Gallbladder and Liver Cleanse
Please, if you are in pain now... do not do a flush at this time. See your doctor, take The Beet Recipe and one of the product kits that help to thin the bile and take the pressure off the gallbladder.
Treat it gently. When you are "out of the woods" and the gallbladder is functioning better, proceed if you choose to. It is best to have a medical diagnosis before attempting to do a flush. If you read the Pathology and Gallbladder Disease Page first you will be alerted to some of the dangers to beware of. You may have a simple case, but you may also have a complicated, life-threatening one.
What Does The Liver/Gallbladder Flush Do?
Helps cleanse stagnant waste from the liver/gallbladder
Helps improve liver functioning and bile flow
Helps purify the blood and lymph
Helps rejuvenate the body
Kicking Out Old Problems with Liver/Gallbladder Flushes
Some people have reservations about doing a liver flush. Some of the reason for that is that they do it with a full bowel. If you dump a half of a cup of oil into the stomach and it is followed by the secretion of bile, it's natural course would be to drop out through the bowel and rather quickly. If it is stopped up, you are going to experience nausea and/or vomiting. If the bowel has been cleared with a colonic or Epsom salts in advance, that is highly unlikely to happen. However, if it still makes you nervous you can work on dissolving stones with the starter kit and gallstone kit without it. Coffee enemas are also helpful and easier on most than the flush.
What might improve from a Liver/Gallbladder Flush?
Apart from helping with the pain and discomfort of a poorly functioning digestive system, all of the symptoms mentioned above may also be helped by a series of flushes.
They are:
1. Digestive problems (such as burping often, bloating, intestinal gas, stomach pain)
2. Food allergies and sensitivities
3. Chemical sensitivities (such as reactions to gasoline, cleaning agents, soaps, cosmetics, etc.)
4. Rashes, various kinds of skin problems
5. Eye problems (such as blurred vision, eye pain, decreasing eyesight, eye flutters or twitches, etc.)
6. Difficulty sleeping
7. Irritability, frequent anger, depression
8. Tendon or muscle problems (such as frequent sprains/strains, muscle injuries, delayed healing)
9. Swelling of the breasts
10. Menstrual problems (such as too little or too much blood flow, blood clotting, cramps)
11. Headaches (especially pain at the vertex of the head, and throbbing headaches). A headache of the gallbladder is most commonly over the right eye, at the temples or on one side of the head.)
What Does The Liver/Gallbladder Flush Do?
Helps cleanse stagnant waste from the liver/gallbladder
Helps improve liver functioning and bile flow
Helps purify the blood and lymph
Helps rejuvenate the body
Kicking Out Old Problems with Liver/Gallbladder Flushes
Some people have reservations about doing a liver flush. Some of the reason for that is that they do it with a full bowel. If you dump a half of a cup of oil into the stomach and it is followed by the secretion of bile, it's natural course would be to drop out through the bowel and rather quickly. If it is stopped up, you are going to experience nausea and/or vomiting. If the bowel has been cleared with a colonic or Epsom salts in advance, that is highly unlikely to happen. However, if it still makes you nervous you can work on dissolving stones with the starter kit and gallstone kit without it. Coffee enemas are also helpful and easier on most than the flush.
What might improve from a Liver/Gallbladder Flush?
Apart from helping with the pain and discomfort of a poorly functioning digestive system, all of the symptoms mentioned above may also be helped by a series of flushes.
They are:
1. Digestive problems (such as burping often, bloating, intestinal gas, stomach pain)
2. Food allergies and sensitivities
3. Chemical sensitivities (such as reactions to gasoline, cleaning agents, soaps, cosmetics, etc.)
4. Rashes, various kinds of skin problems
5. Eye problems (such as blurred vision, eye pain, decreasing eyesight, eye flutters or twitches, etc.)
6. Difficulty sleeping
7. Irritability, frequent anger, depression
8. Tendon or muscle problems (such as frequent sprains/strains, muscle injuries, delayed healing)
9. Swelling of the breasts
10. Menstrual problems (such as too little or too much blood flow, blood clotting, cramps)
11. Headaches (especially pain at the vertex of the head, and throbbing headaches). A headache of the gallbladder is most commonly over the right eye, at the temples or on one side of the head.)
Gallbladder and Liver Flush For Gallstones and Sludge
in The Gallbladder, Liver and Biliary Tract
e Liver and Gallbladder Flush can be used by those who have had gallbladder removal as well as by those who have not. This is because there are often gallstones in the liver and in fact, most likely are if you've had them in the gallbladder. The problem with bile has its root in the formation in the liver. A flush helps to alleviate congestion due to gallstones and/or thickened bile A person can have gallstones after gallbladder removal because this underlying problem of bile stagnation has not been addressed. Congestion can be a problem in the gallbladder and in the liver itself as well as in the bile ducts.
Many people have done this flush successfully. Some do it 2 or 3 times a year just to keep the bile moving. I had a note from a lady who said she had gallbladder problems 25 years ago and did the flush at that time and is only experiencing trouble again now. If you have tried this flush and would like to send your comments I am sure other people would appreciate hearing them. I am providing the information because I have been asked for it.
The products sold on this site combined with the recommended diet of "real food" can be very effective and less dramatic. Personally I have done both coffee enemas and flushes and have had no trouble with either. I did lots of preparation with the products in the gallbladder starter and stone kits first.
DISCLAIMER: I need to warn you that there is always the possibility of complications from the flush. If the stones are too large and unable to pass through the bile ducts, not only could that cause excruciating pain, you could end up having your gallbladder removed. Gallstones are made of cholesterol primarily but also calcium. If the stones are large and calcified, there is more chance for complications.
So if you know you have stones, I suggest you find out the size and type from your doctor. If you know your stones are of the calcium variety or are very large, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS GALLBLADDER AND LIVER FLUSH! Note: It's recommend that you consult your physician before doing this flush.
CHECK POINT: Are you having any liver, gallbladder, kidney pains, any tenderness in the abdominal area, any flank pain? Are You a smoker? Drink Coffee, alcohol? Take pharmaceutical medications? Go right ahead and prep for the flush, if you can answer no…
If you answered yes for even of these…Use the stone Breaker 1-3 weeks before flushing. Hydrate, Hydrate, hydrate.
Are you NOT eliminating OK? Did you have gallbladder surgery? A Whipple Surgery? Any Gastric surgery? Are you very ill, bedridden, too? If Yes. You need to go gently. Use the stone breaker and give your liver some Liver Lover. Hydrate, Hydrate, hydrate.
Anyone else who wants to begin liver flushing needs to answer these questions honestly…otherwise you may feel pain during the flush.
The Liver Flush is particularly important in any disease-prevention or eradication program. Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do!
Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well-being.
It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1½ quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir (see page).
Eating fat, protein, or citric acid triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about 20 minutes, so the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.
For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones.
Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or x-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on x-ray.
CAUTION: A Parasite Cleanse and Kidney Cleanse should be completed before the Liver Flush
Gallbladder Liver Flush
Cleansing the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure you can undertake in order to improve your body’s health. A liver cleanse should be done twice a year if possible. Ideally, it should be part of a semi-annual kidney/liver/parasite cleanse the sequence of which is very important and enhances the overall results.
Warning: If you do change these recipes in your own way you might expect problems. The liver is quite sensitive to details. It is recommended to seek the help of a medical professional. This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints.
You can't clean a liver with living parasites in it. You won't get many stones, and you will feel quite sick. So do a parasite cleanse first...with daily enemas. It’s best if you complete at least 1-3 weeks of parasite-killing before attempting a liver flush.
Completing the colon parasite and kidney cleanse before cleansing the liver is also highly recommended. You want your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract and colon in top working condition so they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally absorbed from the intestine as the bile is being excreted.
The stone breaker help with the cleansing of the kidney.
Before you begin you will need to drink one quart of organic apple juice or organic Tart Cherry Juice...EVERY day for 4-6 days. The more days you drink it, the softer the gallbladder stones will become and the easier it will be during the expelling process.
DIABETICS: DO NOT Use the Apple Juice Prep.
If you are diabetic, you'll need to get Organic Malic Acid and drink that for the 4-6 days or use the Malic Acid capsules. Follow the instructions on the package. Use a straw and rinse your mouth after each drink. You should use the Stone breaker exact dosing for a week, then follow the flushing instructions.
Items to Use During the Prep. & Flush
Ingredients to get ahead of time:
1. ORGANIC MALIC ACID: or Malic Acid Capsules.
Malic Acid softens up the stones and makes then flexible while going through the dilated bile ducts, causing less discomfort.
Epsom salts cause the bile ducts to dilate, making it easier for the stones to pass through.
Ornithine: Removes excess ammonia from the blood and brain (related to an abundance of parasites/multi-cellular organisms in your system.)
If you have never done a flush, you should get the stone breaker and use it for at least 7 days before beginning the prep for the flush.
Use as part of the ongoing parasite cleanse. Support adrenal function and detox pathways in the liver.
LIVER LOVER ingredients are traditionally used to support the liver’s ability to filter toxins, support healthy energy levels, and provide mild detoxification of environmental toxins. Liver Lover should be used as a part of your regular Liver health care routine, even after the flush.
Use the stone breaker according to label instructions if you CANNOT do the juice prep or use the Malic Acid. It’s a very gentle alternative to clearing out stones from your organs. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate to aid proper flushing.
The stone breaker contains Chanca Piedra an herb which cause stones in the body to break up in small pieces or become like sand. Makes it easier to flush from organs such as the liver, gallbladder and kidney.
Remember your other toxin binders such as bentonite clay chlorella, and zeolite especially TRS, to bind ammonia toxins.
Promotes a healthy kidney and gallbladder.
It has been used by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon for generations to support the elimination of gallstones and kidney stones. A protein in chanca piedra protects liver tissues against oxidative stress, probably by increasing antioxidant defenses.
Instructions for Doing the Cleansing Flush
Titrate Down the Dose for Kids.
The Flush:
Ingredients to get ahead of time:
Phase 1:
Drink apple juice for six days preceding the liver cleanse. For these three days, eat frugally, if you must, and then only small amounts of raw unprocessed fruit and/or vegetable salads. Every day take at least one full quart of high quality, unfiltered, preferably home-made apple juice. You should be able to see the sediments on the bottom of the container. The pectin and malic acid in the apple juice helps to soften and flatten the stones in the gall bladder and liver. This will also help their passage through the bile ducts. This semi-fast also empties the intestines of their food content and makes the collection of stones less problematic.
Phase 2:
Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse so that you can rest the next day. Take no medicines, vitamins or other pills that you can do without. They could hinder success of the cleanse.
Stop any parasite cleanse or kidney cleanse the day before.
Eat a no-fat fruit breakfast and light fat-free lunch such as cooked cereals with fruit but no butter or milk. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.
2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2:00 o’clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite uncomfortable later. Get your Epsom salts ready. At
2:00pm, mix 4 heaping tablespoons of Epsom salts in 3 cups of water, add 1/2 teaspoon of Vit C powder and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, 3/4 cup each. Please keep in mind that the first serving begins at 6:00pm and the 2nd serving for the evening is taken at
8:00pm. The other two required servings are reserved for the following morning.
Place the jar in the refrigerator to get it cold (this is for convenience and taste only). Take an optional rectal enema before 4:00 PM with distilled, warm water to clean out your large intestines of any unwanted fecal matter. The cleaner your intestines are, the easier it will be for the stones to be eliminated. Besides, if you want to see just what you will be eliminating, it is easier to look only for stones and not be turned off by pungent stool.
6:00 PM. Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the ice cold prepared Epsom salts water. If you did not prepare this potion ahead of time at 2:00 PM, mix 1 heaping tablespoon in 3/4 cup of water now. You may add 1/8 teaspoon of vitamin C powder to improve the taste and to avoid ‘the runs’. If you have no vitamin C powder then add a little citrus juice to improve the taste; but this is entirely optional. You can certainly drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil, lemons and grapefruit out to warm up a bit.
8:00 PM. Repeat the above by drinking another 3/4 cup of Epsom salts water. You have not eaten since two o’clock, but you won’t feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done now. Don’t answer your telephone and be prepared to stay by yourself for the balance of the evening.
The timing of the actual cleanse is relatively critical to achieve success. Do not be more than 10 minutes early or late for anything that follows next.
Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success.
9:45 PM. Pour 3/4 cup (measured cup) of your high quality olive oil into the pint jar. Pour the prepared 3/4 cup of squeezed grapefruit and lemon juice into the measuring cup, adding this to the oil. Close the jar tightly with its lid and shake briskly until well mixed, almost watery. Only fresh squeezed juice will do this.
Now visit the bathroom one or more times, even if this makes you slightly late for your ten o’clock drink. Be ready to go to bed and STAY in bed. Don’t clean up the kitchen. Do it the next day.
10:00 PM. Take the solution to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Drink the potion you have mixed. If you have them, take four optional Ornithine capsules with the first sips to make sure you will sleep through the night. Take eight if you already suffer from insomnia. Get all of it down immediately, if possible. Very elderly, or weak persons, should space this over a period of five minutes.
Lie down immediately. The sooner you lie down, the more stones you will get out. Put your knees up to your chest in a fetal position. Lie on your right side for at least half an hour. The oil/citrus juice mixture will go to your gallbladder and liver. These organs will not know what to do with THAT much oil emulsion, so they will spasm and throw off all the available bile – plus stones, gravel and crystals.
One half hour later – you may turn on your back with a good thick feather pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Think loving thoughts – your liver is sensitive and responsive to feelings of resentment, vindictiveness and hate. Try to keep perfectly still for about half an hour or at least 20 minutes. Visualize the cleansing action taking place. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is little likelihood of pain because the bile duct valves are open – thanks to the Epsom salts.
Relax and go to sleep. Let nature do her thing. Tomorrow you will be cleaner, much cleaner, and also healthier than before.
Next morning (early): Upon wakening, take your third dose of prepared Epsom salt solution. If you have indigestion or nausea (highly unlikely), wait until this is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. Don’t take this potion before 6:00 AM. It would be best if you don’t get up and have someone else give you this potion. This drink will act as a mild laxative and provoke several later loose bowel movements. Drink more water than usual to replenish lost liquids.
2 hours later. Take your fourth (the last one – Thank God!) dose of Epsom salts. Drink 3/4 cup of the mixture. You may go back to bed if you like.
After 2 more hours you may get up and take something into your empty stomach. Start with some fresh-made fruit juice. Half an hour later, eat some fruit. One hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light, uncooked and natural. By supper of the next day (Sunday) you should feel fully recovered and ready to slay a dragon.
How well did you do?
Expect diarrhea in the morning of the second day (Sunday). The ideal way to see what you are actually eliminating is to defecate into a white porcelain bowl or large white plastic bucket. The bowl or bucket is used instead of the toilet to also see the reddish crystals which collect at the bottom of the bowl (the stones float on top) and those crystals would ordinarily be lost somewhere at the bottomless hole in the toilet and you would have missed them. If you don’t care to see the crystals – by all means, use the toilet.
Another way would be to use the toilet and look into it for the stones with a flashlight. Look for the greenish kind, since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones and not food residue. Only bile from the liver is green. The bowel movement (if there is any) sinks, but gall and liver stones float because of the cholesterol content.
Eventually, you may have to eliminate up to 2,000 stones, in several sessions, over a period of a year or so, before the liver is clean enough to rid you of all allergies or upper back, or other symptoms, permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a while, but as the stones from the rear of the liver travel forward, they might give you the same symptoms again. For best results, if this is the first time you do this, repeat the Liver Cleanse two weeks later because the liver cleanses in stages – moving deeper toxins and debris and parasites into lower and more shallow areas of the liver tissues.
You may repeat this gallbladder/liver cleanse at two-month intervals until no more stones come out. Then, do the cleanse as a maintenance every six months. Two tablespoons of fresh olive oil per day will provide optimum liver performance.
Never purge when you are ill. Pregnant mothers should consult their pediatrician. The elderly should do this purge under the supervision of a health specialist. Drink lots of water during the second and third day.
Sometimes, the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as a “chaff” floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging stones.
How safe is the liver cleanse?
It is very safe. Professionals and individuals have conducted thousands of liver purges, including many persons in their seventies and eighties. We have heard nobody ending up in a hospital, and none reported pain. The author, in over a dozen years of private practice, has never seen any complications. This liver purge could make you feel a little uncomfortable for a day or two thereafter. Stirred-up toxins are in solution, begging to be released.
The above procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought to be few, not thousands. They don’t get linked to pains other than gall bladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this is thought: By the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones are in the gallbladder, are big enough and sufficiently calcified to be seen on X-ray, and they have caused inflammation there.
When the gall bladder is removed surgically, the acute pain attack is gone, but bursitis, allergies, digestive problems and other symptoms recur and get worse. Stones are not thought to reside in the liver. If the liver is operated upon, only the largest and worst offenders can be removed – yet uncountable stones, gravel and crystals remain in the already clogged liver, which has not improved at all.
The truth is self-evident: People who have their gallbladder surgically removed, still eliminate green, bile-coated stones with our liver purge. Anyone who cares to dissect these eliminated stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match textbook pictures of “gallstones”, exactly.
In the highly unlikely event that you feel waves of pain reaching up to your throat, you might have a gallstone stuck in a bile duct. Clay-colored stool is evidence of bile duct blockage. Epsom salts can relax that bile duct in 20 minutes. Take a heaping tablespoon in 3/4 cup of water but only on an empty stomach or you may feel quite ill. Taking a large dose of Valerian herb, 6 to 8 capsules four times a day, including bedtime, may also help to relax the duct.
If you do get relief, you can be sure it was a spasm of the bile duct system. The magnesium in the Epsom salts relaxes spasms. It would be best to clean the liver a number of times (at two week intervals unless too ill) to try to dislodge the sticking gallstone. If this does not relieve the pain then you need to consult a medical professional. It is advisable to drink copious amount of water during the second and third day, when you eliminate the waste matter and body fluids as well. This will prevent dehydration.
Usually it is recommended to kill parasites and cleanse the kidneys first. But if your throat pain is severe enough, you might just zap the parasites and go ahead with the liver cleanse at once.
To obtain permanent liver health, one should control the intake of high fat foods such as ice cream, potato chips, salad dressings, cheese, butter (excess), cream and exorbitant amounts of milk (more than 3 glasses a day).
Feelings of resentment, vindictiveness, belligerence and hate are destructive to liver health. Avoid these at all cost!!! Forget the ‘bad’ others have done to you and forget the ‘good’ you have done to others. Learn to forgive!
I recommend a coffee enema on the day of the flush day (as stated above) and also, if there is any nausea lingering on the next morning, another coffee enema or even OPA may resolve that.
Castor Oil Pack for Tender Liver/Kidney
You can do the liver and kidney PACK after, if you have liver, gallbladder or kidney discomfort.
Many people have done this flush successfully. Some do it 2 or 3 times a year just to keep the bile moving. I had a note from a lady who said she had gallbladder problems 25 years ago and did the flush at that time and is only experiencing trouble again now. If you have tried this flush and would like to send your comments I am sure other people would appreciate hearing them. I am providing the information because I have been asked for it.
The products sold on this site combined with the recommended diet of "real food" can be very effective and less dramatic. Personally I have done both coffee enemas and flushes and have had no trouble with either. I did lots of preparation with the products in the gallbladder starter and stone kits first.
DISCLAIMER: I need to warn you that there is always the possibility of complications from the flush. If the stones are too large and unable to pass through the bile ducts, not only could that cause excruciating pain, you could end up having your gallbladder removed. Gallstones are made of cholesterol primarily but also calcium. If the stones are large and calcified, there is more chance for complications.
So if you know you have stones, I suggest you find out the size and type from your doctor. If you know your stones are of the calcium variety or are very large, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS GALLBLADDER AND LIVER FLUSH! Note: It's recommend that you consult your physician before doing this flush.
CHECK POINT: Are you having any liver, gallbladder, kidney pains, any tenderness in the abdominal area, any flank pain? Are You a smoker? Drink Coffee, alcohol? Take pharmaceutical medications? Go right ahead and prep for the flush, if you can answer no…
If you answered yes for even of these…Use the stone Breaker 1-3 weeks before flushing. Hydrate, Hydrate, hydrate.
Are you NOT eliminating OK? Did you have gallbladder surgery? A Whipple Surgery? Any Gastric surgery? Are you very ill, bedridden, too? If Yes. You need to go gently. Use the stone breaker and give your liver some Liver Lover. Hydrate, Hydrate, hydrate.
Anyone else who wants to begin liver flushing needs to answer these questions honestly…otherwise you may feel pain during the flush.
The Liver Flush is particularly important in any disease-prevention or eradication program. Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do!
Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well-being.
It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1½ quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir (see page).
Eating fat, protein, or citric acid triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about 20 minutes, so the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.
For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones.
Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or x-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on x-ray.
CAUTION: A Parasite Cleanse and Kidney Cleanse should be completed before the Liver Flush
Gallbladder Liver Flush
Cleansing the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure you can undertake in order to improve your body’s health. A liver cleanse should be done twice a year if possible. Ideally, it should be part of a semi-annual kidney/liver/parasite cleanse the sequence of which is very important and enhances the overall results.
Warning: If you do change these recipes in your own way you might expect problems. The liver is quite sensitive to details. It is recommended to seek the help of a medical professional. This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints.
You can't clean a liver with living parasites in it. You won't get many stones, and you will feel quite sick. So do a parasite cleanse first...with daily enemas. It’s best if you complete at least 1-3 weeks of parasite-killing before attempting a liver flush.
Completing the colon parasite and kidney cleanse before cleansing the liver is also highly recommended. You want your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract and colon in top working condition so they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally absorbed from the intestine as the bile is being excreted.
The stone breaker help with the cleansing of the kidney.
Before you begin you will need to drink one quart of organic apple juice or organic Tart Cherry Juice...EVERY day for 4-6 days. The more days you drink it, the softer the gallbladder stones will become and the easier it will be during the expelling process.
DIABETICS: DO NOT Use the Apple Juice Prep.
If you are diabetic, you'll need to get Organic Malic Acid and drink that for the 4-6 days or use the Malic Acid capsules. Follow the instructions on the package. Use a straw and rinse your mouth after each drink. You should use the Stone breaker exact dosing for a week, then follow the flushing instructions.
Items to Use During the Prep. & Flush
Ingredients to get ahead of time:
1. ORGANIC MALIC ACID: or Malic Acid Capsules.
Malic Acid softens up the stones and makes then flexible while going through the dilated bile ducts, causing less discomfort.
Epsom salts cause the bile ducts to dilate, making it easier for the stones to pass through.
Ornithine: Removes excess ammonia from the blood and brain (related to an abundance of parasites/multi-cellular organisms in your system.)
If you have never done a flush, you should get the stone breaker and use it for at least 7 days before beginning the prep for the flush.
Use as part of the ongoing parasite cleanse. Support adrenal function and detox pathways in the liver.
LIVER LOVER ingredients are traditionally used to support the liver’s ability to filter toxins, support healthy energy levels, and provide mild detoxification of environmental toxins. Liver Lover should be used as a part of your regular Liver health care routine, even after the flush.
Use the stone breaker according to label instructions if you CANNOT do the juice prep or use the Malic Acid. It’s a very gentle alternative to clearing out stones from your organs. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate to aid proper flushing.
The stone breaker contains Chanca Piedra an herb which cause stones in the body to break up in small pieces or become like sand. Makes it easier to flush from organs such as the liver, gallbladder and kidney.
Remember your other toxin binders such as bentonite clay chlorella, and zeolite especially TRS, to bind ammonia toxins.
Promotes a healthy kidney and gallbladder.
It has been used by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon for generations to support the elimination of gallstones and kidney stones. A protein in chanca piedra protects liver tissues against oxidative stress, probably by increasing antioxidant defenses.
Instructions for Doing the Cleansing Flush
Titrate Down the Dose for Kids.
The Flush:
Ingredients to get ahead of time:
- Organic Apple Juice (or homemade)
- Epsom Salts
- Olive Oil ~ Cold Pressed Virgin should be used
- Fresh grapefruit and lemons. Do not use concentrate or store-bought juice. Make your own. Enough to squeeze 1/4 cup of lemon and 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice for the cleanse itself. If you cannot get grapefruits then use only lemons or vice versa.
- Ornithine (optional) ~ 4 to 8, to be sure you can sleep (I did not use this)
- Suitable jar with non-metallic lid to shake your mixture well and gulp it down
- 1/2 cup of lemon/grapefruit juice ~ Use a couple of ounces of this juice each time to help get down the Epsom salt solution (four feedings) if desired
- 1/2 teaspoon of Vit C (ascorbic acid) powder (optional) – Use 1/4 teaspoon to lessen the effect of Epsom salts creating undue loose stools
Phase 1:
Drink apple juice for six days preceding the liver cleanse. For these three days, eat frugally, if you must, and then only small amounts of raw unprocessed fruit and/or vegetable salads. Every day take at least one full quart of high quality, unfiltered, preferably home-made apple juice. You should be able to see the sediments on the bottom of the container. The pectin and malic acid in the apple juice helps to soften and flatten the stones in the gall bladder and liver. This will also help their passage through the bile ducts. This semi-fast also empties the intestines of their food content and makes the collection of stones less problematic.
Phase 2:
Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse so that you can rest the next day. Take no medicines, vitamins or other pills that you can do without. They could hinder success of the cleanse.
Stop any parasite cleanse or kidney cleanse the day before.
Eat a no-fat fruit breakfast and light fat-free lunch such as cooked cereals with fruit but no butter or milk. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.
2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2:00 o’clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite uncomfortable later. Get your Epsom salts ready. At
2:00pm, mix 4 heaping tablespoons of Epsom salts in 3 cups of water, add 1/2 teaspoon of Vit C powder and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, 3/4 cup each. Please keep in mind that the first serving begins at 6:00pm and the 2nd serving for the evening is taken at
8:00pm. The other two required servings are reserved for the following morning.
Place the jar in the refrigerator to get it cold (this is for convenience and taste only). Take an optional rectal enema before 4:00 PM with distilled, warm water to clean out your large intestines of any unwanted fecal matter. The cleaner your intestines are, the easier it will be for the stones to be eliminated. Besides, if you want to see just what you will be eliminating, it is easier to look only for stones and not be turned off by pungent stool.
6:00 PM. Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the ice cold prepared Epsom salts water. If you did not prepare this potion ahead of time at 2:00 PM, mix 1 heaping tablespoon in 3/4 cup of water now. You may add 1/8 teaspoon of vitamin C powder to improve the taste and to avoid ‘the runs’. If you have no vitamin C powder then add a little citrus juice to improve the taste; but this is entirely optional. You can certainly drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil, lemons and grapefruit out to warm up a bit.
8:00 PM. Repeat the above by drinking another 3/4 cup of Epsom salts water. You have not eaten since two o’clock, but you won’t feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done now. Don’t answer your telephone and be prepared to stay by yourself for the balance of the evening.
The timing of the actual cleanse is relatively critical to achieve success. Do not be more than 10 minutes early or late for anything that follows next.
Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success.
9:45 PM. Pour 3/4 cup (measured cup) of your high quality olive oil into the pint jar. Pour the prepared 3/4 cup of squeezed grapefruit and lemon juice into the measuring cup, adding this to the oil. Close the jar tightly with its lid and shake briskly until well mixed, almost watery. Only fresh squeezed juice will do this.
Now visit the bathroom one or more times, even if this makes you slightly late for your ten o’clock drink. Be ready to go to bed and STAY in bed. Don’t clean up the kitchen. Do it the next day.
10:00 PM. Take the solution to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Drink the potion you have mixed. If you have them, take four optional Ornithine capsules with the first sips to make sure you will sleep through the night. Take eight if you already suffer from insomnia. Get all of it down immediately, if possible. Very elderly, or weak persons, should space this over a period of five minutes.
Lie down immediately. The sooner you lie down, the more stones you will get out. Put your knees up to your chest in a fetal position. Lie on your right side for at least half an hour. The oil/citrus juice mixture will go to your gallbladder and liver. These organs will not know what to do with THAT much oil emulsion, so they will spasm and throw off all the available bile – plus stones, gravel and crystals.
One half hour later – you may turn on your back with a good thick feather pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Think loving thoughts – your liver is sensitive and responsive to feelings of resentment, vindictiveness and hate. Try to keep perfectly still for about half an hour or at least 20 minutes. Visualize the cleansing action taking place. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is little likelihood of pain because the bile duct valves are open – thanks to the Epsom salts.
Relax and go to sleep. Let nature do her thing. Tomorrow you will be cleaner, much cleaner, and also healthier than before.
Next morning (early): Upon wakening, take your third dose of prepared Epsom salt solution. If you have indigestion or nausea (highly unlikely), wait until this is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. Don’t take this potion before 6:00 AM. It would be best if you don’t get up and have someone else give you this potion. This drink will act as a mild laxative and provoke several later loose bowel movements. Drink more water than usual to replenish lost liquids.
2 hours later. Take your fourth (the last one – Thank God!) dose of Epsom salts. Drink 3/4 cup of the mixture. You may go back to bed if you like.
After 2 more hours you may get up and take something into your empty stomach. Start with some fresh-made fruit juice. Half an hour later, eat some fruit. One hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light, uncooked and natural. By supper of the next day (Sunday) you should feel fully recovered and ready to slay a dragon.
How well did you do?
Expect diarrhea in the morning of the second day (Sunday). The ideal way to see what you are actually eliminating is to defecate into a white porcelain bowl or large white plastic bucket. The bowl or bucket is used instead of the toilet to also see the reddish crystals which collect at the bottom of the bowl (the stones float on top) and those crystals would ordinarily be lost somewhere at the bottomless hole in the toilet and you would have missed them. If you don’t care to see the crystals – by all means, use the toilet.
Another way would be to use the toilet and look into it for the stones with a flashlight. Look for the greenish kind, since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones and not food residue. Only bile from the liver is green. The bowel movement (if there is any) sinks, but gall and liver stones float because of the cholesterol content.
Eventually, you may have to eliminate up to 2,000 stones, in several sessions, over a period of a year or so, before the liver is clean enough to rid you of all allergies or upper back, or other symptoms, permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a while, but as the stones from the rear of the liver travel forward, they might give you the same symptoms again. For best results, if this is the first time you do this, repeat the Liver Cleanse two weeks later because the liver cleanses in stages – moving deeper toxins and debris and parasites into lower and more shallow areas of the liver tissues.
You may repeat this gallbladder/liver cleanse at two-month intervals until no more stones come out. Then, do the cleanse as a maintenance every six months. Two tablespoons of fresh olive oil per day will provide optimum liver performance.
Never purge when you are ill. Pregnant mothers should consult their pediatrician. The elderly should do this purge under the supervision of a health specialist. Drink lots of water during the second and third day.
Sometimes, the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as a “chaff” floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging stones.
How safe is the liver cleanse?
It is very safe. Professionals and individuals have conducted thousands of liver purges, including many persons in their seventies and eighties. We have heard nobody ending up in a hospital, and none reported pain. The author, in over a dozen years of private practice, has never seen any complications. This liver purge could make you feel a little uncomfortable for a day or two thereafter. Stirred-up toxins are in solution, begging to be released.
The above procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought to be few, not thousands. They don’t get linked to pains other than gall bladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this is thought: By the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones are in the gallbladder, are big enough and sufficiently calcified to be seen on X-ray, and they have caused inflammation there.
When the gall bladder is removed surgically, the acute pain attack is gone, but bursitis, allergies, digestive problems and other symptoms recur and get worse. Stones are not thought to reside in the liver. If the liver is operated upon, only the largest and worst offenders can be removed – yet uncountable stones, gravel and crystals remain in the already clogged liver, which has not improved at all.
The truth is self-evident: People who have their gallbladder surgically removed, still eliminate green, bile-coated stones with our liver purge. Anyone who cares to dissect these eliminated stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match textbook pictures of “gallstones”, exactly.
In the highly unlikely event that you feel waves of pain reaching up to your throat, you might have a gallstone stuck in a bile duct. Clay-colored stool is evidence of bile duct blockage. Epsom salts can relax that bile duct in 20 minutes. Take a heaping tablespoon in 3/4 cup of water but only on an empty stomach or you may feel quite ill. Taking a large dose of Valerian herb, 6 to 8 capsules four times a day, including bedtime, may also help to relax the duct.
If you do get relief, you can be sure it was a spasm of the bile duct system. The magnesium in the Epsom salts relaxes spasms. It would be best to clean the liver a number of times (at two week intervals unless too ill) to try to dislodge the sticking gallstone. If this does not relieve the pain then you need to consult a medical professional. It is advisable to drink copious amount of water during the second and third day, when you eliminate the waste matter and body fluids as well. This will prevent dehydration.
Usually it is recommended to kill parasites and cleanse the kidneys first. But if your throat pain is severe enough, you might just zap the parasites and go ahead with the liver cleanse at once.
To obtain permanent liver health, one should control the intake of high fat foods such as ice cream, potato chips, salad dressings, cheese, butter (excess), cream and exorbitant amounts of milk (more than 3 glasses a day).
Feelings of resentment, vindictiveness, belligerence and hate are destructive to liver health. Avoid these at all cost!!! Forget the ‘bad’ others have done to you and forget the ‘good’ you have done to others. Learn to forgive!
I recommend a coffee enema on the day of the flush day (as stated above) and also, if there is any nausea lingering on the next morning, another coffee enema or even OPA may resolve that.
Castor Oil Pack for Tender Liver/Kidney
You can do the liver and kidney PACK after, if you have liver, gallbladder or kidney discomfort.
- Saturate a piece of cloth, (You can use an old tee shirt). With castor oil.
- Warm it in the oven and place it across your waist immediately under the rib covering kidney and liver areas.
- Lie down on protective pad so as not to mess up your bed. Wrap plastic around you covering the cloth and then place a towel over that. You can use a chuck with the waterproof backing.
- Then place a hot water bottle or heating pad on top of that. Hold it there for forty-five minutes. Repeat daily, as needed. However, after the Flush, you may not have any discomfort.
Post Flush - How Well Did You Do?
Expect diarrhea. Pooping is welcomed…and is Necessary.
Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol and automotive grease inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. Document with pictures if possible.
You will need to clear the stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently.
When the gallbladder is removed the acute attacks are gone, but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems may remain.
The truth is self-evident.
People who have had their gallbladder surgically removed still get plenty of green, bile-coated stones, and anyone who cares to dissect their stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match textbook pictures of "gallstones" exactly.
You may have removed your gallstones without surgery! This recipe is not perfect by any means, but a similar one was invented hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago, THANK YOU, HERBALISTS!
As the stones grow and become more numerous the backpressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. It is also thought to slow the flow of lymphatic fluid. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles.
With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise.
Emptying the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body's health. But it should not be done before the parasite program, and for best results should follow the kidney cleanse.
Gallstones, being sticky, can pick up all the bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs that are passing through the liver. In this way "nests" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh parasite eggs and bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver.
Cleanse your liver twice per year.
If your initial flush produced parasites or stones, you will keep doing your flushes every 2-3 weeks until clear. Then you’ll go to a twice yearly schedule.
Pictures Please...Documentation beats all conversation.
Post Flush - How Well Did You Do?
Expect diarrhea. Pooping is welcomed…and is Necessary.
Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol and automotive grease inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. Document with pictures if possible.
You will need to clear the stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently.
When the gallbladder is removed the acute attacks are gone, but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems may remain.
The truth is self-evident.
People who have had their gallbladder surgically removed still get plenty of green, bile-coated stones, and anyone who cares to dissect their stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match textbook pictures of "gallstones" exactly.
You may have removed your gallstones without surgery! This recipe is not perfect by any means, but a similar one was invented hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago, THANK YOU, HERBALISTS!
As the stones grow and become more numerous the backpressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. It is also thought to slow the flow of lymphatic fluid. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles.
With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise.
Emptying the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body's health. But it should not be done before the parasite program, and for best results should follow the kidney cleanse.
Gallstones, being sticky, can pick up all the bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs that are passing through the liver. In this way "nests" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh parasite eggs and bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver.
Cleanse your liver twice per year.
If your initial flush produced parasites or stones, you will keep doing your flushes every 2-3 weeks until clear. Then you’ll go to a twice yearly schedule.
Pictures Please...Documentation beats all conversation.
Special Gallbladder Resource Links
Causes of Gallbladder Disease
Medical Disclaimer: This is NOT medical advice. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. None of the health topics presented on JA Health Advocate have been evaluated or approved by the Jamaican Ministry of Health or the FDA. They should not replace personal judgment nor medical treatment, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always talk to your Natural Health Provider or M.D. about the use of these or any other complimentary modalities. JA Health Advocate encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or the Jamaica Ministry of Health. Reading this website denotes your understanding and agreement to our full disclaimer.