The Truth About MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) That They Don’t Want You To Know
It is important to note that MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) does not cure disease. MMS is an oxidizer, it kills pathogens and destroys poisons. When these are reduced or eliminated in the body, then the body can function properly and thereby heal. I often say, “The body heals the body”.
MMS helps to line things up so the body can do just that.
-Jim Humble-
(Jordan Sather) For the past several weeks the fake news media has been in an all out rampage against a chemical compound called chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and against me because I discuss the truth about it.
by Jordan Sather, February 22nd, 2020
This media barrage was started by Will Sommer for the Daily Beast in an article called “QAnon’ers Magic Cure for Coronavirus: Just Drink Bleach!” and the newswires spread it internationally. Promoters of this narrative inaccurately refer to ClO2 as an “industrial bleach” and label me as a YouTube conspiracy theorist who “promotes drinking bleach to cure everything.” Nope. Not. At. All.
That’s why we call them the fake news after all, right? And if you think the news is fake, imagine how fake their science is! Media attacks against this chemical compound and those who talk about it are nothing new. This article will discuss what chlorine dioxide actually is, some of my personal experiences with it, and the misrepresentation that our media and Pharma owned medical “authorities” give us on the subject.
So what is this stuff? Is it actually bleach?
Let’s start with basic semantics. By designating something that has the ability to decolorize and sanitize as a ‘bleach’ is confusing a process with a product. A verb instead of a noun. For example, lemons can bleach, the sun bleaches, but we don’t necessary label those as ‘bleach’. And just like lemons and the sun, ClO2 can also decolorize and sanitize, and is used industrially to do so, but this doesn’t make it harmful for humans in every capacity.
Whenever a media or science talking head states that ClO2 is “essentially bleach,” either they didn’t pass high school chemistry or they’re knowingly misguiding you—trying to confuse people into thinking it’s the same as the commercial Clorox tucked away in our laundry cabinets.
Clorox bleach itself is sodium hypochlorite, which of course, is not chlorine dioxide, and has far different mechanisms of action. And what’s funny is that Chlorine dioxide is a gas, so when the media says “drink bleach” they’re just further revealing their ignorance. So as you can see, there’s a total misrepresentation of what ClO2 actually is—a gaseous compound that works to disinfect pathogens very effectively through oxidation.
“Clorox Bleach itself is sodium hypochlorite, which of course, is not chlorine dioxide, and has far different mechanisms of action. ”
Chlorine Dioxide kills harmful bacteria?
Yes. ClO2 kills bacteria, viruses, cancer cells—it will selectively target anaerobic pathogens and kill them through oxidation, an electrical reaction where one chemical steals the electrons of another. Some in the health community may be familiar with the oxidative capacity of food grade hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy, chlorine dioxide oxidizes similarly.
When a ClO2 molecule comes into contact with a virus or bacteria cell, it rips electrons from the cell and destroys it. Because of its sterilization ability and relative cheapness, this compound is commonly used in a variety of industries such as hospitals and restaurants. The Environmental Protection Agency has it registered for these purposes.
However, ClO2 isn’t just used as an industrial cleaner, a stabilized version is commonly used by hikers and campers to kill waterborne pathogens for clean drinking water. These potable water drops and tablets have chlorine dioxide listed as the main ingredient and can be easily purchased at any camping supply store such as REI or online shopping websites like Amazon.
So, if chlorine dioxide is not a “toxic bleach,” why are people like myself being ridiculed by mainstream media for discussing it? And why is there no mention of suppliers like REI and Amazon? Two reasons—one is simply shoddy and the other is downright shameful. Shoddy journalism is to blame when only the biased FDA is used as a resource.
For example, the FDA puts out warning letters about ClO2, calling it a deadly bleach without explanation, citing zero science or research about the compound. Yet, the military and the EPA use ClO2 at high dosages to tackle extreme contaminants like Anthrax and Ebola, and the USDA and even the FDA itself have chlorine dioxide registered to decontaminate with. And take a look at this—studies have been done showing chlorine dioxide to be effective at killing the coronavirus too.
Take that, propaganda peddlers! And it goes to note that while high dosages of most decontaminates are not safe to be around, low doses (like what hikers use for potable water and those drinking it internally to kill pathogens) can be very safe. Anything can harm or help depending on how you use it. Conscious usage is key. And the shameful part of this issue? The medical establishment is trying to suppress the sharing of any potential health benefits of ClO2 because it is inexpensive and effective.
What does this all have to do with MMS?
Some folks who have used and taught about chlorine dioxide for health supporting purposes call it the “master mineral solution” and “miracle mineral supplement” or MMS for short. I prefer to call it what it is—chlorine dioxide, because it removes any preconceived notions. It’s not magically “miraculous,” it’s just reality!
The most notable proponents of MMS are Daniel Smith of Project Green Life and Jim Humble, who has been heavily denigrated by Big Pharma. In 2015, Smith was sentenced to 51 months in federal prison for (basically) teaching too many people about MMS. And Humble is attacked routinely by the press even though, as his name suggests, he’s a very humble man. His resources are incredibly helpful in understanding chlorine dioxide protocols and can found on his website A helpful resource for information on ClO2 is an “MMSWiki” page that highlights Humble’s research in a Wikipedia style format.
And on a side note, Wikileaks released an email regarding MMS/chlorine dioxide in their 2012 Global Intelligence Files data dump. It consisted of public disclosure for a number of internal emails between the employees and clients of Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence company. For some reason, a private company that works with the intelligence community on information analysis, Stratfor, had collected an email on MMS. I find that intriguing. You can read that email here. And before YouTube censors any of them, check out these interviews with European professional Andreas Kalcker. They are top notch!
Why Did We Post This?
The preceding information reveals the corruption, malpractice and incompetence of mainstream medical institutions and food sources This information is important to comprehend so as to dispel any false trust you have with these institutions—which could cost you or your loved ones their life. That said, one should be intelligent with their health choices.
We are not advocating for completely abandoning all modern medical services. We are simply encouraging you not to trust the system blindly. Be sure to ask plenty of questions, get second opinions, and do your own research as much as possible. We do not live in a world where one can blindly trust any government-dependent institution. With this hard truth firmly understood, one can begin the slow process of developing their own expertise insofar as health.