The Original Aloe Arborescens Formula
A Stage IV Cancer Supplement
The Aloe Arborescens Protocol for cancer has been around for many years and has been proven to be effective in advanced cancer patients. The protocol began in Brazil, then it traveled to Europe and is finally to the Americas.
The protocol is designed to supercharge the immune system quickly. But no matter how it works on cancer, it safely gets rid of cancer cells and floods the body with super-nutrients.
Several books have been written on the protocol, each differing slightly from the other. A Catholic priest, Father Romano Zago, OFM, developed the official protocol and wrote the book on the history of the cure and details of its use. This book is called: Cancer Can Be Cured! The book has a long list of impressive case studies for different kinds of cancer.
Father Romano Zago also lists many nutrients in the plant and demonstrates that it is highly non-toxic. It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to overdose on this product.
Because this is a pure plant product (with honey and a distillate) it can be added to any other alternative cancer treatment. In fact, this protocol is rated as a “Stage IV Supplemental” treatment, which means it should be supplemented to the highly potent “Stage IV” protocols.
The protocol is designed to supercharge the immune system quickly. But no matter how it works on cancer, it safely gets rid of cancer cells and floods the body with super-nutrients.
Several books have been written on the protocol, each differing slightly from the other. A Catholic priest, Father Romano Zago, OFM, developed the official protocol and wrote the book on the history of the cure and details of its use. This book is called: Cancer Can Be Cured! The book has a long list of impressive case studies for different kinds of cancer.
Father Romano Zago also lists many nutrients in the plant and demonstrates that it is highly non-toxic. It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to overdose on this product.
Because this is a pure plant product (with honey and a distillate) it can be added to any other alternative cancer treatment. In fact, this protocol is rated as a “Stage IV Supplemental” treatment, which means it should be supplemented to the highly potent “Stage IV” protocols.
WARNING: Children under 18 months old should not take honey. Because honey consists of about 50 percent of this product, no child under 18 months old should use this protocol.
Get Immune Supreme Now
What's Inside
Simply put; organic Aloe Arborescens and pure, raw honey. Our formula brings together the therapeutic properties of these two potent ingredients of that (among other benefits) provide powerful support for the immune system and to help maintain optimal health. Both ingredients are known super foods.
What The Formula Can Do For You
The Science Behind It
Aloe Arborescens bolsters the body’s defenses at the cellular level, stimulating the immune system. It is the consensus of aloe laboratory and clinical research that the large polysaccharides in aloe sometimes referred to as acemannan are responsible for its key beneficial effects.
According to the National Institute of Health, the medicinal importance of honey has been documented in the world's oldest medical journals, and is clinically proven to provide antibacterial activity. Among many other health benefits that are still be researched, the Mayo Clinic says that honey is a promising and inexpensive way to prevent low white blood cell count caused by chemotherapy and diseases that affect white blood cell levels.
Simply put; organic Aloe Arborescens and pure, raw honey. Our formula brings together the therapeutic properties of these two potent ingredients of that (among other benefits) provide powerful support for the immune system and to help maintain optimal health. Both ingredients are known super foods.
What The Formula Can Do For You
- -A powerful immune system boost due to optimal function fortification and rejuvenation for a healthy and vital immune system. *
- -Promotes healthy blood and gentle whole body cleansing of toxicity from pathogens, heavy metals, and chemicals. *
- -Stimulates macrophage (natural killer cell [NKC] activity of white blood cells) that ingest and destroy viruses, bacteria and disregulated cells. *
- -Several other secondary positive health effects that both Aloe and honey are already know for, such as: digestive regularity, burn treatment, wound healing, topical pain relief, and more.
The Science Behind It
Aloe Arborescens bolsters the body’s defenses at the cellular level, stimulating the immune system. It is the consensus of aloe laboratory and clinical research that the large polysaccharides in aloe sometimes referred to as acemannan are responsible for its key beneficial effects.
According to the National Institute of Health, the medicinal importance of honey has been documented in the world's oldest medical journals, and is clinically proven to provide antibacterial activity. Among many other health benefits that are still be researched, the Mayo Clinic says that honey is a promising and inexpensive way to prevent low white blood cell count caused by chemotherapy and diseases that affect white blood cell levels.
Cancer Protocols are powerful natural treatments that on their own, can rid a patient of cancer. Certain protocols are used based on the stage of cancer. Supplemental Cancer Treatments are treatments used complimentary to Potent Cancer Protocols. Most natural treatment providers recommend adding one or more supplemental treatment to help boost a regular cancer protocol. Care must be taken when selecting what Protocol to used as the basic cancer treatment, as well as the supplemental treatments chosen to go along with it.
It is know that some cancer patients have used ONLY Supplemental Treatments to rid their body of cancer. However, the more hoses you use to put out a fire, the quicker you'll get it under control. Throw everything you can at cancer...attack it from every angle, and help your body to heal itself faster. It is also very important to use the appropriate stage Protocol and Supplemental Treatment to fight cancer. For example, if you have a stage IV cancer, you should use a Stage IV Cancer Protocol with the corresponding Stage IV Supplemental Treatment.
If you use a Stage I Protocol, you may heal but if you do not have enough time, you may not make it. On the other hand if you have a Stage I cancer and use a Stage IV Protocol, you may end up killing off the cancer so fast that you cause problems for your liver that has to filter the toxins from your blood.
The important thing is to chose the right stage protocol and supplemental treatment for the matching stage of cancer. Give yourself enough time to make the treatment become effective. You can use a stage IV Protocol to treat a Stage II Cancer, but you must be careful. Gentle healing, killing cancer at a pace your liver can handle without getting distressed is preferable. Stage IV cancer patients don't have time to mess around. You need to find the most potent cancer treatment and begin using it ASAP.
A cancer patient can chose to use several different cancer protocols as well as several supplemental cancer treatments, at the same time. It is important to make sure not to combine Alkaline Treatments. It is recommended that ONLY one Alkaline Treatment should be used at one time. You can alternate Alkaline protocols or Supplemental Treatments. Your insurance may not cover Natural Therapies, so you will have to self fund your treatment. There are several powerful protocols and supplemental treatments that are affordable. Remember that your food is a major part of your Natural Cancer Therapy. You'll just need to shop differently and ONLY buy the foods that will help you heal.
You may need a Health Advocate or a Health and Wellness Coach to guide you. Don't be afraid to reach out for help. Dealing with a cancer diagnosis, no matter what the stage is a difficult thing for anyone to handle and keep a clear head.
We offer paid Consultations/Coaching to help those who would like some hand holding and guidance, through this difficult time. It does not matter what method you chose to use to fight cancer, Conventional with Chemo/Radiation/Surgery, or Natural Therapies. If you need support we are here for you.
We offer a paid service to everyone who would like a Health Advocate, Friend, Coach and Wellness Cheerleader.
You can Email us Here: info @
It is know that some cancer patients have used ONLY Supplemental Treatments to rid their body of cancer. However, the more hoses you use to put out a fire, the quicker you'll get it under control. Throw everything you can at cancer...attack it from every angle, and help your body to heal itself faster. It is also very important to use the appropriate stage Protocol and Supplemental Treatment to fight cancer. For example, if you have a stage IV cancer, you should use a Stage IV Cancer Protocol with the corresponding Stage IV Supplemental Treatment.
If you use a Stage I Protocol, you may heal but if you do not have enough time, you may not make it. On the other hand if you have a Stage I cancer and use a Stage IV Protocol, you may end up killing off the cancer so fast that you cause problems for your liver that has to filter the toxins from your blood.
The important thing is to chose the right stage protocol and supplemental treatment for the matching stage of cancer. Give yourself enough time to make the treatment become effective. You can use a stage IV Protocol to treat a Stage II Cancer, but you must be careful. Gentle healing, killing cancer at a pace your liver can handle without getting distressed is preferable. Stage IV cancer patients don't have time to mess around. You need to find the most potent cancer treatment and begin using it ASAP.
A cancer patient can chose to use several different cancer protocols as well as several supplemental cancer treatments, at the same time. It is important to make sure not to combine Alkaline Treatments. It is recommended that ONLY one Alkaline Treatment should be used at one time. You can alternate Alkaline protocols or Supplemental Treatments. Your insurance may not cover Natural Therapies, so you will have to self fund your treatment. There are several powerful protocols and supplemental treatments that are affordable. Remember that your food is a major part of your Natural Cancer Therapy. You'll just need to shop differently and ONLY buy the foods that will help you heal.
You may need a Health Advocate or a Health and Wellness Coach to guide you. Don't be afraid to reach out for help. Dealing with a cancer diagnosis, no matter what the stage is a difficult thing for anyone to handle and keep a clear head.
We offer paid Consultations/Coaching to help those who would like some hand holding and guidance, through this difficult time. It does not matter what method you chose to use to fight cancer, Conventional with Chemo/Radiation/Surgery, or Natural Therapies. If you need support we are here for you.
We offer a paid service to everyone who would like a Health Advocate, Friend, Coach and Wellness Cheerleader.
You can Email us Here: info @