose 60% of your testosterone between the ages of 40 and 70, and even a whole lot more. But here’s the truth about your Leydig cells…
They May Be Down, But They’re Not Out. Not By a Long Shot.
And that’s where bulbine natalensis enters the picture.
You see, this natural extract triggers the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from your pituitary gland, which is what stimulates your Leydig cells to release testosterone.6
Boom! That’s how you get your engine running on high-octane fuel again. But that’s not all bulbine natalensis does. It also supports your level of testicular cholesterol, and that’s a good thing.7 Cholesterol is a crucial raw material used to create testosterone. Without enough cholesterol uptake in your testicles, your T-producing cells can’t do their job. It’s as simple as that. But this African wonder helps keep those levels up and within the normal healthy range.
Third, a study done on animals showed that bulbine natalensis supported the body’s ability to remove excess estrogen in your body.8 That’s the female hormone that in excess leads to strength loss, a fading libido, and weight gain.
A little estrogen in your body is natural. But today, men’s bodies are swimming in it. It’s another awful by-product of today’s toxic overload.
You Want Testosterone In Charge, Not a Woman’s Hormone!
Getting your testosterone and estrogen back in balance is a big deal. It restores masculinity, and that’s a boost for your sex drive and your overall health.
One more thing about bulbine natalensis: it’s rich in alkaloids that help open up blood vessels in your penis. That means it may even help you achieve a stronger erection.9
So if you’re keeping score, this amazing botanical promotes testosterone… reduces estrogen… improves hormone balance… and supports erectile function.
That’s not just two birds with one stone, that’s several. No wonder it’s such a celebrated sex-booster! And if you think I’m impressed with bulbine natalensis, just wait.
Testosterone production may decline naturally with age. Testosterone supplements help to replenish and rejuvenate testosterone levels in men in addition to:**
As males grow older, research has indicated that testosterone production diminishes significantly, potentially creating hormonal imbalance. This imbalance may lead to decreased muscle mass, weaker bones, mood issues, weight management problems, unbalanced blood sugar and diminished libido.**
While hormonal issues may be addressed with synthetic pills, creams, and patches, natural testosterone supplements are also available. These supplements can help to correct any hormonal imbalances, restoring the healthy testosterone levels that are associated with healthy weight, peak athletic performance, muscle mass, mood balance and revitalized sexual desire and function. Some of the most popular testosterone supplements include:**
Diindolylmethane (DIM) is found in nutrient-rich vegetables. As a supplement, it optimizes estrogen metabolism and supports breast health.** Additionally, DIM is known to:
Found primarily in vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, diindolylmethane (DIM) is believed to balance hormone levels in the body while supporting immune system and detoxification functions.**
DHEA supports anti-aging efforts. It supports adrenal gland health while modulating immune system function.** DHEA is also known to:
Produced naturally by the adrenal glands, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone precursor that is converted by the body into estrogen or testosterone. Research has indicated that DHEA may combat bone and muscle loss, optimize memory and cognition, and help restore sex drive, particularly in older men.**
Tongkat Ali: A traditional remedy from South-East Asia also known as Malaysian ginseng and Long Jack, Tongkat ali is commonly associated with healthy sexual performance. Research has suggested that these benefits may be linked to Tongkat ali’s ability to support youthful hormone levels.**
Mucuna Pruiens: Also known as the velvet bean, mucuna pruriens is primarily used for its naturally occurring concentration of L-DOPA, which is used in the synthesis of dopamine. Studies have suggested that mucuna pruriens may support virility in men and promote youthful sexual function.**
Fenugreek is an herbal extract derived from the seeds of a South Asian plant. The botanical has been used for centuries in the Ayurvedic wellness system due to its:
Traditionally used in Indian and Chinese health practices, fenugreek is one of the oldest wellness herbs known. Research has suggested fenugreek may balance testosterone levels, in turn promoting robust sex drive and revitalized performance.**
Testosterone Supplements
Testosterone supplements originate from various sources. Caplets, tablets, and capsules are the most widely available forms of these supplements.
Testosterone Directions for Use
Always consult your health care provider before beginning any hormone supplementation regimen. There is no recommended dosage for these supplements.**
Let me tell you about the second African secret that can improve your sex life the very first day you try it.
I Thought I Knew Every Natural ED Solution Under the Sun…
In KwaZulu-Natal Africa, the Traditional Medical Practitioners (TMPs) have a remedy for erectile dysfunction they called “Bangalala.” It’s an extract from the root of another small South African shrub called Eriosema.
The practitioners all said the same thing: this was the Zulu secret to stronger sex for anyone who needed help. “It brings the man back,” one said with a smile.
Indeed, Zulu men have used it for centuries. According to the TMPs, men are instructed to consume bangalala eriosema two to four hours before anticipated sexual intercourse, to get beneficial effects that last from four to six hours.10
Sound like something you see all the time on TV? You bet it does. Bangalala Was Their “ED Pill” Long Before There Were ED Pills!
Studies show eriosema works by boosting blood flow to your genital area.
In one laboratory study, researchers found that eriosema’s most active compounds showed activity levels on penile tissues that reached 75% of that found in a popular ED drug.11
This sets eriosema apart from many other natural solutions that you must take for weeks before you see results. And it means eriosema could be…
The Convenient, Fast-Acting “Lift” You’ve Been Looking For
There’s only one problem with bangalala eriosema that I can see — there’s not enough to go around! Bangalala is not grown on the same “mass production” scale as many other male-support botanicals you may already know. Supplies outside of Africa are hard to come by, to say the least.
You could hunt down 101 male-support formulas in America and not see eriosema anywhere in the ingredients…
Yet It May Be The Best Male Enhancement
Solution In All of Nature
So where can you get bangalala eriosema?
You will find it, teamed up with bulbine natalensis, in powerful men’s formulas that will help you bring the bedroom magic back, and I made sure of it. These two ingredients may be the most exciting advances in natural sexual support yet. Together, they’ll fuel your desire for sex and then help you fulfill it. Simple!
Next? Get In the Mood For Love. The Right Mood. And by that I mean one thing in particular: a confident mood!
When you begin to struggle in bed, your erection isn’t the only thing that fades. So does your self-assurance.
And that just makes everything worse. The more you worry about getting an erection, the more trouble you’ll have achieving one and keeping one. It becomes every guy’s worst nightmare.
So included is a third amazing African herb that should be in every men’s sex-health formula.
It’s a natural confidence-builder called griffonia simplicifolia. Griffonia is a climbing shrub found in West and Central Africa. Its seeds have been used for thousands of years for their mood-enhancing properties. Once again… Traditional African Medicine Was Way Ahead of the Game With This Natural Mood-Lifter.
Only recently has science determined that griffonia is rich with one of nature’s best anxiety solutions of all: 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP.12
This natural amino acid is the immediate precursor to serotonin, the “feel good” neurotransmitter that promotes a feeling of contentment and well-being.
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) boosts the brain's relaxation neurotransmitters.** It promotes focus, memory, and learning while optimizing bright, positive moods.** Additionally, 5-HTP can:
5-HTP helps your body produce more serotonin. That’s when the anxiety melts away. Your confidence grows… and you know what that means. When you slide into bed in the arms of your lover…Everything Works Like a Charm...(You’re Welcome!)
After all, sex may be a simple act, but getting there is another story once you hit middle age. It’s not as automatic as it used to be.
Many factors get you to the point of physical arousal and sex itself. Boost your libido and desire with bulbine natalensis
Strengthen your erection and staying power with bangalala eriosema Build your confidence with griffoniaIs there anything else that can help? Yes indeed.
There’s one more part of powerful sex that other men’s formulas also overlook:
The Raw Energy to Perform Like a Lion Again. You don’t want to run out of steam. Not when the passion is just heating up!
When you’re hitting your stride together in bed, you want the stamina to take charge and keep going. First turn to guarana berry from South America. Guarana has been used for centuries as an energizing aphrodisiac tea among South American natives. Its mood-lifting energy is released more slowly into the body than other pick-me-up beverages, even coffee.
That means more energy will be there when you need it the most. One study shows that it does indeed boost physical endurance.13
That Comes in Handy Even If You’re in Great Shape!
The second energy-lifter is Vitamin B12. Nearly 40% of men don’t get enough B12 daily14, and that can translate into low energy and fatigue right off the bat.
And there’s a second reason you don’t want to run low on B12: it helps you perform in bed, too. Low B12has been linked to erectile dysfunction.15 And with vasodilator effects, B12 works to enlarge your blood vessels which can boost your erection power and
provides the superior methylcobalamin form of B12. It’s more readily absorbed, to make sure a simple deficiency doesn’t trip you up.
Stronger desire… harder erections… greater endurance… satisfying climaxes…
Best of all, you’ll enjoy the best sex you’ve had in memory……without a trip to the doctor. …without pharmaceutical ED drugs or testosterone prescriptions. …without costly treatments, exercises, pumps, or therapy of any kind.
After all the frustration and embarrassment, you’ll be satisfied. So if you’ve had your share of problems lately, please, take it from me: sensational lovemaking can be yours again. And it should be: Staying Young and Acting Young is No Crime. It’s a Blessing!
You can and should enjoy your virility all the way to 100, no matter what today’s world throws at you.
You have the power to make it happen. And it’s right at your fingertip. Safe, natural ingredients to help you keep your passion alive.
So why not give it a try?
And to help you fuel your passion for years and decades to come, you, can also get a copy of the 192-page:
12 Secrets to Virility: A Man’s Guide to Peak Health, Great Sex and Powerful Living.
12 Secrets to Virility gives you a total, how-to blueprint to building a solid masculine “core” that will last for the rest of your life.
Each secret addresses a specific aspect of male health and sexual vitality, and is based on my decades of anti-aging practice at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. You’ll discover the best easy ways to maintain healthy testosterone… erase estrogen overload… build muscle strength in 10 minutes a day… improve your joints… keep the sexual fires roaring… and so much more.
And I promise: it doesn’t bog you down with scientific jargon.
It just spells out what to do… what to take… what to eat… and what to avoid — for fast results that will literally transform your life.
You’ll fly right through it.
After all, there’s no mistaking those feelings of surging desire… the erections that grow faster and harder, and last longer… and the stamina and climaxes that put the “wow” back into your love life. Your partner will do a double-take. You’ll do a double-take! What more could a guy ask for?
So — Are You Ready to Swagger Back Into The Bedroom and Sweep Your Lover Away?
The weapon was a rare South African root — a secret safeguarded by the Zulu tribe for 3,000 years. Before battle, the Zulu would take a tiny dose of this strange plant. And when they did, they instantly felt consumed by almost god-like power. It not only gave them superior strength, agility and prowess…
It's what gave Zulu men legendary supernatural sexual powers (even elderly chiefs, council members and healers). It can do the same for you too.
Just a small dose could give you the most powerful, longest-lasting, and fullest erections of your life… whether you're struggling in the bedroom, or just want to add a surge of vitality to your sex life.
Get Your Sex Swagger Back!
How three African shrubs can rescue you from a testosterone-killing world. First, it’s important that you know the real reason you might be slowing down in bed. This modern plague can crash your desire… your erection… your staying power… and even your ability to reach an orgasm.
And it’s not going away anytime soon.
You see, your body today is swamped with testosterone-robbing chemicals. Yours, mine, and every other guy’s, too — no one is immune.
The worst of these toxic agents are called phthalates. The “ph” is silent, just like the way they could be smothering your sex life.
They’re in hundreds of plastic products as well as detergents, medications, soap, food packaging, shampoo, and even products like aftershave lotion.
They’re in the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the water you drink. You can’t escape them. The only question is:
How Much Do They Affect Your Ability To Perform?
Study1 after study2 after study3 reveals the link between phthalate exposure and decreased serum testosterone in men.
Indeed, recent studies indicate that phthalates may even interfere with testicular function.4,5
If that’s not slow “chemical castration,” I don’t know what is!
It can accelerate unwanted “low T” symptoms like muscle loss… man boobs… weakness… depression… and fatigue. None of that is healthy and you know it.
But if you’re like most guys facing this problem…It’s Your Fading Sex Life That Worries You the Most
That’s the 900-pound gorilla in the room. And that’s what I help men turn around practically every day of the week.
You see, after all the bad news, there’s a lot of encouraging news, too.
There’s a fast, easy, safe path to strong-again erections naturally — and it starts with this African “super trio” for sexual arousal.
They’ll help you achieve the kind of erection that makes you feel 21 years old again, and experience…
The Hottest Lovemaking You’ve Had in 30 Years! You’ll be happy. Your partner will be happy. The afterglow will last for days.
Great sex will do that for you every time! And the first step, as you can well imagine, is giving your own testosterone-producing ability a much-needed lift.
Simple, Right? Prime That Pump and Fuel Your Passion
There are natural ways to do it, too — and one of the best is a remarkable testosterone-boosting shrub from South Africa called Bulbine natalensis. Bulbine natalensis is in the same family as aloe vera, the world-famous healing plant. And like aloe, it has been a highly prized botanical in African Traditional Medicine for centuries. These supplements contain the testosterone boosting supplement.
However, bulbine natalensis stands out from aloe in one truly remarkable way — its libido-boosting powers are legendary.
In fact, it’s one of the most popular natural aphrodisiacs.
And Now We Know Why It’s So Popular. It Works 3 Ways to Boost Testosterone!
As you may already know, testosterone is produced in your testicles. Special cells called Leydig cells manufacture it.
These cells have worked endlessly to pump testosterone into your system since puberty. Remember the days you’d get an erection just by thinking about sex? You can thank your Leydig cells. Back then, testosterone was practically coming out of your pores!
Unfortunately, these cells decline with age and toxic overload. That’s why your testosterone levels drop by 2% to 3% per year as you get older.
You could lose 60% of your testosterone between the ages of 40 and 70, and even a whole lot more. But here’s the truth about your Leydig cells…
They May Be Down, But They’re Not Out. Not By a Long Shot.
And that’s where bulbine natalensis enters the picture.
You see, this natural extract triggers the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from your pituitary gland, which is what stimulates your Leydig cells to release testosterone.6
Boom! That’s how you get your engine running on high-octane fuel again. But that’s not all bulbine natalensis does. It also supports your level of testicular cholesterol, and that’s a good thing.7 Cholesterol is a crucial raw material used to create testosterone. Without enough cholesterol uptake in your testicles, your T-producing cells can’t do their job. It’s as simple as that. But this African wonder helps keep those levels up and within the normal healthy range.
Third, a study done on animals showed that bulbine natalensis supported the body’s ability to remove excess estrogen in your body.8 That’s the female hormone that in excess leads to strength loss, a fading libido, and weight gain.
A little estrogen in your body is natural. But today, men’s bodies are swimming in it. It’s another awful by-product of today’s toxic overload.
You Want Testosterone In Charge, Not a Woman’s Hormone!
Getting your testosterone and estrogen back in balance is a big deal. It restores masculinity, and that’s a boost for your sex drive and your overall health.
One more thing about bulbine natalensis: it’s rich in alkaloids that help open up blood vessels in your penis. That means it may even help you achieve a stronger erection.9
So if you’re keeping score, this amazing botanical promotes testosterone… reduces estrogen… improves hormone balance… and supports erectile function.
That’s not just two birds with one stone, that’s several. No wonder it’s such a celebrated sex-booster! And if you think I’m impressed with bulbine natalensis, just wait.
Testosterone production may decline naturally with age. Testosterone supplements help to replenish and rejuvenate testosterone levels in men in addition to:**
- Maintaining peak muscle and bone mass.**
- Optimizing male performance and stamina.**
- Promoting mental wellness and quality of life.**
As males grow older, research has indicated that testosterone production diminishes significantly, potentially creating hormonal imbalance. This imbalance may lead to decreased muscle mass, weaker bones, mood issues, weight management problems, unbalanced blood sugar and diminished libido.**
While hormonal issues may be addressed with synthetic pills, creams, and patches, natural testosterone supplements are also available. These supplements can help to correct any hormonal imbalances, restoring the healthy testosterone levels that are associated with healthy weight, peak athletic performance, muscle mass, mood balance and revitalized sexual desire and function. Some of the most popular testosterone supplements include:**
Diindolylmethane (DIM) is found in nutrient-rich vegetables. As a supplement, it optimizes estrogen metabolism and supports breast health.** Additionally, DIM is known to:
- Promote cervical health.**
- Encourage prostate wellness.**
- Help modulate inflammation.**
Found primarily in vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, diindolylmethane (DIM) is believed to balance hormone levels in the body while supporting immune system and detoxification functions.**
DHEA supports anti-aging efforts. It supports adrenal gland health while modulating immune system function.** DHEA is also known to:
- Help to maintain healthy libido.**
- Support healthy mood and cognition.**
- Optimize bone strength and health.**
Produced naturally by the adrenal glands, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone precursor that is converted by the body into estrogen or testosterone. Research has indicated that DHEA may combat bone and muscle loss, optimize memory and cognition, and help restore sex drive, particularly in older men.**
Tongkat Ali: A traditional remedy from South-East Asia also known as Malaysian ginseng and Long Jack, Tongkat ali is commonly associated with healthy sexual performance. Research has suggested that these benefits may be linked to Tongkat ali’s ability to support youthful hormone levels.**
Mucuna Pruiens: Also known as the velvet bean, mucuna pruriens is primarily used for its naturally occurring concentration of L-DOPA, which is used in the synthesis of dopamine. Studies have suggested that mucuna pruriens may support virility in men and promote youthful sexual function.**
Fenugreek is an herbal extract derived from the seeds of a South Asian plant. The botanical has been used for centuries in the Ayurvedic wellness system due to its:
- Support of blood sugar balance.**
- Encouragement of cholesterol metabolism.**
- Promotion of testosterone & male performance.**
Traditionally used in Indian and Chinese health practices, fenugreek is one of the oldest wellness herbs known. Research has suggested fenugreek may balance testosterone levels, in turn promoting robust sex drive and revitalized performance.**
Testosterone Supplements
Testosterone supplements originate from various sources. Caplets, tablets, and capsules are the most widely available forms of these supplements.
Testosterone Directions for Use
Always consult your health care provider before beginning any hormone supplementation regimen. There is no recommended dosage for these supplements.**
Let me tell you about the second African secret that can improve your sex life the very first day you try it.
I Thought I Knew Every Natural ED Solution Under the Sun…
In KwaZulu-Natal Africa, the Traditional Medical Practitioners (TMPs) have a remedy for erectile dysfunction they called “Bangalala.” It’s an extract from the root of another small South African shrub called Eriosema.
The practitioners all said the same thing: this was the Zulu secret to stronger sex for anyone who needed help. “It brings the man back,” one said with a smile.
Indeed, Zulu men have used it for centuries. According to the TMPs, men are instructed to consume bangalala eriosema two to four hours before anticipated sexual intercourse, to get beneficial effects that last from four to six hours.10
Sound like something you see all the time on TV? You bet it does. Bangalala Was Their “ED Pill” Long Before There Were ED Pills!
Studies show eriosema works by boosting blood flow to your genital area.
In one laboratory study, researchers found that eriosema’s most active compounds showed activity levels on penile tissues that reached 75% of that found in a popular ED drug.11
This sets eriosema apart from many other natural solutions that you must take for weeks before you see results. And it means eriosema could be…
The Convenient, Fast-Acting “Lift” You’ve Been Looking For
There’s only one problem with bangalala eriosema that I can see — there’s not enough to go around! Bangalala is not grown on the same “mass production” scale as many other male-support botanicals you may already know. Supplies outside of Africa are hard to come by, to say the least.
You could hunt down 101 male-support formulas in America and not see eriosema anywhere in the ingredients…
Yet It May Be The Best Male Enhancement
Solution In All of Nature
So where can you get bangalala eriosema?
You will find it, teamed up with bulbine natalensis, in powerful men’s formulas that will help you bring the bedroom magic back, and I made sure of it. These two ingredients may be the most exciting advances in natural sexual support yet. Together, they’ll fuel your desire for sex and then help you fulfill it. Simple!
Next? Get In the Mood For Love. The Right Mood. And by that I mean one thing in particular: a confident mood!
When you begin to struggle in bed, your erection isn’t the only thing that fades. So does your self-assurance.
And that just makes everything worse. The more you worry about getting an erection, the more trouble you’ll have achieving one and keeping one. It becomes every guy’s worst nightmare.
So included is a third amazing African herb that should be in every men’s sex-health formula.
It’s a natural confidence-builder called griffonia simplicifolia. Griffonia is a climbing shrub found in West and Central Africa. Its seeds have been used for thousands of years for their mood-enhancing properties. Once again… Traditional African Medicine Was Way Ahead of the Game With This Natural Mood-Lifter.
Only recently has science determined that griffonia is rich with one of nature’s best anxiety solutions of all: 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP.12
This natural amino acid is the immediate precursor to serotonin, the “feel good” neurotransmitter that promotes a feeling of contentment and well-being.
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) boosts the brain's relaxation neurotransmitters.** It promotes focus, memory, and learning while optimizing bright, positive moods.** Additionally, 5-HTP can:
- Support calm tranquility.**
- Help encourage deep, restful sleep.**
5-HTP helps your body produce more serotonin. That’s when the anxiety melts away. Your confidence grows… and you know what that means. When you slide into bed in the arms of your lover…Everything Works Like a Charm...(You’re Welcome!)
After all, sex may be a simple act, but getting there is another story once you hit middle age. It’s not as automatic as it used to be.
Many factors get you to the point of physical arousal and sex itself. Boost your libido and desire with bulbine natalensis
Strengthen your erection and staying power with bangalala eriosema Build your confidence with griffoniaIs there anything else that can help? Yes indeed.
There’s one more part of powerful sex that other men’s formulas also overlook:
The Raw Energy to Perform Like a Lion Again. You don’t want to run out of steam. Not when the passion is just heating up!
When you’re hitting your stride together in bed, you want the stamina to take charge and keep going. First turn to guarana berry from South America. Guarana has been used for centuries as an energizing aphrodisiac tea among South American natives. Its mood-lifting energy is released more slowly into the body than other pick-me-up beverages, even coffee.
That means more energy will be there when you need it the most. One study shows that it does indeed boost physical endurance.13
That Comes in Handy Even If You’re in Great Shape!
The second energy-lifter is Vitamin B12. Nearly 40% of men don’t get enough B12 daily14, and that can translate into low energy and fatigue right off the bat.
And there’s a second reason you don’t want to run low on B12: it helps you perform in bed, too. Low B12has been linked to erectile dysfunction.15 And with vasodilator effects, B12 works to enlarge your blood vessels which can boost your erection power and
provides the superior methylcobalamin form of B12. It’s more readily absorbed, to make sure a simple deficiency doesn’t trip you up.
Stronger desire… harder erections… greater endurance… satisfying climaxes…
Best of all, you’ll enjoy the best sex you’ve had in memory……without a trip to the doctor. …without pharmaceutical ED drugs or testosterone prescriptions. …without costly treatments, exercises, pumps, or therapy of any kind.
After all the frustration and embarrassment, you’ll be satisfied. So if you’ve had your share of problems lately, please, take it from me: sensational lovemaking can be yours again. And it should be: Staying Young and Acting Young is No Crime. It’s a Blessing!
You can and should enjoy your virility all the way to 100, no matter what today’s world throws at you.
You have the power to make it happen. And it’s right at your fingertip. Safe, natural ingredients to help you keep your passion alive.
So why not give it a try?
And to help you fuel your passion for years and decades to come, you, can also get a copy of the 192-page:
12 Secrets to Virility: A Man’s Guide to Peak Health, Great Sex and Powerful Living.
12 Secrets to Virility gives you a total, how-to blueprint to building a solid masculine “core” that will last for the rest of your life.
Each secret addresses a specific aspect of male health and sexual vitality, and is based on my decades of anti-aging practice at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. You’ll discover the best easy ways to maintain healthy testosterone… erase estrogen overload… build muscle strength in 10 minutes a day… improve your joints… keep the sexual fires roaring… and so much more.
And I promise: it doesn’t bog you down with scientific jargon.
It just spells out what to do… what to take… what to eat… and what to avoid — for fast results that will literally transform your life.
You’ll fly right through it.
After all, there’s no mistaking those feelings of surging desire… the erections that grow faster and harder, and last longer… and the stamina and climaxes that put the “wow” back into your love life. Your partner will do a double-take. You’ll do a double-take! What more could a guy ask for?
So — Are You Ready to Swagger Back Into The Bedroom and Sweep Your Lover Away?
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) - Rife Frequencies
Men who have Impotence will have the consistent inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. So what's the solution?
Royal Rife was a genius who made numerous important discoveries. He found that frequencies can reverse serious medical conditions. Using frequencies he restored health to many people. Some of the frequencies he discovered are within these videos.
Turn your speakers on or Put your earbuds in or your head set. Sit back, and relax. Feel the soothing and healing vibrations as they flow through your body. Drink plenty of purified water. Listen to this Rife frequency as often as you like. You will feel the difference.
Sit back, and relax. Feel the soothing and healing vibrations as they flow through your body.
After using these frequencies each time, don't forget to drink a litre of water. For best result, use a good set of stereo headphones.
Treatment Tine = Length of video
Specifics Rife Frequencies
We recommend two sessions daily, one in the morning and one in the evening. You can extend your treatment until recovery. Your body knows when you are running them too long, as you will get nausea. Drink plenty of real water to prevent dehydration.
Royal Rife was a genius who made numerous important discoveries. He found that frequencies can reverse serious medical conditions. Using frequencies he restored health to many people. Some of the frequencies he discovered are within these videos.
Turn your speakers on or Put your earbuds in or your head set. Sit back, and relax. Feel the soothing and healing vibrations as they flow through your body. Drink plenty of purified water. Listen to this Rife frequency as often as you like. You will feel the difference.
Sit back, and relax. Feel the soothing and healing vibrations as they flow through your body.
After using these frequencies each time, don't forget to drink a litre of water. For best result, use a good set of stereo headphones.
Treatment Tine = Length of video
Specifics Rife Frequencies
We recommend two sessions daily, one in the morning and one in the evening. You can extend your treatment until recovery. Your body knows when you are running them too long, as you will get nausea. Drink plenty of real water to prevent dehydration.
Please drink at least a liter of pure water (no tap) each time you use these (or any) of these frequency videos.
The more water you drink, the better they work. Seriously.
A Man’s Guide to Peak Health, Great Sex and Powerful Living
You can be next. You can take action to restore the natural power of your real manhood. I spell out how, step by step, in 12 chapters targeting every aspect of men’s health and sexual vitality. The entire e-book is packed with urgent information, but…
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Secret #3 — Eat Food Fit for a Man. Fuel your body with the natural foods you were meant to eat — and wake up every day feeling charged with energy.
Secret #4 — Make More Manly Muscle. “Cave man calisthenics” that build real strength, really fast… and the workout plan that makes it grow like magic.
Secret #5 — Beat this Man’s Disease. Prostate Maintenance 101 with the healthy strategies that really work. Call it Peace of Mind 101.
Secret #6 — Stay Virile to 100. Improve the true “bio-markers” of aging, and you can stay strong and manly for the rest of your life. Here’s how in a nutshell.
Secret #7 — Take Your Single Most Important Supplement. It prevents — even reverses — heart disease… and most doctors know nothing about it!
Secret #8 — Beat Inflammation. Forget toxic prescription drugs. You can ease joint pain naturally — in as little as 2 days — with these scientifically proven methods.
Secret #9 — Boost Your Brain Power. There’s nothing virile about brain fog! Discover the nutrients that reawaken a youthful and razor-sharp mind.
Secret #10 — Get Your Rocks. Here are the 3 most critical minerals every guy needs, but most guys don’t even know about!
Secret #11 — Use Herbs for Manhood. Most doctors know next to nothing about them — but they really work. Discover the seven most powerful for your male needs.
Secret #12 — Have Great Sex for Life. Get all the latest natural breakthroughs to ensure strong, lasting erections on demand for the rest of your life.
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2. Pan Y, et al. “Association between phthalate metabolites and biomarkers of reproductive function in 1066 Chinese men of reproductive age.” J Hazard Mater. 2015 Dec 30.
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4. Chang WH, et al. “Phthalates might interfere with testicular function by reducing testosterone and insulin-like factor 3 levels.” Hum Reprod. 2015 Nov 30.
5. Joensen UN, et al. “Phthalate excretion pattern and testicular function: a study of 881 healthy Danish men.” Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Oct.
6. Yakubu MT, Afolayan AJ. “Effect of aqueous extract of Bulbine natalensis (Baker) stem on the sexual behaviour of male rats.” Int J Androl. 2009 Dec.
7. Yakubu MT, Afolayan AJ. “Anabolic and androgenic activities of Bulbine natalensis stem in male Wistar rats.” Pharm Biol. 2010 May.
8. Yakubu MT, Afolayan AJ. “Reproductive toxicologic evaluations of Bulbine natalensis Baker stem extract in albino rats.” Theriogenology. 2009 Aug.
9. Luna-Vázquez FJ, et al. “Vasodilator Compounds Derived from Plants and Their Mechanisms of Action.” Molecules. 2013.
10. Ojewole J. “African traditional medicines for erectile dysfunction: elusive dream or imminent reality?” Cardiovasc J Afr. 2007 Jul-Aug.
11. Drewes SE, et al. “Pyrano-isoflavones with erectile-dysfunction activity from Eriosema kraussianum.” Phytochemistry. 2002 Apr.
12. Fellows LE, Bell EA. “5-hydroxy-l-tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptamine and l-tryptophan-5-hydroxylase in griffonia simplicifolia.” Phytochemistry. Volume 9, Issue 11. November 1970.
13. Nam SN, Lee KR. “Effect of Ingestion of Guarana on the Change in Blood Energy Substrate During Exercise for a Long Time.” Journal of Digital Convergence. 2014.
14. McBride J. “B12 Deficiency May Be More Widespread Than Thought.” US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. August 2, 2000.
15. “5 natural ways to overcome erectile dysfunction.” Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Medical School.