Time's Up...Your Window of Opportunity to
Prepare is Rapidly Collapsing.
The long-foretold global collapse is now accelerating all around us. You're seeing it in the violence and terrorism in the streets, the spiking food inflation at your local grocery store and the systematic destruction of the U.S. economy, with mandatory vaccines soon to follow.
The global financial ecosystem is now spiraling into a snowball effect of accelerating collapse, and it cannot be undone.
This video "Time's Up" warns about what's already happening and how it's going to accelerate. Your window of opportunity to prepare is rapidly collapsing.
The global financial ecosystem is now spiraling into a snowball effect of accelerating collapse, and it cannot be undone.
This video "Time's Up" warns about what's already happening and how it's going to accelerate. Your window of opportunity to prepare is rapidly collapsing.
A viable option might be to find like-minded people in the area one is 'stuck' in, and pool resources to make group purchases. Do what you can with what you've got. For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport