Squatting To Poop...Great For Your Health
Stop Sitting and Squat = Healthier Gastrointestinal processes.
Practice safety. Do NOT try to squat on a regular toilet seats.
Some of them are made with flimsy plastic material, so squatting on the seat
directly will pose a danger to you. Instead...get yourself a Squatter.
A Squatty Potty does a great job.
Keeps you physically safe and helps make you healthier.
Practice safety. Do NOT try to squat on a regular toilet seats.
Some of them are made with flimsy plastic material, so squatting on the seat
directly will pose a danger to you. Instead...get yourself a Squatter.
A Squatty Potty does a great job.
Keeps you physically safe and helps make you healthier.
This obviously can help constipation. Months later other health improvements can happen, due to your body being free of extra toxins. Also, bladder function may improve after several months because of an improved pelvic floor nerve supply.
Oncologists have observed that 80% of colon cancers occur in the caecum and the sigmoid colon, the two areas that are not fully evacuated in the sitting posture. This causes fecal stagnation and probably explains why colon cancer is a leading cause of cancer death. In traditional Asian and African cultures where squatting is the norm, colon cancer is virtually unknown!
Most hemorrhoids will heal without relapse when, upon urge, the squat posture is adopted for bowel movements.
Another serious condition caused by sitting to evacuate instead of squatting is the leakage of wastes into the small intestine. This affects the ileo-caecal valve, which is considered by modern medicine to be inherently flawed because it is so often leaking. Ask a kinesiologist and they will most likely tell you that the ileo-caecal correction is one of the most common corrections that needs to be done. Also, the toxins get into the bloodstream and hence put more pressure on the liver which has to detox them.
Most sufferers usually notice significant comfort improvement within seven days of making this simple change of habit to the squat posture because body wastes pass through the straightened anal canal.
Squatting is the healthy way to eliminate poop, but if you are overweight, you may want to simply sit on the toilet seat to be on the safe side – even if you are using a public restroom. Instead of fearing germs and bacteria on the toilet seat, you can cover it with paper and sit on it. Please be safe.
Don't make this mistake...like in the picture below. (CAUTION...blood involved.) Practice safety. Squatty Potty can help keep you safe and healthier.
The Squatty Potty is a wonderful health aid for the entire family. The Squatty Potty helps you to eliminate faster and more complete by putting your body into a natural squatting position over your own toilet. Using the Squatty Potty during elimination will un-kink your taking your body from a continent mode to an elimination mode. This will speed up the elimination process therefore reducing the risk of toxic build up of fecal matter left in your colon. Using the squatty potty for elimination will reduce straining and decreases the pressure.
The reduction of straining will help to heal and prevent hemorrhoids. It will also reduce the risk of bowel herniation and other damage to the lower digestive tract. The Squatty Potty is attractive and will discretely tuck under your toilet bowl when not in use. Its designed with a forward slant to ergonomically align the body for a comfortable and complete elimination.
Children love the Squatty Potty. It is an excellent toilet training aid. It provides them with a place to support their feet which helps to remove the fear of falling. They also don't have a need to hold onto the dirty toilet seat for balance. The White Plastic Squatty Potty is very durable, and easy to clean. Made of durable hard Polypropylene plastic. It is 7 3/4" high at the back and has a slight forward slope to 6 3/4" in the front. The Squatty potty is not a stepping stool and should only be used around the base of your toilet.
The reduction of straining will help to heal and prevent hemorrhoids. It will also reduce the risk of bowel herniation and other damage to the lower digestive tract. The Squatty Potty is attractive and will discretely tuck under your toilet bowl when not in use. Its designed with a forward slant to ergonomically align the body for a comfortable and complete elimination.
Children love the Squatty Potty. It is an excellent toilet training aid. It provides them with a place to support their feet which helps to remove the fear of falling. They also don't have a need to hold onto the dirty toilet seat for balance. The White Plastic Squatty Potty is very durable, and easy to clean. Made of durable hard Polypropylene plastic. It is 7 3/4" high at the back and has a slight forward slope to 6 3/4" in the front. The Squatty potty is not a stepping stool and should only be used around the base of your toilet.