Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) Protocol
For Hard to Heal Illnesses
Using Pure Electrolyzed HOCL Solution
HOCL the Miracle Molecule
- Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) is BEST Disinfectant in the World!
- It kills MRSA, bleach doesn't even kill MRSA but this does!
- It's 100% SAFE, NON-TOXIC to humans.
- 100 times more powerful than bleach
- Your white blood cells make Hypochlorous Acid to kill pathogens that enter your body
- Made in white blood cells of every mammal to kill germs
- Made outside of body using non-caking salt, water and electricity.
- SDS typically indicates:
- Safe for eyes, skin, ingestion, or inhalation
- Non-Flammable – No Harmful Chemicals
- No signal words or warnings needed on SDS
- No Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Needed
- HMIS ratings of 0-0-0-0 which is the same as WATER
- Included on the USDA Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) list of edible substances
- Can be used in the eyes, mouth and on the skin for medicinal purposes • Safe for humans: HOCl is safe enough to disinfect personal items for a baby
Here is a quick link to get to the EcoOne Hypochlorous Acid Generator Store.
Shop for Generator: https://store.hocl.com/ecoone
Scroll down to see the fogger. You may be able to afford both
after applying the Coupon Code BESTDEAL.
Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) Protocol's Group
For HOCL Generator Owners
Join Us On Telegram
Send a message to @jahealthadvocate
You must own a HOCL Generator to be a member.
Send a message to @jahealthadvocate
You must own a HOCL Generator to be a member.