The Most Important Questions to Ask Your Oncologist...
Before Agreeing to ANY Treatments
Do you know the right questions to ask?
This free guide could save your life!
In 2003, Chris Wark was diagnosed with Stage III Colon Cancer.
He was 26 years old, and clueless about cancer treatments.
After healing from cancer, Chris formulated these most important, twenty questions.
Asking them confidently while expecting answers, can save your life.
Click Link at Right to Download Free Guide |
"The first oncologist I saw didn't tell me the risks, lied to me about the success rate, and told me I was "INSANE" if I didn't do what he recommended.
I was afraid I had no other options, but my wife and I accidentally asked two questions that in hindsight helped save my life...
In the last 12 years, I've talked with hundreds of cancer patients. Many reach out to me after treatments have failed them, worse off than when they started, and wishing they had taken the time to read and research before blindly following their doctors advice."
This free guide will arm you with POWERFUL questions that get straight to the truth.
20 Questions For Your Oncologist is a compilation of essential questions submitted by doctors, survivors, patients and their loved ones. The guide includes a 1-hour audio program, (not available here) but a transcript is included with a printable question list. (We offer the list via the above link)
Your next steps could be critical to your survival, or the survival of someone you care about. Don't let fear, uncertainty and helplessness influence the decision-making process. Get the guide."
Doctors sometimes count on us just going along with their program. Learn to stand your ground. Do NOT agree to have an life altering procedure done to you UNTIL you are fully informed. Signing any document, agreeing to treatments you do not know, or understand how they will affect you now or in the future, is NOT giving INFORMED consent.
Some doctors will bully you or try to scare you into making a rush decision...Don't be bullied or scared into signing away your health. Even when the doctor says, you don't have do have time to at least get a second opinion...if you are not comfortable with what you are hearing and feeling. It's your least allow yourself to pray about it first, before doing anything.
Equip yourself the questions in this Free Report and approach your doctor with confidence. A cancer diagnosis can make you anxious and afraid, but when you are informed, your head space will work better. Be your Own advocate or get a friend or family member to be your health advocate. They can ask the questions if you feel you won't be strong enough to do so.
It's your life. Let your doctor know that you are taking the diagnosis seriously but would like to discuss with family, your support team, to decide what is best for you. Your doctor should NOT be the one deciding that.
To Your Health, Wellness and Life!