Jim Humble Has Transitioned.
May Your Next Assignment Be Among the Angels!
Jim Humble - You're CLO2 Royalty, Sir!
Rest In Peace My Friend. Your Legacy Lives On.
Please Click HERE Read the Special Announcement
and Leave a Tribute If You Can.
Jim Humble Speaks!
Chlorine Dioxide - CD (ClO2)
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (KJV)
The Game Changer for Helping Your Body's Detox.
"It is important to note that Chlorine Dioxide does NOT cure disease.
Chlorine Dioxide is an oxidizer, it kills pathogens and destroys
poisons. When these are reduced or eliminated in the body,
then the body can function properly and thereby heal
itself. I often say, “The body heals the body.”
Chlorine Dioxide helps to line things up so the body can do just that."
- Jim Humble -
Controlled Clinical Trials of Chlorine Dioxide (CD) in Man
Learn How to Use CD For Your Detox
The FDA has thousands of patents showing how to use Chlorine Dioxide as a
Way To Help the Body Detox to Self Reverse Cancer, AIDS, Lyme Disease,
Diabetes, and the Majority of Humanity's Diseases
Way To Help the Body Detox to Self Reverse Cancer, AIDS, Lyme Disease,
Diabetes, and the Majority of Humanity's Diseases
Before we begin lets make a clarification: Wherever you see MMS or CD, they refer to the same thing. (MMS/CD) MMS/CD is made with the either Hydrochloric Acid 4% Activation, or with the Citric Acid Activation.
I have been researching for years to find something that the very poor could use to help them quickly heal from their chronic and sometimes debilitating illnesses. My focus was mainly on finding a treatment that could help the poor eradicate cancer, without the debilitating effects that accompany conventional treatments.
This article is about Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). Chlorine Dioxide will kill any microbe it comes into contact with. This is why the FDA offered so many patents to use it as a boss treatment for cancer and other dangerous diseases.
The Chlorine Dioxide Treatment Protocols are so inexpensive to do that they allow even the poorest individuals to have access to a tried and true, simple method to help their bodies heal from almost every disease known to mankind. This takes care of man made and natural diseases.
Through my ongoing and extensive research, I have found something that everyone can benefit from...They were trying to hide it from us, trying hard to make us believe it can't be so simple. Used as instructed, per the FDA patents, no one, I mean NO ONE should ever die from Cancer, or any other debilitating disease again. All patients need is a little patience to let Mother Nature do her job.
I have been researching for years to find something that the very poor could use to help them quickly heal from their chronic and sometimes debilitating illnesses. My focus was mainly on finding a treatment that could help the poor eradicate cancer, without the debilitating effects that accompany conventional treatments.
This article is about Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). Chlorine Dioxide will kill any microbe it comes into contact with. This is why the FDA offered so many patents to use it as a boss treatment for cancer and other dangerous diseases.
The Chlorine Dioxide Treatment Protocols are so inexpensive to do that they allow even the poorest individuals to have access to a tried and true, simple method to help their bodies heal from almost every disease known to mankind. This takes care of man made and natural diseases.
Through my ongoing and extensive research, I have found something that everyone can benefit from...They were trying to hide it from us, trying hard to make us believe it can't be so simple. Used as instructed, per the FDA patents, no one, I mean NO ONE should ever die from Cancer, or any other debilitating disease again. All patients need is a little patience to let Mother Nature do her job.
What Is This Inexpensive, Accessible Non-Medicinal Detox That We're
So Excited About? Chlorine Dioxide
How To Use Chlorine Dioxide
Starting Procedure
Some people refer to Chlorine Dioxides as a “stabilized oxygen” formulation that is a 28% solution of Sodium Chlorite in distilled water. When a mild acid (lemon or lime juice, citric acid, HCL) is added to a few drops of Sodium Chlorite. Chlorine Dioxide is created and when ingested, produces a major boost to the immune system, killing every known pathogen including bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi and molds. Our bodies are made up of more then 70 percent water. Chlorine Dioxide is the safest, most effective water purification agent known to man...No wonder it purifies the body by seeking out and killing every pathogens that cause so many diseases and illnesses.
Chlorine Dioxide:
Chlorine dioxide is a pretty simple compound. However, many times the simple things of this world end up possessing the Most Power. And so it is with Chlorine Dioxide, as it has come to be known. This powerful pathogen killer is not a drug. It consists of a harmless type of chlorine that is in table salt and oxygen. Of course, the wonder of chlorine dioxide (aka mms1) is that it's a mineral solution available to even the poorest people in this world.
A Safe Oxidizer
Chlorine dioxide is safe and works as an Oxidizer. It only attacks bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites, most heavy metals, and other harmful substances in the body. It doesn’t harm friendly bacteria and flora or healthy cells. It does this by a process called oxidation.
Chlorine dioxide is slowly replacing chlorine for municipal water treatment systems. It is already used in upscale communities for water purification. Why do they use Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) and not just regular chlorine (Cl)? Because Chlorine Dioxide is safe, unlike regular chlorine found in bleach. PLUS, Chlorine Dioxide has Oxygen which helps to kill pathogens. Chlorine dioxide contains only two simple items once it is dissolved in water. Chlorine Dioxide consists of the type of harmless chlorine that is found in regular table salt, and oxygen.
The American Society of Analytical Chemists proclaimed in 1999 that chlorine dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man.
I have been using this Chlorine Dioxide Protocols... I use the Oral Application and the Transdermal Application. Here is the information my people...Read this page and learn about Chlorine Dioxide Protocols, then follow the instructions and you will find a great detox.
You MUST feed your body with good nutrients...Garbage filled junk foods will not work. Change what and how you eat and use CD and you will be OK in short order. Set some time aside and read this page. Take notes if you need to.
I am recommending, based on my personal use, that it's better to used the Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 4% as the
Activator for the ORAL USAGE. Why? Because the Hydrochloric Acid 4% is close to the stomach acids.
It works well and goes down without any problems and helps to avoid Herxhemer's Reactions...
IF you follow instructions and go LOW & SLOW.
CITRIC ACID activation is fine If you only use the Transdermal
and other external usage.
Warning for those on blood thinners (or those who have bleeding problems) Patients who are on
blood thinners cannot use protocols with DMSO. Use Protocol 1000, building up
to the dose for your weight. See chart below.

What Is CDS / CLO2
- It is the mixture of Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) activated with Citric Acid.
- CD: It is the mixture of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) activated with hydrochloric acid.
- CDS: It is only the gas of the mixture dissolved in water that is pH neutral
Use this Link to Read About the
Basic Science of MMS
MMS is the name given by Jim Humble to the mixture of Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) activated with citric acid or Hydrochloric Acid at the time. Today, we prefer to use Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) at 4% for activation.
To avoid confusion we will call it CD, it means Chlorine Dioxide. The CD is much more bearable and effective than the old MMS activated with citric acid at 50%, and hardly causes side effects. Hydrochloric Acid is the same acid found in the human stomach, so it makes taking oral CD much easier and the build up is quicker and much more tolerable. We have included both info for those people who prefer to continue using the Citric Acid activator.
Although it seems lie there are still stories that seem to come from a novel, and I was wondering if they are real. The story that has perhaps impacted me the most in recent years is that of Jim Humble, an engineer who worked in gold prospection and who by chance seems to have found an exceptional treatment for one of the worst infectious diseases in the world, malaria. While prospecting for gold in the jungle of Guyana and approximately 400 miles away from any hospital and in the middle of the jungle, his team fell ill with malaria.
Not having warned about this possibility, they did not take medicines that could alleviate them.
The only thing Jim Humble had was a drinking water disinfectant, called stabilized oxygen, which is sodium chlorite (NaClO2). In the end he decided to give a few drops to his people, who were in more than 40 Cº of fever delirious in the middle of a malaria attack. His surprise was that after four hours, Jim found everyone gathered around the fire recovered from one of the worst infectious diseases in the world, as if nothing had happened. Shortly after he got sick with malaria and it worked too ... I thought that this story was so incredible that it was worthwhile to be investigated further. Who is Jim Humble?
Jim Humble is a man true to his principles with real intention to help people, hopefully his life's work will be recognized, since he has probably saved more lives than anyone on this planet. Plus, he does not make any money from the sale of his invention worldwide. However, he did write a few books to help people worldwide, to use the MMS Protocols safely. His most recent book seen here in E-Book - The Health Recovery Protocols Manual - 2016
When sodium chlorite reaches the stomach containing Hydrochloric Acid (also called HCL, salfumán, muriatic acid, salt acid ...) there is a reaction between these two, releasing a gas called chlorine dioxide. It is this gas that is easily absorbed in water and therefore also by mucous membranes and blood serum, is responsible for these "miraculous" healings. This is the reason why Jim Humble initially called it a miraculous solution, since it did not only work with malaria. He was also able to function with many diseases without apparent explanation at first.
In the first place, it is an oxidant, that is, a substance that facilitates combustion because it adds oxygen to all processes, unlike other medications that usually work by poisoning pathogens. Oxygen does not accumulate in the body and therefore is a very different pharmacodynamic process. Oxidation is also used in a similar and natural way by our defense cells, like neutrophils in the process of phagocytosis, which is nothing more than swallowing and combustion of the enemy, said in a simple way.
CD is just the gas in the mixture bubbled by water that is pH neutral and that has many advantages. Since it does not usually cause irritations or Herxheimer's Reactions as CD can do, if usage rate is not followed correctly.
One of the most important aspects is that chlorine dioxide is extremely soluble in water without creating chemical bonds, that is, it is a gas that really dissolves completely in water. This is because it has a molecular structure extremely similar to the water molecule and for this and other reasons, it dissolves completely. It is known that chlorine dioxide is the best known disinfectant, since it is capable of eliminating bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites of small size, in a wide range of pH.
It has been used for 80 years to disinfect drinking water, without causing problems in all these years. It is widely used in industry for purification of blood and blood products, and in food supplies. It is also used for paper bleaching, but in concentrations and extreme amounts that have nothing to do with the dose recommended for ingestion. Remember this...If you drink too much water it can kill you. Medications prescribed by doctors kill thousands each year, even when taken as ordered.
MMS has NEVER put anyone in the grave. If it did, they wouldn't stop showing it on TV or put it in their nefarious commercials. You believe they haven't tried to find dirt, to prevent the poor from using this amazing product to help their bodies heal from all kinds of diseases, man made and otherwise?
NEVER add DMSO to an enema solution. The colon contains many toxins the body
is flushing out. If you put DMSO in the colon, you can return some of
those toxins back into the blood stream.
This video finally proves that the Red Cross did a field test showing malaria was cured using
MMS (sodium chlorite+activating acid producing chlorine dioxide) with a 100%
success rate in 154 cases within 24-48 hours.
This formerly hidden video was kept from the public for over 5 months until recently discovered.
That's why they had YouTube remove all of the Evidence
MMS (sodium chlorite+activating acid producing chlorine dioxide) with a 100%
success rate in 154 cases within 24-48 hours.
This formerly hidden video was kept from the public for over 5 months until recently discovered.
That's why they had YouTube remove all of the Evidence

She wrote the article Malaria, Malaria below.
Growing Body of Evidence
New evidence has surfaced supporting the authenticity of the leaked video from the MMS test performed by the Red Cross and their affiliate, the Water Reference Center. While doing some simple googling of the topic, we found a link to a blog page that was deleted. Fortunately, there was a Google cached page and therefore showed up in the search results:
We don’t know how long this link will work, so we made a screen capture and put it here:
The blog’s menus are in German, but the text is mostly in English, dated December 19, 2012, titled, “Kerstin goes Uganda 2012/2013,” and the heading for that days entry is, “Malaria, Malaria, Malaria.”
According to Leo Koehof,
We don’t know why she deleted the original page which was located here:
Leo says, "I met Kerstin on the first day at the Iganga branch of the Red Cross. We were introduced to the volunteers and informed them about the project for the upcoming week. Some of the volunteers where posted at the table where we treated the people with MMS.” Leo also reported to us that Kerstin had malaria herself at one point and treated it with traditional meds. She treated herself at the test site as a precautionary measure.
This serves as yet more proof that:
1. The test took place.
2. Another witness that tells the same story as in the video.
3. The information is being censored to presumably hide the truth
New evidence has surfaced supporting the authenticity of the leaked video from the MMS test performed by the Red Cross and their affiliate, the Water Reference Center. While doing some simple googling of the topic, we found a link to a blog page that was deleted. Fortunately, there was a Google cached page and therefore showed up in the search results:
We don’t know how long this link will work, so we made a screen capture and put it here:
The blog’s menus are in German, but the text is mostly in English, dated December 19, 2012, titled, “Kerstin goes Uganda 2012/2013,” and the heading for that days entry is, “Malaria, Malaria, Malaria.”
According to Leo Koehof,
We don’t know why she deleted the original page which was located here:
Leo says, "I met Kerstin on the first day at the Iganga branch of the Red Cross. We were introduced to the volunteers and informed them about the project for the upcoming week. Some of the volunteers where posted at the table where we treated the people with MMS.” Leo also reported to us that Kerstin had malaria herself at one point and treated it with traditional meds. She treated herself at the test site as a precautionary measure.
This serves as yet more proof that:
1. The test took place.
2. Another witness that tells the same story as in the video.
3. The information is being censored to presumably hide the truth
Like I always say, Cancer does not have to be a death sentence. Hope you see that more clearly now. The Red Cross staff administering the malaria treatment was thrilled by the success of the test. However, the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (IFRC - the parent organization) was not thrilled at all. Unknown to the local Red Cross, the International body was aware of a Malaria drug in the production by a pharmaceutical company. Admitting publicly that MMS was so powerful and could cure such dangerous diseases in hours, would be very troubling, and would not sit well with their partners the FDA, AMA and the drug manufacturers.
So, the Red Cross officials seen in the authentic video were instructed by their governing body to lie. Downplay the video, make it sound like it was a fake video done by people dressed up as Red Cross employees. SO SAD. But there were more than one videos shot that day...They couldn't hide the truth. There is another video below.
When Leo Koehof released his version of a video documenting the same field test, the IFRC came out with a statement saying, “IFRC strongly dissociates from the claim of a ‘miracle’ solution to defeat malaria” (http://www.ifrc.org/en/news-and-media/opinions-and-positions/opinion-pieces/2013/ifrc-strongly-dissociates-from-the-claim-of-a-miracle-solution-to-defeat-malaria).
In addition, weeks and months after the completion of the test, Klaas Proesmans, the narrator of the above video, did everything he could to keep the results secret. Well, there he is in the video above. I don't see anyone telling him what to say or do, Do You? This is why people keep dying from illnesses and diseases that are treatable and curable. The love of money is indeed the root of all evils.
Note: Proesmans is the Founder and CEO of the “Water Reference Center” which is affiliated with the Red Cross.
Since 1996, chlorine dioxide has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on.
Even though this sounds too good to be true, this is by far not a comprehensive list. According to testimonials over the last 20 years, it’s safe to say MMS has the potential to overcome most diseases known to mankind. People have a great chance to restore their health without it costing them a fortune. So, even the poorest of the poor can benefit. Good health does not belong only to the rich.
It is important to note though that we're not sayingthat MMS cures disease. MMS is an oxidizer, it kills pathogens and destroys poisons. When these are reduced or eliminated from the body, then the body can function properly and thereby heal itself. I often say, “The body heals the body”. MMS helps to line things up so the body can do just that.
Microbes are the cause of an enormous number of health conditions. Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, most other brain disorders, cancer, AIDS, malaria, and even sexual deficiencies, can be caused by microbes or their “mycotoxins” (e.g. highly acidic waste products). In may cases it is the mycotoxins and in many cases it is the microbes themselves that cause the problems. MMS can HELP YOUR BODY to kick those pathogens, bacteria etc butt. EVEN the dreaded Cancer. I always say that cancer is not the terrible death sentence you were told that it is. Hope you can see that more clearly now.
So, the Red Cross officials seen in the authentic video were instructed by their governing body to lie. Downplay the video, make it sound like it was a fake video done by people dressed up as Red Cross employees. SO SAD. But there were more than one videos shot that day...They couldn't hide the truth. There is another video below.
When Leo Koehof released his version of a video documenting the same field test, the IFRC came out with a statement saying, “IFRC strongly dissociates from the claim of a ‘miracle’ solution to defeat malaria” (http://www.ifrc.org/en/news-and-media/opinions-and-positions/opinion-pieces/2013/ifrc-strongly-dissociates-from-the-claim-of-a-miracle-solution-to-defeat-malaria).
In addition, weeks and months after the completion of the test, Klaas Proesmans, the narrator of the above video, did everything he could to keep the results secret. Well, there he is in the video above. I don't see anyone telling him what to say or do, Do You? This is why people keep dying from illnesses and diseases that are treatable and curable. The love of money is indeed the root of all evils.
Note: Proesmans is the Founder and CEO of the “Water Reference Center” which is affiliated with the Red Cross.
Since 1996, chlorine dioxide has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on.
Even though this sounds too good to be true, this is by far not a comprehensive list. According to testimonials over the last 20 years, it’s safe to say MMS has the potential to overcome most diseases known to mankind. People have a great chance to restore their health without it costing them a fortune. So, even the poorest of the poor can benefit. Good health does not belong only to the rich.
It is important to note though that we're not sayingthat MMS cures disease. MMS is an oxidizer, it kills pathogens and destroys poisons. When these are reduced or eliminated from the body, then the body can function properly and thereby heal itself. I often say, “The body heals the body”. MMS helps to line things up so the body can do just that.
Microbes are the cause of an enormous number of health conditions. Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, most other brain disorders, cancer, AIDS, malaria, and even sexual deficiencies, can be caused by microbes or their “mycotoxins” (e.g. highly acidic waste products). In may cases it is the mycotoxins and in many cases it is the microbes themselves that cause the problems. MMS can HELP YOUR BODY to kick those pathogens, bacteria etc butt. EVEN the dreaded Cancer. I always say that cancer is not the terrible death sentence you were told that it is. Hope you can see that more clearly now.
Malaria Eradicated in Hours
What They Don't Want You To Know
Mycotoxins are highly acidic and block many types of electrical signaling in the body.
Chlorine Dioxide (CD) is a major way to get rid of microbes in the body because it is so easy to use and so very, very inexpensive. It is also extremely safe. It does not cause any type of body odor, but may cause bad breath. Thus, it can be used at any time of the day by taking a simple breath mint a few minutes after taking the protocol.
The main significance of this protocol is that it is very, very inexpensive and it provides massive benefits given its cost. Almost anyone can afford to use this protocol.
Chlorine dioxide is used to kill microbes in the bloodstream. How effective it is on any given microbial disease depends on the life-cycle of the microbe.
For example, it has a 100 percent eradication rate on malaria because the malaria microbe is always in the bloodstream. However, it cannot completely eradicate Lyme Disease on its own (though it may be able to keep it in check), because the Lyme Disease microbe is frequently outside of the bloodstream, hidden away in the cells.
The Hepatitis C microbes are frequently inside of cells, so its effectiveness on this disease is not known. However, if combined with DMSO or MSM it may be effective against Hepatitis A, B, or C.
For cancer, because the “cancer microbe” is INSIDE the cancer cells, chlorine dioxide must be used with DMSO or MSM (Methyl Sulfonal Methane), which can help get the chlorine dioxide inside the cancer cells.
In fact, research indicates that DMSO and chlorine dioxide bind together and are an incredible treatment for external tumors, toenail fungus, cancer, etc.
Only the Bob Beck Protocol is known to be more effective at cleaning the blood of microbes. The Bob Beck Protocol was originally designed to eradicate AIDS. However, even the Bob Beck Protocol is not perfect at dealing with microbial diseases when the microbes can live outside of the bloodstream.
If you have a serious health issue of one kind or another, from which you need to recover--this Protocol is for you. Likewise, if your health seems to be “OK” but you would like to nevertheless achieve optimum health, this MMS Protocol is also for you. Whatever category you fit in—a basic ongoing routine with MMS can help you (and/or your loved ones and pets/animals) get healthy, keep you healthy, and help you maintain a good quality of life!
Chlorine Dioxide (CD) is a major way to get rid of microbes in the body because it is so easy to use and so very, very inexpensive. It is also extremely safe. It does not cause any type of body odor, but may cause bad breath. Thus, it can be used at any time of the day by taking a simple breath mint a few minutes after taking the protocol.
The main significance of this protocol is that it is very, very inexpensive and it provides massive benefits given its cost. Almost anyone can afford to use this protocol.
Chlorine dioxide is used to kill microbes in the bloodstream. How effective it is on any given microbial disease depends on the life-cycle of the microbe.
For example, it has a 100 percent eradication rate on malaria because the malaria microbe is always in the bloodstream. However, it cannot completely eradicate Lyme Disease on its own (though it may be able to keep it in check), because the Lyme Disease microbe is frequently outside of the bloodstream, hidden away in the cells.
The Hepatitis C microbes are frequently inside of cells, so its effectiveness on this disease is not known. However, if combined with DMSO or MSM it may be effective against Hepatitis A, B, or C.
For cancer, because the “cancer microbe” is INSIDE the cancer cells, chlorine dioxide must be used with DMSO or MSM (Methyl Sulfonal Methane), which can help get the chlorine dioxide inside the cancer cells.
In fact, research indicates that DMSO and chlorine dioxide bind together and are an incredible treatment for external tumors, toenail fungus, cancer, etc.
Only the Bob Beck Protocol is known to be more effective at cleaning the blood of microbes. The Bob Beck Protocol was originally designed to eradicate AIDS. However, even the Bob Beck Protocol is not perfect at dealing with microbial diseases when the microbes can live outside of the bloodstream.
If you have a serious health issue of one kind or another, from which you need to recover--this Protocol is for you. Likewise, if your health seems to be “OK” but you would like to nevertheless achieve optimum health, this MMS Protocol is also for you. Whatever category you fit in—a basic ongoing routine with MMS can help you (and/or your loved ones and pets/animals) get healthy, keep you healthy, and help you maintain a good quality of life!
Items That Can Neutralize Chlorine Dioxide:
This treatment can easily be neutralized by supplements which are high in anti-oxidants. This is a TIMING issue only.
Do not take any of these items within two hours, on both sides, of taking chlorine dioxide. Vitamin C, herbs, Transfer Point (beta glucans), Protocel, Cantron, and other antioxidants.
These products should not be used within 1 hour of chlorine dioxide. Even Cellect includes immune builders which can neutralize this treatment. Do not use any of these products, or any other supplements which contain antioxidants (including do not use multi-vitamins, herbs, etc.) during this period.
You should make chlorine dioxide at home and use it within a couple of hours. Actually, you should make it fresh every time you use it, unless you keep your solution airtight closed in a dark place.
Chlorine dioxide is made from sodium chlorite, otherwise known as stabilized oxygen. The stabilized oxygen product normally used to make chlorine dioxide is called: Master Mineral Solution (MMS). Stabilized oxygen has been used in alternative medicine for over 70 years to prevent colds and the flu.
Chlorine Dioxide is currently made by mixing MMS (Master Mineral Solution) with an “activator,” which is usually 50 percent citric acid. They are in separate bottles.
Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.
Do not take any of these items within two hours, on both sides, of taking chlorine dioxide. Vitamin C, herbs, Transfer Point (beta glucans), Protocel, Cantron, and other antioxidants.
These products should not be used within 1 hour of chlorine dioxide. Even Cellect includes immune builders which can neutralize this treatment. Do not use any of these products, or any other supplements which contain antioxidants (including do not use multi-vitamins, herbs, etc.) during this period.
You should make chlorine dioxide at home and use it within a couple of hours. Actually, you should make it fresh every time you use it, unless you keep your solution airtight closed in a dark place.
Chlorine dioxide is made from sodium chlorite, otherwise known as stabilized oxygen. The stabilized oxygen product normally used to make chlorine dioxide is called: Master Mineral Solution (MMS). Stabilized oxygen has been used in alternative medicine for over 70 years to prevent colds and the flu.
Chlorine Dioxide is currently made by mixing MMS (Master Mineral Solution) with an “activator,” which is usually 50 percent citric acid. They are in separate bottles.
Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.
Click On Any Picture Below To Find An Approved MMS Vendor
Do not do usage rates of Chlorine Dioxidet (CD), if you are taking high
doses of aspirin or any type of blood thinner.
When selecting your kit, determine if you will use MMS Orally, Transdermally, or both ways.
That will guide you in choosing the correct kit.
If you use blood thinners, you CANNOT use DMSO in your protocol. Pregnant women, women who may
become pregnant, or women who are nursing, should not use DMSO – Period.
WARNING #2: Age and Size Restrictions:
The doses in this treatment are designed for a person who weighs 150 pounds or above. If you weigh less than 150 pounds, then take proportionately lower doses. (See the dosing chart below)
Master Mineral Solution bottles should NOT be exposed directly to sunlight.
Jim's Book - MMS Health Manual Page 32 in the Health Recovery Guide tells you how to make a basic dose of MMS
MMS1 should be taken in drinking (purified) water— never tap water that has chlorine,
fluoride or other toxins added, as these will cancel out the effectiveness of MMS1 and may even make you sick.
For people who cannot get the tablets or make the capsules, When you see MMS2 Treat it as MMS with HCL 4% Activator & DMSO. Build UP and Follow Protocol 1000 Plus for use of MMS2.
Protocol 1000
Most Popular Treatment Protocol. Basic Protocol to Begin Your steady Dosing
Remember to Do a Slow Build Up. Low & Slow dosing is best.
This protocol alone has proven time and time again to restore health to people with a wide variety of diseases and conditions such as Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV/AIDS, arthritis, acid reflux, kidney disease, any number of aches and pains, urinary tract infections, depression, diabetes, and the list goes on and on.
Protocol 1000 is also helpful for a good general cleanse to rid the body of unwanted toxins that one often does not even realize they have. Many people report that they really didn’t feel they had any major health problems, yet after doing Protocol 1000 they felt so much better—they had more energy and vitality, clearer thinking, and felt healthier overall after completing Protocol 1000.
The instructions given here are for the original, and what I like to call, Classic Protocol 1000. If you do further research you will find that we and many other people have tried various versions of Protocol 1000 over the years. While most all of the slight variations of Protocol 1000 have been successful, according to reports we have received from around the world, the success has never been as good as the original protocol of mixing the dose fresh every hour.
Protocol 1000 is taking a maximum of 3 drops of activated MMS (MMS1) in 4 ounces/120 ml of water (some juices are acceptable, as explained on pages 42-45) once each hour, for eight consecutive hours, every day, for three weeks or until well.
One does not start out at 3 drops an hour. You try to build up to 3 drops slowly as stated in this book and abiding by the Three Golden Rules of MMS.
Remember, if your body does not tolerate an increase of drops, stick with what works best for you. Your health may be recovered taking less than 3 drops in each dose. Some people have recovered their health taking 1 or 2 (or even less) drops per hour.
It is best to start out slow and build up to the 3-drop dose. Do not start Protocol 1000 until you have completed the Starting Procedure. After finishing the Starting Procedure we start Protocol 1000 at 1 drop an hour and work up to the suggested 3-drop dose per hour.
Instructions for Protocol 1000
Step 1
- In a clean, dry glass activate 1 drop of MMS as per the instructions in Mixing a Basic Dose of MMS1, (see page 32 of the Health Recovery Manual.
- Add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water or other recommended mixer.
Step 2
- Drink down your 1-drop dose within one minute of mixing.
Step 3
- Continue taking a 1-drop dose every hour until you are ready to increase your drops.
Step 4
- If after three or four hours there is no problem of nausea or any worse feeling, then increase your dose by at least 1/2 drop. Go at your own pace, (without getting sicker than your illness is already making you) but steadily build up to a 3-drop dose every hour. For example, one person might start out the first day with a 1-drop dose for two to three hours, and then they may increase to 1-1/2 drops for a couple of hours, and then 2 drops for a couple of hours and so on.
- Others might want to stick to a 1-drop dose every hour for the entire first day, and then 2 drops every hour the next day and so on. Some may even find it necessary to stay at a 1-drop dose every hour for a few days before they can go up.
Step 5
- Continue taking 3-drop doses every hour, for eight consecutive hours a day, for 21 days. You may get well without another hitch, but if at any time you experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive tiredness simply reduce the amount of drops you are taking by at least one half. Remember, reduce but do not stop. (A little bit of loose stool or diarrhea might be considered OK and part of the cleansing process, but if it becomes too much or you are also experiencing nausea and vomiting cut back immediately. Follow the instructions in the section Feeling Sick, page 50.) Be sure to follow the Three Golden Rules of MMS.
Never go beyond a 3-drop dose each hour while on Protocol 1000.
Though it is not pleasant to feel nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive tiredness should you experience these symptoms, it is usually a sign that your body is going through the detoxification process—so on that score it is positive. The goal, however, is to go at a steady pace, not too fast, so that you do not make yourself sick.
In the event that you recover your health in less than three weeks, I suggest that you nevertheless continue Protocol 1000 for the entire 21 day period. This will help complete the detoxification process.
Protocol 1000 Plus
Protocol 1000 Plus requires the addition of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) to your hourly dosing. Before proceeding with this protocol, please thoroughly read and/or familiarize yourself with Chapter 4 in the Manual.
This protocol is simply adding DMSO to the CD Protocol 1000 dose which is 3 activated drops per hour (or sometimes less).
With Protocol 1000 Plus, you add in 3 drops of DMSO for each drop of CD. Or, in case you have not progressed to 3 drops an hour by this time, continue the same amount of CD you’ve been taking and add in the DMSO accordingly. For example, if you are taking a 3-drop dose of CD, you would add 9 drops of DMSO. If you are taking a 2-drop dose of CD, you would add 6 drops of DMSO.
Instructions for Protocol 1000 Plus
Step 1
- Activate 3 drops of MMS. (If you have not been able to work up to a 3-drop dose yet, due to nausea, etc., activate however many drops you are taking.)
- Add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water (or compatible liquid; see pages 42-45, 56) of the Manual.
Step 2
- Immediately after adding the water, add in 3 drops of DMSO for each drop of CD you are using. For example, if you are making a 3-drop CD dose, add 9 drops of DMSO. (Thoroughly mix in the DMSO by stirring it.
- Drink down the dose immediately as once the DMSO is added the CD will begin to slowly lose potency if left to sit.
Step 3
- If after adding DMSO to your dose you experience discomfort (such as nausea, diarrhea, etc.), reduce the amount of DMSO you are adding on the next dose. Instead of adding 3 drops of DMSO per 1 drop of CD, reduce to 2 drops of DMSO to 1 drop of CD.
- If you still have discomfort, reduce the DMSO by another drop, in other words, use 1 drop of DMSO per 1 drop of CD. If you still experience discomfort after reducing the amount of DMSO 2 times, then completely stop adding DMSO to your CD doses for a day. Then start back with small doses of DMSO and build up slowly to 3 drops of DMSO per 1 drop of CD.
An important reason to drink the CD/DMSO dose immediately is because DMSO begins to cause the dose to slowly lose its potency. It takes up to six hours to lose full potency; nevertheless, it is best to drink it straight away so it doesn’t lose any of its power. I suggest drinking it within one minute of adding DMSO drops, because it loses a large amount of potency in the first ten minutes and then continues to lose potency at a slower pace.
When progressing from Protocol 1000 Plus to Protocol 2000, always continue using DMSO according to the instructions given here in Protocol 1000 Plus while doing Protocol 2000, i.e. always add 3 drops of DMSO to the dose for every 1 drop of CD.
Protocol 2000
Ideal for Cancer Patients But Great for Most illness
MMS1: is Sodium Chlorite with HCL 4% Activator Only = (CLO2)
MMS2: is Calcium Hypochlorite
Poor Folks who have no access to make the capsules should just concentrate on using
the CD with the DMSO Oral/Transdermal Usage
MMS2: is Calcium Hypochlorite
Poor Folks who have no access to make the capsules should just concentrate on using
the CD with the DMSO Oral/Transdermal Usage
Protocol 2000 is, in essence, the Cancer Protocol, but we are not naming it “Cancer Protocol” as such because it also works well for most other life-threatening diseases. It is observed that more than 90% of those who use Protocol 2000 faithfully, and take responsibility for using it as directed here, overcome their cancer or other disease completely...sometimes in JUST WEEKS!
However, I must also mention that there are cases of cancer and other diseases that simply are too far gone for even MMS1 and MMS2 to help. Normally these are the cases that have had tremendous amounts of chemo, radiation, or surgery treatment and the body is simply “past the point of no return.” However, we never say never. If the person still has one more hour to live, get some MMS1 into him.
Disregard the MMS2 Capsule Treatment. Use the Protocol 3000
On Protocol 2000 you will:
● Increase the number of drops you take each hour to as many drops as you can handle (up to the maximum amount of drops for your weight—(see page 92 in the Health Recovery Manual) without getting sick due to the MMS. Go slowly...Low and slow.
In most cases the increase in drops is needed for cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Go slowly...
● Increase the number of hours you take your dose each day from eight to ten hours.
● At the beginning of the third or fourth day of Protocol 2000, you should begin taking MMS2 in addition to MMS1.
The most important thing to remember is, never stop taking MMS until you are well. Remain on Protocol 2000 and any needed Supporting Protocols, as explained in the Health Recovery Plan, until you have fully recovered your health.
Note: When progressing from Protocol 1000 Plus to Protocol 2000, always continue using DMSO according to the instructions given in Protocol 1000 Plus while doing Protocol 2000, i.e. add 3 drops of DMSO to the dose for every 1 drop of CD.
Instructions for Protocol 2000
Step 1
- Increase the number of hours per day that one takes the hourly dose to ten hours per day instead of the eight hours per day of Protocol 1000.
Step 2
- Begin increasing the drops in your daily dose by 1 drop increments. For example, if you were taking 3 drops an hour as per Protocol 1000, you can increase to 4 drops.
The Health Recovery Plan (HRP) gives allowance for an exception to the rule, (see page 70). If you fall into this category and therefore come to Protocol 2000 directly from the Starting Procedure because of cancer or some other life-threatening disease, then begin at 1 drop per hour and increase the drops per hour after only a few hours at 1 drop per hour. You can tell if you should not add another drop per hour by the way you feel.
Just keep increasing by 1 additional drop per hour until a tiny sickish feeling beyond how the disease makes you feel, lets you know for the time being to stop increasing. Some people can move along quicker and some cannot, please be attentive to the Three Golden Rules of CD. See Page 83.
It is important to NOT allow yourself to feel worse than your disease is already making you feel, as the additional sickness can then slow your recovery down. So if taking your CD dose results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or excessive tiredness reduce the number of drops you are taking by 50% (half) for the next dose, if it still seems like the CD is continuing to cause distress, then decrease the dose by another 50% of what you are taking. When you feel comfortable with the amount of CD you are taking, then slowly increase the drops again.
If the added sickness is severe then temporarily stop taking the drops altogether and start again as soon as you are feeling better. And again, increase to as much as you can take without feeling worse than you already are.
The following chart gives the theoretical maximum amount of drops that most people should take for their body weight. Anyone weighing more than 200 pounds can calculate their maximum number of drops by adding 1 drop for each 20 pounds over 200 pounds.
There are times when a cancer is not improving that one might go ahead and take more drops per hour than suggested here, in that case do not hesitate to do so, but normally this chart is correct.
Remember, follow the Three Golden Rules of CD. Some people will not get up to anywhere near these amounts. These are maximum amounts—they are not a goal.
See page 249 in the Health Recovery Protocols Guide Manual below for more information on helping people with extreme health conditions.
Please Download a copy for your personal use.
Ideal Dosing Per Weight
Best to NOT exceed weight/dosage requirement
Weight |
Dosage |
Weight |
Dosage |
80-100 lbs (36-45 kg) |
Take no more than 8 drops hourly |
100-120 lbs (45-54 kg) |
Take no more than 8 drops hourly |
120-140 lbs (54-63 kg) |
Take no more than 9 drops hourly |
140-160 lbs (63-72 kg) |
Take no more than 10 drops hourly |
160-180 lbs (72-81 kg) |
Take no more than 11 drops hourly |
180-200 lbs (81-90 kg) |
Take no more than 12 drops hourly |
200 lbs (90 kg) and above: Increase the maximum dose by 1 drop
for each additional 20 lbs (9 kg)
All the protocols in the Manual can be used for children. They must, however, be adapted according to the child’s weight.
See Chapter 13 in the Manual, for instructions on how to adjust protocol dosages for children.
Protocol 3000
This is for patients who are very seriously ill, such as
a Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis or AIDS
The goal with serious or life-threatening situations is to quickly get CD circulating in the blood while trying to stay under the nausea level. One way to achieve this is by using DMSO with CD topically. DMSO is a carrier and therefore takes CD directly into the skin and tissues and thus into the blood.
Testing under laboratory conditions have demonstrated that DMSO carries CD directly to any cancer in the body and it then penetrates the cancer cells. We have evidence that DMSO also carries CD to any place in the body where disease has weakened the area. (For further information I recommend Stanley Jacob’s book: Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease by Stanley W. Jacob and Jack C. De La Torre. Also The DMSO Handbook by Hartmut P.A. Fischer.)
Protocol 3000 is the topical use of CD mixed with DMSO, applied to the body every hour for a minimum of eight hours a day. The CD/DMSO procedure described below is an accelerated skin technique that helps push CD into the blood plasma. This method also helps to avoid a Herxheimer reaction. In the case of cancer or other life-threatening disease, it should be used in addition to a normal oral regimen of Protocol 2000.
Instructions for Protocol 3000
Step 1
- Mix up a solution of 10 drops of CD with 10 drops of Hydrochloric Acid 4%. Count 30 seconds for activation.
- Add 20 drops of water. But if this mixture is too strong (causes burning of the skin or other irritation), add more drops of water until it doesn’t cause irritation. If there is no extra skin sensitivity, you may want to add less water (do this in increments), to see if you can tolerate a stronger mixture.
- Add 1 teaspoon/5 ml of DMSO.
- Immediately spread the mixture over one arm.
You can use your hand to spread the mix. (Be sure your hands are washed and thoroughly rinsed so as to remove all of the soap before applying DMSO.) It is not necessary, and even potentially dangerous to wear a glove, (if latex or rubber). When you have finished, wash your hand with plain water, do not wash with soap and water, as DMSO is a carrier and can carry some of the soap into your tissues.
Step 2
- The following hour, mix up another CD/DMSO solution and spread it on your other arm. Repeat the next hour and do a different part of your body. Do one arm first, then the other arm, then a leg, then the other leg, then your stomach, and then back to the first arm, and so on. Use a different part of the body each time you apply the DMSO/CD combination. Do this once every hour for eight consecutive hours.
Step 3
- Repeat this process once every hour for eight consecutive hours for three consecutive days. (It is fine to bathe or shower after completing the hours applying the CD/DMSO. Wait at least one hour after applying the last application. Thoroughly rinse well with plain water before using soap.)
Step 4
- Then take a break. Quit from one to four days or however many days it takes to overcome any problems that may be caused by the DMSO (such as extra dry skin).
Step 5
- After the first week you can use this topical application four days a week, or more, if there is no problem with your skin. If there is no problem, continue to use CD and DMSO every day, as long as there is no skin irritation. Anytime you experience irritation, cut back for a time, or you can add more water to the mixture.
Note: When you quit the CD/DMSO topical application for four days you should still continue with your other CD Protocols.
An alternative method is using the same mixture as mentioned above of CD drops to water, but spread this mixture on the body first and then spray DMSO (see pages 261-264 on DMSO spray bottle), or pat on the DMSO over the top of the CD on the same area. Gently rub it into the skin.
You can use your clean bare hands to do this. When finished rinse your hands with plain water. (Remember, DMSO is a carrier, so using it with soap could carry the soap into your system, so rinse with water and wipe dry.)
For extra sick people who should take smaller doses of DMSO, it would be best to start out using only a small area of the body. I suggest using an area about the size of the palm of your hand—no larger. Use a small area like this for several days before going to a larger area such as the entire arm or leg. Use a larger area only if there is no adverse reaction to DMSO in the smaller area.
Or instead, add extra water to the mixture. That is, instead of using a smaller area to rub the DMSO on, add extra water to the CD/DMSO solution and then put it on the entire arm or leg and other areas.
There is a more convenient way to do this Protocol that involves using spray bottles to apply the CD and DMSO to the body. You can find the full details of the spray bottle method for Protocol 3000, in the section for children in this book on page 260 of the health Recovery Manual. The same procedure and mixture for children can be used for adults.
Although the spray bottle method may be easier for some people, I have left the original method for this protocol above for the sake of learning, and for the sake of those people who, for one reason or another, may not be able to obtain spray bottles.
When working with DMSO, do not use rubber or latex gloves or other medical gloves. You could get rubber into your body as DMSO melts the rubber. The plastic gloves that are not stretch are one kind of plastic that can be used with DMSO.
Keep full strength DMSO out of your eyes. Be careful not to touch your eyes when handling DMSO until you have rinsed the DMSO off of your hands.
If you notice a burning sensation on your skin after you have applied DMSO, a good technique is to place a teaspoon of purified water on the burning area and gently rub it in.
Keep adding water until it is no longer burning. Or use a spray bottle with plain water in it for such problems, but do rub the water in.
You can rub olive oil or Aloe vera gel on the skin after the DMSO/CD application in order to soothe the skin if you feel burning or irritation. Note: For a complete list of safety precautions for overall use of DMSO please see pages 25-27 of the Health Recovery Manual.
CD Forum:
Ask questions and share your usage
strategy with other CD Users.
There, you can also find (G2Cforum.org) people discussing the use of
CD for the healing of a multitude of ailments.
VERY IMPORTANT: The Build-Up of Chlorine Dioxide
Now let us apply this principle to learn how to safely “build-up” to the therapeutic doses of chlorine dioxide.
A note about water is in order. Use purified water during this protocol. As mentioned above, it is important NOT to use distilled water because drinking too much distilled water can leech key minerals out of your body.
I also would not recommend alkaline water or ozonated water because they may interfere with the chlorine dioxide chemically.
At any time during the “build-up” and protocol you can drink extra purified water and healthy foods such that you do not become uncomfortably hungry. You may also drink things for safety reasons, such as staying awake while driving (actually apple juice is as good as coffee if you don't drink coffee).
It is critical, VERY CRITICAL to build-up to therapeutic doses, in this case 3 drops each treatment. If you cannot build-up to taking three drops, every hour, then you cannot use this protocol.
The first day of the build-up you should only start with 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide. Here is how to mix and take 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide.
Do not throw away the other half of the mixture, put a lid on it or store in a bottle in a dark and cold place and use it the next hour.
Wait and see how your stomach reacts over the next 30 minutes.
If your stomach does well, two or three hours later increase the dose to 1 drop of chlorine dioxide. Follow the same procedure as before except drink all of the glass of water. See how your stomach reacts.
The next day you can try twice to build up to two drops:
Never try to build up by more than one drop a day.
NOTE: If for any reason you stop this protocol for more than a few days, you should start a new build-up from scratch.
Keep trying to increase the dosage and increase the number of times a day you take the dose. The goal is to build up to the recommended dose (three drops of chlorine dioxide every hour (for a total of eight times)), though the final dose will be up to the patient and his or her schedule. The goal is 24 drops a day, split up in any way the patient wants.
In other words, you not only have to build-up to the number of drops taken each time, but you also need to build up to the number of times you can take this mixture in a single day.
At any time during the build-up or treatment you can drink extra purified water and eat healthy foods such that you do not become uncomforably hungry.
An Example (After the Build-Up)1) You put THREE drops of MMS in a small glass or ceramic bowl and then
Do this every hour until you have taken it eight times (that is the chlorine dioxide part of the eight daily treatments). This is 24 drops of chlorine dioxide. It's MMS Protocol 1000, commonly used and base protocol to almost every treatment with the use of the MMS.
At any time you can drink purified water and eat healthy foods such that you do not become uncomforably hungry.
How Long Should the Treatment Be Taken?
This treatment can be taken indefinitely. But if you want to do a Protocol 1000, you must continue it at least for three weeks. (21 DAYS)
What Foods Should You NOT Eat During This Treatment
Since you are trying to kill microbes it is not good to eat or drink things that feed microbes.
You should avoid all dairy products and as many sugar products as you can. In fact, any acidic food can feed microbes.
See this article for more information about a “cancer diet:”
The “Cancer Diet”
A note about water is in order. Use purified water during this protocol. As mentioned above, it is important NOT to use distilled water because drinking too much distilled water can leech key minerals out of your body.
I also would not recommend alkaline water or ozonated water because they may interfere with the chlorine dioxide chemically.
At any time during the “build-up” and protocol you can drink extra purified water and healthy foods such that you do not become uncomfortably hungry. You may also drink things for safety reasons, such as staying awake while driving (actually apple juice is as good as coffee if you don't drink coffee).
It is critical, VERY CRITICAL to build-up to therapeutic doses, in this case 3 drops each treatment. If you cannot build-up to taking three drops, every hour, then you cannot use this protocol.
The first day of the build-up you should only start with 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide. Here is how to mix and take 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide.
- 1) You put ONE drop of MMS in a small glass bowl and then
- 2) Mix in one drop of Hydrochloric Acid 4%, then
- 3) Stir them together periodically for 20 to 30 seconds, then
- (Note: One drop of MMS plus one drop of Hydrochloric Acid 4% IS DEFINED to be “one drop of chlorine dioxide”.)
- 4) Add four to eight ounces (or more) of purified water, then
- 5) Drink HALF of the glass of water.
Do not throw away the other half of the mixture, put a lid on it or store in a bottle in a dark and cold place and use it the next hour.
Wait and see how your stomach reacts over the next 30 minutes.
If your stomach does well, two or three hours later increase the dose to 1 drop of chlorine dioxide. Follow the same procedure as before except drink all of the glass of water. See how your stomach reacts.
The next day you can try twice to build up to two drops:
- 1) You put TWO drops of MMS in a small glass bowl and then
- 2) Mix in two drops of drops of 50 percent citric acid or Hydrochloric Acid 4%, then
- 3) Stir them together periodically for 20 to 30 seconds (this makes two drops of chlorine dioxide), then
- 4) Add 4 to 8 ounces (or more) of purified water, then
- 5) Drink the glass of water.
Never try to build up by more than one drop a day.
NOTE: If for any reason you stop this protocol for more than a few days, you should start a new build-up from scratch.
Keep trying to increase the dosage and increase the number of times a day you take the dose. The goal is to build up to the recommended dose (three drops of chlorine dioxide every hour (for a total of eight times)), though the final dose will be up to the patient and his or her schedule. The goal is 24 drops a day, split up in any way the patient wants.
In other words, you not only have to build-up to the number of drops taken each time, but you also need to build up to the number of times you can take this mixture in a single day.
At any time during the build-up or treatment you can drink extra purified water and eat healthy foods such that you do not become uncomforably hungry.
An Example (After the Build-Up)1) You put THREE drops of MMS in a small glass or ceramic bowl and then
- 2) Mix in THREE drops of 50 percent citric acid, or 3 drops HCL 4% then
- 3) Stir them together periodically for 20 to 30 seconds, then
- 4) Add four to eight ounces of purified water, then stir
- 4) Drink the water.
Do this every hour until you have taken it eight times (that is the chlorine dioxide part of the eight daily treatments). This is 24 drops of chlorine dioxide. It's MMS Protocol 1000, commonly used and base protocol to almost every treatment with the use of the MMS.
At any time you can drink purified water and eat healthy foods such that you do not become uncomforably hungry.
How Long Should the Treatment Be Taken?
This treatment can be taken indefinitely. But if you want to do a Protocol 1000, you must continue it at least for three weeks. (21 DAYS)
What Foods Should You NOT Eat During This Treatment
Since you are trying to kill microbes it is not good to eat or drink things that feed microbes.
You should avoid all dairy products and as many sugar products as you can. In fact, any acidic food can feed microbes.
See this article for more information about a “cancer diet:”
The “Cancer Diet”
Sample Time Schedule for Protocol 2000, Once DMSO is Added to Your Dosing
Protocol 2000
MMS 8 hours Treatment
Time Schedule
Can be Modified to extend to 12 hours. Remember to Eat Breakfast
at least 30 minutes Before You Begin the Day's Treatments
Please Read About DMSO in Chapter 4 of the Protocols manual
Protocol 1000 Plus should be used for the MMS2. If You cannot Use DMSO Just continue each hour with Protocol 1000,
increasing the dose as tolerated. Do NOT exceed the dose for your weight.
increasing the dose as tolerated. Do NOT exceed the dose for your weight.
9:00 AM |
2:30 PM |
10:00 AM |
3:00 PM |
10:30 AM |
4:00 PM |
11:00 AM |
4:30 PM |
12:00 AM |
5: 00 PM |
12:30 PM |
6:00 PM |
Rest |
1:00 PM |
7:00 PM |
Dinner Time |
2:00 PM |
Value |
Value |
In Brief…
Three Golden Rules of MMS
1. Getting better? Do not change anything. Continue with what you are doing.
2. Feeling worse? Reduce your MMS intake by 50%.
3. Not getting better/not getting worse? If there are no signs of improvement, do the next
increase or go to the next protocol according to the HRP.
Eat small, light meals on the half hour. Hold your supplements until at least two hours after your last dose. Follow a Cancer diet. You don't need any other water but the MMS. Let that be the ONLY thing the cancer gets. If you can hold off on taking anti-oxidants until after you finish this Protocol, that would be quite beneficial as MMS and Anti-Oxidants cancel out each other's benefit.
Eating While On MMS Protocols
MMS1 doses should NOT be taken at mealtimes. While on the protocols, it is best to plan your meals around your dosing. Space out the MMS1 dose and meals by 20 to 30 minutes from the time you take your dose. For example, if you take your MMS1 dose at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:20-8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am.
Your breakfast should be relatively simple and small and take no longer than 10-15 minutes to eat. Likewise if you take an MMS1 dose at 12 noon, lunch could be at 12:30 pm and so on. During the hours you are on the protocol, it is best to try and eat smaller meals and/or snacks, as opposed to very large meals. (Don't get me wrong, you can eat while taking MMS1, just avoid the larger meals during the hours you are taking your doses.)
There are a variety of ways this can be done—adjust according to your daily routine. For example, if you start your protocol fairly early in the morning, say at 8:00 am, eight hours later would be 3:00 pm, which would be the time of your last dose. If you have had smaller meals or snacks during this eight hour dosing period, and you finish your last dose at 3:00 pm, this means that by 5:00 pm or later, you could have your larger meal of the day.
Some people prefer to start their dosing later in the day, so that they are free in the morning hours to drink orange juice, or their cup of coffee or tea (see page 56 of the manual for more info). If a person starts their dosing at 3:00 pm for example, their last dose would be at 10:00 pm if on the eight hour protocol. This means that before 1:00 pm they can have their coffee, tea or orange juice—things which are not compatible with MMS1 and MMS2—at least two hours before starting the protocol. The idea is to adjust your dosing to fit your needs and schedule. See what works for you.
Eat small, light meals on the half hour. Hold your supplements until at least two hours after your last dose. Follow a Cancer diet. You don't need any other water but the MMS. Let that be the ONLY thing the cancer gets. If you can hold off on taking anti-oxidants until after you finish this Protocol, that would be quite beneficial as MMS and Anti-Oxidants cancel out each other's benefit.
Eating While On MMS Protocols
MMS1 doses should NOT be taken at mealtimes. While on the protocols, it is best to plan your meals around your dosing. Space out the MMS1 dose and meals by 20 to 30 minutes from the time you take your dose. For example, if you take your MMS1 dose at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:20-8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am.
Your breakfast should be relatively simple and small and take no longer than 10-15 minutes to eat. Likewise if you take an MMS1 dose at 12 noon, lunch could be at 12:30 pm and so on. During the hours you are on the protocol, it is best to try and eat smaller meals and/or snacks, as opposed to very large meals. (Don't get me wrong, you can eat while taking MMS1, just avoid the larger meals during the hours you are taking your doses.)
There are a variety of ways this can be done—adjust according to your daily routine. For example, if you start your protocol fairly early in the morning, say at 8:00 am, eight hours later would be 3:00 pm, which would be the time of your last dose. If you have had smaller meals or snacks during this eight hour dosing period, and you finish your last dose at 3:00 pm, this means that by 5:00 pm or later, you could have your larger meal of the day.
Some people prefer to start their dosing later in the day, so that they are free in the morning hours to drink orange juice, or their cup of coffee or tea (see page 56 of the manual for more info). If a person starts their dosing at 3:00 pm for example, their last dose would be at 10:00 pm if on the eight hour protocol. This means that before 1:00 pm they can have their coffee, tea or orange juice—things which are not compatible with MMS1 and MMS2—at least two hours before starting the protocol. The idea is to adjust your dosing to fit your needs and schedule. See what works for you.
NOTE: If you cannot use DMSO, in the MMS2, just continue using MMS1 throught the day. Taking smaller doses of MMS1 more often throughout the day brought better results. Perhaps the most important reason for this is because MMS1 only lasts in your system for an hour, possibly an hour and a half at most. So keeping MMS1 running through your system on an hourly basis is imperative. This way MMS1 is hitting the pathogens, all those toxins, bacteria, nasty cancer cells, germs etc. continuously and does not allow pathogens time to regroup and build back up.
Instead, being constantly hit without a chance to regroup, they die off. This new method works and we clearly see positive results. The great thing about killing the cancer cells is that, they will revert to normal cells. So the cancer cells die off shouldn't make you feel so sick.
To Summarize
There are two basic reasons for doing the HRP (Health Recovery Plan—see Chapter 5):
1. To eradicate a disease and recover your health.
2. For cleansing purposes, to detox and thus get rid of poisons in the body, which can then help clear up a number of health problems both small and large.
If you have a disease of most any kind then the decision is simple. What you want to do is eliminate the disease. When someone is sick, and especially if they are seriously sick, it is a good time for the person to stop and examine various things, such as their diet and lifestyle. Eating right, exercising right, and living right all contribute to good health. While good nutrition is important for the body to get well, when someone is on the protocols described in this book, it can actually be helpful to avoid taking nutritional supplements for a time.
This is because pathogens also feed on good nutrition, so in a sense, if you are taking nutritional supplements while the pathogens are still alive, you are building up with one hand and tearing down with the other. In addition, some nutritional supplements neutralize MMS. This is especially true with cancer, and a number of major diseases—when you begin the protocols it is not the time to simultaneously be building up with an increase of extra nutritional supplements.
In these cases, I would suggest that it is best to forgo taking supplements for two to three weeks, and possibly up to several weeks, depending on the situation. Because as I said, cancer cells and other pathogens can feed off good nutrition. You don’t want to do anything to encourage cancer or other diseases to live longer or multiply. The idea is to starve and kill the disease, not give it more to thrive on. If you have a major disease, as mentioned above, suspend or do not start any supplements as you begin taking MMS—try to give it time to sufficiently destroy the pathogens before adding in supplements.
On the other hand, if you really feel the need for some type of supplements that you know are good, or you have already tried, you may want to add them in at some point (as suggested above, I would say not before two to three weeks for major diseases) and see how you do. It is imperative to pay close attention to how your body is reacting. If you are feeling good and doing better with the addition of a supplement(s), then continue. Do not change as long as you are improving.
But if you do add supplements, (even though you take them at a different time than your MMS doses), and you are not progressing and getting well, or your healing is moving along too slowly, then it may be Chapter 55 best to suspend the supplements again for a period of time. If taking supplements, it is very important to space them out from the times you are taking your MMS doses by at least two hours, or even more if you can.
Never take supplements at the same time you take your MMS dose. There are just about as many nutritional theories today as there are people. But our observations indicate that it is best to use MMS to kill the cancer cells and diseases while not promoting any special nutritional boosts for the body for a time. Then, once the disease is eliminated or greatly reduced, one can build up the immune system through good nutrition. It is a step-by-step process. Detox first, before introducing any new nutritional supplements and foods.
If you do not have a major disease but just want to cleanse from various toxins and heavy metals, and eliminate other things such as skin problems, achy joints, various nagging irritations, and a myriad of other ailments that are not necessarily life threatening, then you may begin supplementation any time after the first week or two on the protocol if you believe that the supplements will be of benefit to you. But the same principles apply, if you don't feel you are getting sufficient benefit from your MMS protocol, try suspending the supplements for a period of time and see how you do.
Anytime you are taking vitamins and supplements while dosing with MMS, always be sure to separate the times you take these from the times you take your MMS doses, by at least two hours. If possible, take your MMS doses in the first part of the day. Then when you have completed your protocol for the day, two hours after your last MMS dose, begin taking your vitamins and supplements. It goes without saying, that if you start taking vitamins and supplements, do avoid synthetic and artificial products. It’s always best to try and eat nutritious whole foods.
Food and Drink to Avoid When on an MMS Protocol
● When taking MMS1 or MMS2 avoid alcohol, chocolate, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated drinks, tea (black, green and many herbal teas) milk, coconut water, orange juice, tangerine juice or any drinks with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
● Do not take foods or supplements that are particularly high in antioxidants such as moringa, as these things cancel out the effectiveness of MMS. This is not to say you cannot have any of these foods if you are taking MMS. However when on a particular protocol it is better to wait until you finish your MMS doses for the day before consuming the above items, or take them first thing in the morning, then wait two hours before starting MMS dosing. Space them out by at least two hours after your last daily dose, or two hours before starting your daily dosing.
● If you are battling with a major disease you may want to suspend supplements all together for a time, as explained in the section above on Nutritional Supplements and the HRP.
Instead, being constantly hit without a chance to regroup, they die off. This new method works and we clearly see positive results. The great thing about killing the cancer cells is that, they will revert to normal cells. So the cancer cells die off shouldn't make you feel so sick.
To Summarize
- Do not take an MMS dose with your meals, space out food consumption and your MMS1 dose by 20-30 minutes.
- During the hours you are actually taking your MMS doses, try not to eat big “feast” types of meals, but rather eat smaller meals and/or snacks.
- Do not eat or drink things that neutralize MMS during your dosing hours. (See pages 42-45, 56.)
- If you don’t seem to be having success after a reasonable time, consider simplifying your diet. Try eliminating things that could be suspect of canceling out MMS.
There are two basic reasons for doing the HRP (Health Recovery Plan—see Chapter 5):
1. To eradicate a disease and recover your health.
2. For cleansing purposes, to detox and thus get rid of poisons in the body, which can then help clear up a number of health problems both small and large.
If you have a disease of most any kind then the decision is simple. What you want to do is eliminate the disease. When someone is sick, and especially if they are seriously sick, it is a good time for the person to stop and examine various things, such as their diet and lifestyle. Eating right, exercising right, and living right all contribute to good health. While good nutrition is important for the body to get well, when someone is on the protocols described in this book, it can actually be helpful to avoid taking nutritional supplements for a time.
This is because pathogens also feed on good nutrition, so in a sense, if you are taking nutritional supplements while the pathogens are still alive, you are building up with one hand and tearing down with the other. In addition, some nutritional supplements neutralize MMS. This is especially true with cancer, and a number of major diseases—when you begin the protocols it is not the time to simultaneously be building up with an increase of extra nutritional supplements.
In these cases, I would suggest that it is best to forgo taking supplements for two to three weeks, and possibly up to several weeks, depending on the situation. Because as I said, cancer cells and other pathogens can feed off good nutrition. You don’t want to do anything to encourage cancer or other diseases to live longer or multiply. The idea is to starve and kill the disease, not give it more to thrive on. If you have a major disease, as mentioned above, suspend or do not start any supplements as you begin taking MMS—try to give it time to sufficiently destroy the pathogens before adding in supplements.
On the other hand, if you really feel the need for some type of supplements that you know are good, or you have already tried, you may want to add them in at some point (as suggested above, I would say not before two to three weeks for major diseases) and see how you do. It is imperative to pay close attention to how your body is reacting. If you are feeling good and doing better with the addition of a supplement(s), then continue. Do not change as long as you are improving.
But if you do add supplements, (even though you take them at a different time than your MMS doses), and you are not progressing and getting well, or your healing is moving along too slowly, then it may be Chapter 55 best to suspend the supplements again for a period of time. If taking supplements, it is very important to space them out from the times you are taking your MMS doses by at least two hours, or even more if you can.
Never take supplements at the same time you take your MMS dose. There are just about as many nutritional theories today as there are people. But our observations indicate that it is best to use MMS to kill the cancer cells and diseases while not promoting any special nutritional boosts for the body for a time. Then, once the disease is eliminated or greatly reduced, one can build up the immune system through good nutrition. It is a step-by-step process. Detox first, before introducing any new nutritional supplements and foods.
If you do not have a major disease but just want to cleanse from various toxins and heavy metals, and eliminate other things such as skin problems, achy joints, various nagging irritations, and a myriad of other ailments that are not necessarily life threatening, then you may begin supplementation any time after the first week or two on the protocol if you believe that the supplements will be of benefit to you. But the same principles apply, if you don't feel you are getting sufficient benefit from your MMS protocol, try suspending the supplements for a period of time and see how you do.
Anytime you are taking vitamins and supplements while dosing with MMS, always be sure to separate the times you take these from the times you take your MMS doses, by at least two hours. If possible, take your MMS doses in the first part of the day. Then when you have completed your protocol for the day, two hours after your last MMS dose, begin taking your vitamins and supplements. It goes without saying, that if you start taking vitamins and supplements, do avoid synthetic and artificial products. It’s always best to try and eat nutritious whole foods.
Food and Drink to Avoid When on an MMS Protocol
● When taking MMS1 or MMS2 avoid alcohol, chocolate, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated drinks, tea (black, green and many herbal teas) milk, coconut water, orange juice, tangerine juice or any drinks with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
● Do not take foods or supplements that are particularly high in antioxidants such as moringa, as these things cancel out the effectiveness of MMS. This is not to say you cannot have any of these foods if you are taking MMS. However when on a particular protocol it is better to wait until you finish your MMS doses for the day before consuming the above items, or take them first thing in the morning, then wait two hours before starting MMS dosing. Space them out by at least two hours after your last daily dose, or two hours before starting your daily dosing.
● If you are battling with a major disease you may want to suspend supplements all together for a time, as explained in the section above on Nutritional Supplements and the HRP.
Cautions: When working with DMSO, do not use rubber or latex gloves or other medical gloves. You could get rubber into your body as DMSO melts the rubber.
Keep full strength DMSO out of your eyes. Be careful not to touch your eyes when handling DMSO until you have rinsed the DMSO off of your hands.
Daily Dose Bottle
In recent years we have taught the use of a daily dose bottle. The main inspiration for this bottle was to help facilitate people in taking their hourly dose. However, we have since concluded that maximum benefit from taking MMS1 is derived when each hourly dose is made up fresh.
This phenomenon was first noticed with thousands of autistic children who used the daily dose bottle for an ample time period. Then, when the children were switched over to doses made up individually and fresh each hour, many more improvements were reported than when their doses were mixed into one bottle for the entire day.
There is an overall greater results in health recovery when individually mixed fresh doses of MMS1 were used. In addition, people around the globe who work extensively with MMS, and with large numbers of people (by the thousands), have also reported the same results. If for various reasons there is no other choice but to make up an all-day mixture instead of mixing each dose fresh every hour, it is certainly well worth your while, and better than taking no MMS at all. But my recommendation is, if at all possible, stick to mixing fresh hourly doses. You will have a greater chance of getting well much quicker.
Note: A daily dose bottle entails mixing up all your MMS1 doses for the day into one bottle from which you drink a certain amount each hour. For example, if you were on Protocol 1000, it calls for taking a 3-drop dose of MMS1 (3 drops is the maximum—you start with less), every hour for eight consecutive hours. If making a daily bottle you would activate 24 drops of MMS, and add the drops to a 1 liter/quart bottle of purified water. If you drink 4 ounces out of the bottle, you would have a 3-drop dose. See video here for more info.
There can be any number of reasons why making up a fresh hourly dose of MMS1 may seem challenging and not possible. Perhaps one has a job where they drive a lot. Mixing a dose while driving is not easy, nor do I recommend it. I have found, however, through receiving substantial feedback from people around the world, that where there is a will, there is a way. Consider that your health is worth the effort to find a way to mix up your hourly doses. It can be as simple as carrying your MMS and activator acid bottles around in a Ziploc bag.
When you are on the go, you might want to have small 1/2 ounce (15 ml) size bottles of MMS and acid activator to carry in your purse or pocket. (These can be refilled when needed from your larger bottles at home.) If you are on the go and find yourself in and out of the office, the car, meetings, stuck in traffic and so on, purchasing a small portable pouch or lunch bag to keep your MMS supplies on hand and ready to go along with you at all times can be of help. All you need are your bottles of MMS and acid activator, a small 4 ounce/120 ml size glass, and a bottle or two of purified water.
As a rule, I do not recommend mixing and drinking your doses in plastic cups, glass is preferred. But if you are on the go, it may be convenient to take along small disposable plastic cups, 4 ounce/120 ml size. This would not be what you use all the time, but when you are on the go it could be helpful. If and when it is still not convenient to do all of the above, and you find yourself in situations where stopping to mix your dose is not possible, an alternative to succumbing to using an all day dose bottle as a rule rather than the exception, would be to only pre-mix doses for the hours when there is no other choice.
For example, say you are a teacher and you have to stand in front of your class for two or three hours. You know in advance you cannot excuse yourself to go mix up a dose during that time. In this case, mix up 2 or 3 doses in a bottle beforehand. Drink your hourly dose from that bottle during the time you cannot slip away to mix up a fresh dose. In almost any situation it is acceptable to have a water bottle on hand. Then, when possible, go back to mixing your fresh hourly doses. This helps one be able to continue with consecutive hourly doses, without breaking the 8 or 10 hour cycle of the protocols.
All MMS1 doses are usually taken in 4 ounces/120 ml of water (or other compatible liquid). Try to find 4 ounce/120 ml bottles and pre-mix the amount of doses you will need, in individual bottles. Or, if you know you need two hours worth of pre-mixed doses, an 8 ounce/240 ml bottle would do, or for three hours a 12 ounce/360 ml bottle.
You may want to use an indelible marking pen to mark off your bottle in 4 ounce/120 ml sections. Find what works best for you. This method is a combination of the pre-made dose bottle and mixing up fresh hourly doses. Remember, fresh mixed doses are best, but resort to this combination of the two—fresh doses and doses prepared ahead of time in a bottle, when there is no other choice. Keeping up with consecutive hourly doses is important.
If you are having difficulty with the oral application...Read page 47 of the Health Recovery Protocols Manual.
Feeling Sick
If nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive tiredness occurs while taking MMS1, (see Herxheimer reaction on page 6 of the Manual) immediately reduce the dose by one half but do not stop taking MMS1 unless the symptoms are too much to handle.
In this case, stop altogether until the condition has cleared. Once the symptoms have cleared, then start back at one half the amount you were taking before the symptoms occurred.
If you reduce the amount by one half and the above mentioned reactions continue, reduce by another half. Reduce your MMS1 intake in increments until you find the amount you can take without causing sickness from the MMS1. Even a very small amount of MMS1 on an hourly basis will help you, so the idea is to try not to quit all together if possible.
When you find a comfortable amount of MMS1 that you can tolerate, stick with that for one to two days and then try to increase your intake slowly until you reach the proper amount for the protocol you are on. Note: If using 50% citric acid and you experience ill feelings, try 4% HCl instead. Some people cannot tolerate citric acid.
Plus, if you do the Low and Slow build up, chances are you'll not have the herxheimer's Reaction. Go Low and Slow as much as possible to AVOID feeling sicker than your illness makes you.
In recent years we have taught the use of a daily dose bottle. The main inspiration for this bottle was to help facilitate people in taking their hourly dose. However, we have since concluded that maximum benefit from taking MMS1 is derived when each hourly dose is made up fresh.
This phenomenon was first noticed with thousands of autistic children who used the daily dose bottle for an ample time period. Then, when the children were switched over to doses made up individually and fresh each hour, many more improvements were reported than when their doses were mixed into one bottle for the entire day.
There is an overall greater results in health recovery when individually mixed fresh doses of MMS1 were used. In addition, people around the globe who work extensively with MMS, and with large numbers of people (by the thousands), have also reported the same results. If for various reasons there is no other choice but to make up an all-day mixture instead of mixing each dose fresh every hour, it is certainly well worth your while, and better than taking no MMS at all. But my recommendation is, if at all possible, stick to mixing fresh hourly doses. You will have a greater chance of getting well much quicker.
Note: A daily dose bottle entails mixing up all your MMS1 doses for the day into one bottle from which you drink a certain amount each hour. For example, if you were on Protocol 1000, it calls for taking a 3-drop dose of MMS1 (3 drops is the maximum—you start with less), every hour for eight consecutive hours. If making a daily bottle you would activate 24 drops of MMS, and add the drops to a 1 liter/quart bottle of purified water. If you drink 4 ounces out of the bottle, you would have a 3-drop dose. See video here for more info.
There can be any number of reasons why making up a fresh hourly dose of MMS1 may seem challenging and not possible. Perhaps one has a job where they drive a lot. Mixing a dose while driving is not easy, nor do I recommend it. I have found, however, through receiving substantial feedback from people around the world, that where there is a will, there is a way. Consider that your health is worth the effort to find a way to mix up your hourly doses. It can be as simple as carrying your MMS and activator acid bottles around in a Ziploc bag.
When you are on the go, you might want to have small 1/2 ounce (15 ml) size bottles of MMS and acid activator to carry in your purse or pocket. (These can be refilled when needed from your larger bottles at home.) If you are on the go and find yourself in and out of the office, the car, meetings, stuck in traffic and so on, purchasing a small portable pouch or lunch bag to keep your MMS supplies on hand and ready to go along with you at all times can be of help. All you need are your bottles of MMS and acid activator, a small 4 ounce/120 ml size glass, and a bottle or two of purified water.
As a rule, I do not recommend mixing and drinking your doses in plastic cups, glass is preferred. But if you are on the go, it may be convenient to take along small disposable plastic cups, 4 ounce/120 ml size. This would not be what you use all the time, but when you are on the go it could be helpful. If and when it is still not convenient to do all of the above, and you find yourself in situations where stopping to mix your dose is not possible, an alternative to succumbing to using an all day dose bottle as a rule rather than the exception, would be to only pre-mix doses for the hours when there is no other choice.
For example, say you are a teacher and you have to stand in front of your class for two or three hours. You know in advance you cannot excuse yourself to go mix up a dose during that time. In this case, mix up 2 or 3 doses in a bottle beforehand. Drink your hourly dose from that bottle during the time you cannot slip away to mix up a fresh dose. In almost any situation it is acceptable to have a water bottle on hand. Then, when possible, go back to mixing your fresh hourly doses. This helps one be able to continue with consecutive hourly doses, without breaking the 8 or 10 hour cycle of the protocols.
All MMS1 doses are usually taken in 4 ounces/120 ml of water (or other compatible liquid). Try to find 4 ounce/120 ml bottles and pre-mix the amount of doses you will need, in individual bottles. Or, if you know you need two hours worth of pre-mixed doses, an 8 ounce/240 ml bottle would do, or for three hours a 12 ounce/360 ml bottle.
You may want to use an indelible marking pen to mark off your bottle in 4 ounce/120 ml sections. Find what works best for you. This method is a combination of the pre-made dose bottle and mixing up fresh hourly doses. Remember, fresh mixed doses are best, but resort to this combination of the two—fresh doses and doses prepared ahead of time in a bottle, when there is no other choice. Keeping up with consecutive hourly doses is important.
If you are having difficulty with the oral application...Read page 47 of the Health Recovery Protocols Manual.
Feeling Sick
If nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive tiredness occurs while taking MMS1, (see Herxheimer reaction on page 6 of the Manual) immediately reduce the dose by one half but do not stop taking MMS1 unless the symptoms are too much to handle.
In this case, stop altogether until the condition has cleared. Once the symptoms have cleared, then start back at one half the amount you were taking before the symptoms occurred.
If you reduce the amount by one half and the above mentioned reactions continue, reduce by another half. Reduce your MMS1 intake in increments until you find the amount you can take without causing sickness from the MMS1. Even a very small amount of MMS1 on an hourly basis will help you, so the idea is to try not to quit all together if possible.
When you find a comfortable amount of MMS1 that you can tolerate, stick with that for one to two days and then try to increase your intake slowly until you reach the proper amount for the protocol you are on. Note: If using 50% citric acid and you experience ill feelings, try 4% HCl instead. Some people cannot tolerate citric acid.
Plus, if you do the Low and Slow build up, chances are you'll not have the herxheimer's Reaction. Go Low and Slow as much as possible to AVOID feeling sicker than your illness makes you.
Pregnant Women and MMS
Thousands of pregnant women have used MMS1 to restore their health when needed. Dosing for
a pregnant woman is exactly the same as when not pregnant. Follow the protocols and determine
what dosage is best for you. MMS1 when taken according to the protocols in the
Manual does not harm the body and can therefore be
considered safe for all people, including pregnant women, children, and babies.
Pregnant Women Should NEVER Use DMSO.
(Follow the proper dosages for children and babies as listed in this Health Recovery Protocols Manual—see Chapter 13.)
Everyone is responsible for making their own health decisions. Check with an educated health professional.
Thousands of pregnant women have used MMS1 to restore their health when needed. Dosing for
a pregnant woman is exactly the same as when not pregnant. Follow the protocols and determine
what dosage is best for you. MMS1 when taken according to the protocols in the
Manual does not harm the body and can therefore be
considered safe for all people, including pregnant women, children, and babies.
Pregnant Women Should NEVER Use DMSO.
(Follow the proper dosages for children and babies as listed in this Health Recovery Protocols Manual—see Chapter 13.)
Everyone is responsible for making their own health decisions. Check with an educated health professional.
Safety Precautions
Chlorine Dioxide (Activated MMS) has been used safely for a hundred years in hospitals, food preparation, water purification and for many other things. It has been used in recent times very safely by millions of people to improve their health with great results.
There are, however, a few instances where caution needs to be applied. We want you to have the most pleasant experience possible while regaining your health. Do not be put off by these precautions, but be aware of them before you begin your journey to optimum health.
Some of the safety precautions listed below appear in other sections of the Manual under the various subjects that they pertain to. We are repeating them here, in order to give you this compiled list for your easy reference. Please note that some of the important safety measures listed below only appear on this list.
Keep MMS out of reach of children and pets. There have been no fatalities to date, however, a few children have been very sick after accidentally drinking a very large dose (not designated for a child) of MMS.
Never allow MMS (sodium chlorite solution) to sit in an unmarked bottle or glass. It has no smell and it is often difficult or impossible to tell the difference between MMS and water.
Make sure all bottles of MMS, acid, etc. are clearly labeled so you can easily know what is in them. Ideally, the labels should be in different colors to make it easy to differentiate them. If using paper labels, it helps to cover them with Scotch tape, to avoid them disintegrating and falling apart, if leakage gets on them over time.
have suggested the use of a spray bottle for the eyes as well as for topical use for other body parts. However, the formula for use in the eyes is significantly different than the formula for topical skin use. Be especially careful to keep these two different spray solutions very well marked. Never use the spray bottle intended for the skin in the eyes.
If you take too much MMS1 and have a serious Herxheimer reaction, (nausea, vomiting, excessive diarrhea) take Vitamin C as an antidote. Take 2 grams (2,000 mg) of Vitamin C at once. If the symptoms persist, you can then take another 1 gram of Vitamin C the following hour, and another 1 gram the third hour. Do not go over this amount of Vitamin C. Two other options to use as an antidote would be: Eat a fresh apple.
Do not bite and swallow, this must be chewed very well. Or take 1 level teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in 1/4 of a cup (2 Chapter 21 ounces/60 ml) of water. Drink a few more sips of plain water after this if desired.
If your home has a septic tank do not dump MMS waste down the drain as it can kill the bacteria in your tank. This makes a mess and is expensive to repair.
MMS liquid full strength out of the bottle (22.4% sodium chlorite solution) can irritate the skin. If it comes into direct contact with the skin, rinse it off with clean water. Try to avoid getting it on clothes as the concentrated solution can discolor them. A dilute solution may also discolor some fabrics, depending on the concentration and the fabric. (There are two exceptions to this rule of putting full strength MMS on the skin, you can do so for short periods of time to help burns and mosquito bites, see pages 245 and 196 for proper instructions.)
Avoid breathing in high concentrations of chlorine dioxide gas produced from the mixing of sodium chlorite and an acid activator. Chlorine dioxide gas easily escapes when MMS and activator are mixed and are not in a sealed container. It is best to avoid getting a direct whiff of it as it could cause coughing. Do not mix your dose directly under your nose or mouth.
MMS protocols have been known to cancel out the effect of birth control pills.
When traveling with, or transporting MMS, activator acid, and other supplies necessary to do the protocols in 2 – Safety Precautions 22 MMS Health Recovery Guidebook this book, be sure to separate all the different types of liquids and powders. MMS (sodium chlorite) and the acid activator should be packed separately, never in the same bag, so as to avoid spills and possible premature activation.
DMSO should never, ever be packed in the same container or suitcase as MMS2 (see important warning on page 26). Be sure that all these are properly packaged so they cannot possibly spill.
(Suggestion: Put in plastic bags, tape, and then put in double Ziploc bags).
If traveling by air, be sure to know the airline regulations for transporting various types of liquids and supplies (and in what quantities) on the carrier that you are using. Be responsible and diligent to carefully pack to avoid any problems for yourself or others, or reflect negatively on MMS in general.
Taste Factor/How to Improve the Taste of MMS1
Why do MMS1 doses taste extremely bad for some people? We have noticed that some people develop extreme revulsion to taking MMS1 at one time or another while on an MMS protocol. Sometimes it gets so bad that people simply cannot take it anymore. I think there may be an explanation. Possibly the pathogens create the aversion to MMS1 as a survival mechanism for the pathogens to keep the person involved from continuing to take whatever it is that might destroy them.
In any case, if this happens to you, it is well worth your while to do whatever you can to try and overcome the aversion to taking MMS1. Endeavoring to keep a positive attitude can help, then try one or some of the things mentioned below to help overcome the taste problem.
Many people agree, that MMS1 doses activated with 4% HCl (hydrochloric acid) taste better than those activated with 50% citric acid. If you are using citric acid and the taste is bothersome, try switching to HCl. It is really a personal matter—see what works best for you.
Though water is the ideal, if you cannot take MMS1 with water only, because the taste bothers you, some (not all) natural juices are OK to use if they do not have harmful preservatives and/or added Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, as this will cancel out the effectiveness of MMS1. Fresh juice is best. We have found apple, grape, and cranberry juice to work well with MMS1, but again, it should be natural, without preservatives and have no added Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid). Never use orange or tangerine juice in any form with MMS1.
There are, however, a few instances where caution needs to be applied. We want you to have the most pleasant experience possible while regaining your health. Do not be put off by these precautions, but be aware of them before you begin your journey to optimum health.
Some of the safety precautions listed below appear in other sections of the Manual under the various subjects that they pertain to. We are repeating them here, in order to give you this compiled list for your easy reference. Please note that some of the important safety measures listed below only appear on this list.
Keep MMS out of reach of children and pets. There have been no fatalities to date, however, a few children have been very sick after accidentally drinking a very large dose (not designated for a child) of MMS.
Never allow MMS (sodium chlorite solution) to sit in an unmarked bottle or glass. It has no smell and it is often difficult or impossible to tell the difference between MMS and water.
Make sure all bottles of MMS, acid, etc. are clearly labeled so you can easily know what is in them. Ideally, the labels should be in different colors to make it easy to differentiate them. If using paper labels, it helps to cover them with Scotch tape, to avoid them disintegrating and falling apart, if leakage gets on them over time.
have suggested the use of a spray bottle for the eyes as well as for topical use for other body parts. However, the formula for use in the eyes is significantly different than the formula for topical skin use. Be especially careful to keep these two different spray solutions very well marked. Never use the spray bottle intended for the skin in the eyes.
If you take too much MMS1 and have a serious Herxheimer reaction, (nausea, vomiting, excessive diarrhea) take Vitamin C as an antidote. Take 2 grams (2,000 mg) of Vitamin C at once. If the symptoms persist, you can then take another 1 gram of Vitamin C the following hour, and another 1 gram the third hour. Do not go over this amount of Vitamin C. Two other options to use as an antidote would be: Eat a fresh apple.
Do not bite and swallow, this must be chewed very well. Or take 1 level teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in 1/4 of a cup (2 Chapter 21 ounces/60 ml) of water. Drink a few more sips of plain water after this if desired.
If your home has a septic tank do not dump MMS waste down the drain as it can kill the bacteria in your tank. This makes a mess and is expensive to repair.
MMS liquid full strength out of the bottle (22.4% sodium chlorite solution) can irritate the skin. If it comes into direct contact with the skin, rinse it off with clean water. Try to avoid getting it on clothes as the concentrated solution can discolor them. A dilute solution may also discolor some fabrics, depending on the concentration and the fabric. (There are two exceptions to this rule of putting full strength MMS on the skin, you can do so for short periods of time to help burns and mosquito bites, see pages 245 and 196 for proper instructions.)
Avoid breathing in high concentrations of chlorine dioxide gas produced from the mixing of sodium chlorite and an acid activator. Chlorine dioxide gas easily escapes when MMS and activator are mixed and are not in a sealed container. It is best to avoid getting a direct whiff of it as it could cause coughing. Do not mix your dose directly under your nose or mouth.
MMS protocols have been known to cancel out the effect of birth control pills.
When traveling with, or transporting MMS, activator acid, and other supplies necessary to do the protocols in 2 – Safety Precautions 22 MMS Health Recovery Guidebook this book, be sure to separate all the different types of liquids and powders. MMS (sodium chlorite) and the acid activator should be packed separately, never in the same bag, so as to avoid spills and possible premature activation.
DMSO should never, ever be packed in the same container or suitcase as MMS2 (see important warning on page 26). Be sure that all these are properly packaged so they cannot possibly spill.
(Suggestion: Put in plastic bags, tape, and then put in double Ziploc bags).
If traveling by air, be sure to know the airline regulations for transporting various types of liquids and supplies (and in what quantities) on the carrier that you are using. Be responsible and diligent to carefully pack to avoid any problems for yourself or others, or reflect negatively on MMS in general.
Taste Factor/How to Improve the Taste of MMS1
Why do MMS1 doses taste extremely bad for some people? We have noticed that some people develop extreme revulsion to taking MMS1 at one time or another while on an MMS protocol. Sometimes it gets so bad that people simply cannot take it anymore. I think there may be an explanation. Possibly the pathogens create the aversion to MMS1 as a survival mechanism for the pathogens to keep the person involved from continuing to take whatever it is that might destroy them.
In any case, if this happens to you, it is well worth your while to do whatever you can to try and overcome the aversion to taking MMS1. Endeavoring to keep a positive attitude can help, then try one or some of the things mentioned below to help overcome the taste problem.
Many people agree, that MMS1 doses activated with 4% HCl (hydrochloric acid) taste better than those activated with 50% citric acid. If you are using citric acid and the taste is bothersome, try switching to HCl. It is really a personal matter—see what works best for you.
Though water is the ideal, if you cannot take MMS1 with water only, because the taste bothers you, some (not all) natural juices are OK to use if they do not have harmful preservatives and/or added Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, as this will cancel out the effectiveness of MMS1. Fresh juice is best. We have found apple, grape, and cranberry juice to work well with MMS1, but again, it should be natural, without preservatives and have no added Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid). Never use orange or tangerine juice in any form with MMS1.
More Info About MMS
You should make chlorine dioxide at home and use it within a couple of hours. Actually, you should make it fresh every time you use it, unless you keep your solution airtight closed in a dark place.
Chlorine dioxide is made from sodium chlorite, otherwise known as stabilized oxygen. The stabilized oxygen product normally used to make chlorine dioxide is called: Master Mineral Solution (MMS). Stabilized oxygen has been used in alternative medicine for over 70 years to prevent colds and the flu.
Chlorine Dioxide is currently made by mixing MMS (Master Mineral Solution) with an “activator,” which is usually 50 percent citric acid. They are in separate bottles.
Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.
Jim used 15 drops of chlorine dioxide (meaning 15 drops of MMS plus the activator), followed one hour later by another 15 drops, to cure malaria. AIDS/HIV can also be cured with chlorine dioxide, though the administration of chlorine dioxide for AIDS uses a very different protocol than malaria.
The protocol in this article may be very effective against AIDS. The chlorine dioxide will help keep the AIDS virus from traveling through the blood. The Bob Beck Protocol, which is known to cure AIDS in 21 days, only cleaned the blood once a day. This protocol can be used to clean the blood of microbes several times a day if desired.
MMS, “sodium chlorite” and “stabilized oxygen” all refer to the same thing.
Normal stabilized oxygen (e.g. Vitamin O, Aerobic O7 or Aerobic KO7) is usually between 3% and 7% sodium chlorite.
This is NOT the same thing as table salt, which is sodium chloride.
However, the Master Mineral Solution (MMS) is 28 percent sodium chlorite. The reason for this mixture is so that it will react more readily to the “activator” to make chlorine dioxide.
You should make chlorine dioxide at home and use it within a couple of hours. Actually, you should make it fresh every time you use it, unless you keep your solution airtight closed in a dark place.
Chlorine dioxide is made from sodium chlorite, otherwise known as stabilized oxygen. The stabilized oxygen product normally used to make chlorine dioxide is called: Master Mineral Solution (MMS). Stabilized oxygen has been used in alternative medicine for over 70 years to prevent colds and the flu.
Chlorine Dioxide is currently made by mixing MMS (Master Mineral Solution) with an “activator,” which is usually 50 percent citric acid. They are in separate bottles.
Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.
Jim used 15 drops of chlorine dioxide (meaning 15 drops of MMS plus the activator), followed one hour later by another 15 drops, to cure malaria. AIDS/HIV can also be cured with chlorine dioxide, though the administration of chlorine dioxide for AIDS uses a very different protocol than malaria.
The protocol in this article may be very effective against AIDS. The chlorine dioxide will help keep the AIDS virus from traveling through the blood. The Bob Beck Protocol, which is known to cure AIDS in 21 days, only cleaned the blood once a day. This protocol can be used to clean the blood of microbes several times a day if desired.
MMS, “sodium chlorite” and “stabilized oxygen” all refer to the same thing.
Normal stabilized oxygen (e.g. Vitamin O, Aerobic O7 or Aerobic KO7) is usually between 3% and 7% sodium chlorite.
This is NOT the same thing as table salt, which is sodium chloride.
However, the Master Mineral Solution (MMS) is 28 percent sodium chlorite. The reason for this mixture is so that it will react more readily to the “activator” to make chlorine dioxide.
For Approved Worldwide Suppliers of MMS:
http://mmscds.com/approved- international suppliers....
Genesis2 Sacraments Kits (Comes with the HCL 4%)
For the time being in the scientific literature confirmed:
There are five cases of severe poisoning documented with the precursor of chlorine dioxide, which is sodium chlorite, of which three were unsuccessful suicide attempts, taking amounts more than 100 times higher than what was stated in the manual.
The toxicity always depends on the amount, so if you ingest a large amount of concentrate you may experience irritations, but the treatments performed by the volunteers mentioned in the manual do not expose you to amounts large enough to damage your body. (There is no scientifically documented mortal case of intoxication from ingestion of chlorine dioxide in the scientific literature.) It probably induces vomiting long before reaching a critical amount possible by ingestion.
Studies on liver effects with humans revealed that the dose of 34 mg / kg (* Lubbers et al., 1981) did not cause any adverse liver effects.
It can be considered a fairly docile substance for a simple reason: How many medicines can we take 100 times the indicated amount without dying? ...not even Aspirin® ...
The Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide
What does it mean? An example: we can drink water but we can not breathe water since we are not fish and we would drown. We should not inhale the chlorine dioxide, as it would occupy the alveolar space and could cause long-term respiratory problems. In the short term it can cause irritation and cough. There are no documented cases of death in the known science from the ingestion of an aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide.
The Story of the Bleach
It can be read on the Internet by critics of ClO2 treatment in their disinformation articles that chlorine dioxide is a toxic gas and a very strong oxidant, used for the bleaching of textiles and paper. Certainly there are generic documents that indicate it. However, when we go into detail, we can see that the amount used for paper laundering is not related to what is used for treatment. For the bleaching of paper and silk, chlorine dioxide is used in a highly concentrated manner together with methanol. An excessively huge amount that would never be recommended for human consumption.
If we talk about dioxide as a bleach, we are comparing a 59,600 times more concentrated solution. In addition, it is composed of a much stronger chemistry that is mostly chlorate.
We must recognize that these false claims, are well in the sensationalist media, to create controversy, however these applications are far from reality. There is really an effort to prevent people from healing their bodies independently of Big Pharma medications that ONLY manage symptoms. As with everything, do your own research or you can trust that since we are not selling anything, we are telling you the truth concerning this amazing treatment, that Big pharma and their partners would rather you not know, is available to help you heal.
- There are no endocrinological effects, associated with the ingestion of chlorine dioxide in humans.
- There are no documented lymphatic immunological effects from ingestion of chlorine dioxide in humans.
- There are no neurological effects associated with the ingestion of chlorine dioxide in humans.
- There are no effects on the reproductive system due to the ingestion of chlorine dioxide in humans.
- There are no effects where cancer can be associated with chlorine dioxide in humans.
- There are no mutagenic effects associated with chlorine dioxide in humans.
- There are no known effects of accumulation of chlorine dioxide or chlorite in humans.
There are five cases of severe poisoning documented with the precursor of chlorine dioxide, which is sodium chlorite, of which three were unsuccessful suicide attempts, taking amounts more than 100 times higher than what was stated in the manual.
The toxicity always depends on the amount, so if you ingest a large amount of concentrate you may experience irritations, but the treatments performed by the volunteers mentioned in the manual do not expose you to amounts large enough to damage your body. (There is no scientifically documented mortal case of intoxication from ingestion of chlorine dioxide in the scientific literature.) It probably induces vomiting long before reaching a critical amount possible by ingestion.
Studies on liver effects with humans revealed that the dose of 34 mg / kg (* Lubbers et al., 1981) did not cause any adverse liver effects.
It can be considered a fairly docile substance for a simple reason: How many medicines can we take 100 times the indicated amount without dying? ...not even Aspirin® ...
The Toxicity of Chlorine Dioxide
What does it mean? An example: we can drink water but we can not breathe water since we are not fish and we would drown. We should not inhale the chlorine dioxide, as it would occupy the alveolar space and could cause long-term respiratory problems. In the short term it can cause irritation and cough. There are no documented cases of death in the known science from the ingestion of an aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide.
The Story of the Bleach
It can be read on the Internet by critics of ClO2 treatment in their disinformation articles that chlorine dioxide is a toxic gas and a very strong oxidant, used for the bleaching of textiles and paper. Certainly there are generic documents that indicate it. However, when we go into detail, we can see that the amount used for paper laundering is not related to what is used for treatment. For the bleaching of paper and silk, chlorine dioxide is used in a highly concentrated manner together with methanol. An excessively huge amount that would never be recommended for human consumption.
If we talk about dioxide as a bleach, we are comparing a 59,600 times more concentrated solution. In addition, it is composed of a much stronger chemistry that is mostly chlorate.
We must recognize that these false claims, are well in the sensationalist media, to create controversy, however these applications are far from reality. There is really an effort to prevent people from healing their bodies independently of Big Pharma medications that ONLY manage symptoms. As with everything, do your own research or you can trust that since we are not selling anything, we are telling you the truth concerning this amazing treatment, that Big pharma and their partners would rather you not know, is available to help you heal.
Discover the Facts About Chlorine Dioxide
MMS chlorine dioxide is a “stabilized oxygen” formulation that is a 28% solution of Sodium Chlorite in distilled water. When a mild acid (lemon or lime juice, citric acid, HCL) is added to a few drops of MMS1, Chlorine Dioxide is created and when ingested, produces a major boost to the immune system, killing every known pathogen including bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi and molds.
MMS Chlorine Dioxide:
Chlorine dioxide is a pretty simple compound. However, many times the simple things of this world end up possessing the most power. And so it is with Chlorine Dioxide (aka MMS1), as it has come to be known. This powerful pathogen killer is not a drug. It consists of a harmless type of chlorine that is in table salt and oxygen (CLO2). Of course, the wonder of chlorine dioxide (aka mms1) is that it's a mineral solution available to even the poorest in this world. When MMS is activated, it gives of the clorine molecule scent...That's a gas and has not effect on the treatment.
A Safe Oxidizer
MMS1 Chlorine dioxide is safe. It only attacks bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites, most heavy metals, and other harmful substances in the body. It doesn’t harm friendly bacteria and flora or healthy cells. It does this by a process called oxidation. MMS Chlorine dioxide is slowly replacing chlorine for municipal water treatment systems. Actually it is already used in the water supply in the upscale neighborhoods and suburbs.
The American Society of Analytical Chemists proclaimed in 1999 that chlorine dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man.
MMS1 drops or mms tablets are the purest of all things that you might consider using..
MMS1 chlorine dioxide contains only two simple items once it is dissolved in water. MMS1 consists of the type of harmless chlorine (CLO2) that is in table salt, and oxygen. CLO2. It purifies water and guess what? Our bodies are made up of more than 70 percent water.
MMS Chlorine Dioxide:
Chlorine dioxide is a pretty simple compound. However, many times the simple things of this world end up possessing the most power. And so it is with Chlorine Dioxide (aka MMS1), as it has come to be known. This powerful pathogen killer is not a drug. It consists of a harmless type of chlorine that is in table salt and oxygen (CLO2). Of course, the wonder of chlorine dioxide (aka mms1) is that it's a mineral solution available to even the poorest in this world. When MMS is activated, it gives of the clorine molecule scent...That's a gas and has not effect on the treatment.
A Safe Oxidizer
MMS1 Chlorine dioxide is safe. It only attacks bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites, most heavy metals, and other harmful substances in the body. It doesn’t harm friendly bacteria and flora or healthy cells. It does this by a process called oxidation. MMS Chlorine dioxide is slowly replacing chlorine for municipal water treatment systems. Actually it is already used in the water supply in the upscale neighborhoods and suburbs.
The American Society of Analytical Chemists proclaimed in 1999 that chlorine dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man.
MMS1 drops or mms tablets are the purest of all things that you might consider using..
MMS1 chlorine dioxide contains only two simple items once it is dissolved in water. MMS1 consists of the type of harmless chlorine (CLO2) that is in table salt, and oxygen. CLO2. It purifies water and guess what? Our bodies are made up of more than 70 percent water.
For more information about chlorine dioxide, see:
http://www.miraclemineral.org or
http://www.jimhumble.biz or
http://www.miraclemineral.org or
http://www.jimhumble.biz or
As Seen on YouTube- Had to share this:
"Anyone who follows the MMS protocols and believes it to be harmful, must really enjoy the tooth protection
that fluoride provides in their water supply. Not to mention all the disease protection the myriad
of vaccines supply; if you believe that...have a nice life (short as it may be). Peace, love and appreciation."
As Seen on YouTube- Had to share this:
"Anyone who follows the MMS protocols and believes it to be harmful, must really enjoy the tooth protection
that fluoride provides in their water supply. Not to mention all the disease protection the myriad
of vaccines supply; if you believe that...have a nice life (short as it may be). Peace, love and appreciation."
My Personal Testimonial:
I began using MMS two weeks ago. (August 2017.) I was aiming for the 21 days initial use per the Protocol 1000 Treatment strategy. So far, I'm very pleased with the results. In fact, I'm ecstatic.
Originally, I had purchased the kit containing the Citric Acid Activator before I could find kits with the HCL 4 %. I didn't want to make my own. Now I've found the complete kit at the Genesis II site and promptly ordered the complete kit with the MMS, HCL activator and the DMSO. There are other Vendors that sell the kits but I preferred to get it from the Originators of the Treatment Protocols. In the meantime, I'm still using the Citric Acid Activator.
(Updated 11/28/17 - I now use the HCL for any protocol that goes on the inside of my body and the Citric Acid for topical protocols.)
My MMS/DMSO Experiment...
I have been meaning to post about this for days now but couldn't as I was knocked off line again...But I'm back now after paying to get an extra firewall installed. I know this information is freaking out some people who would rather that you continue to believe that MMS is not beneficial to sick people, especially those who are fighting Autism, Lyme Disease, HIV/AIDS and Cancer.
Saying that to say this...I have begun using the MMS Protocol recommended by Cancer Tutor. I was not progressing fast enough with combating the Gadolinium Toxicity so, after missing so many days from work I decided to order the MMS as well as the DMSO to experiment on myself...Meaning to come back and share my findings...I really believe that MMS is a really great answer to many illnesses, cancer included. It's definitely great for anyone battling heavy metal toxicity.
I ordered two kits and received them in less than a week. My initial kits include one bottle MMS and one bottle 50 percent Citric Acid. They also have Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) 4% that works better for some people, especially those who prefer the oral protocols. I couldn't find Hydrochloric Acid initially, so I opted for the Citric Acid. Doesn't taste great, but not as bad as I thought it would.
Anyway, I began with the oral protocol and after a few days of feeling better than I felt in years, I decided to add the DMSO with the Transdermal Protocol. I broke all the rules. I didn't follow Jim's starting procedure. But luckily, my body is not so riddled with toxins especially like Lyme patients.
Yes, MMS can be used orally and transdermally. I prefer the transdermal protocol because when I added the DMSO, I could really feel it working. (NOTE: You should NOT use DMSO if you use blood thinners)
It made me feel really queasy on Sunday, because I got overly excited and added two extra drops to my 2nd Oral treatment then again to the Transdermal protocol, just to see what it would do. (Gotta build up slowly...Low and Slow is the best). I had it on my legs and could feel the Herx coming on after about 30 minutes. I could taste it going straight to my old root canal.
It was just a very queasy sensation that made me want to just stop everything I was doing, so, I just went and lie down. If I used the HCL 4% activator that wouldn't happen. I slept for 6 hours and when I woke up I felt like a million bucks, and wasn't hungry at all. I was really surprised.
Hold on, I'm going to tell you how I used it but you can find the info in Protocol 1000 & 1000 Plus above or in the downloadable Downloadble Protocols Manual I placed it several places on this page, so it will be here for others to find easily.
I haven't missed a day at work since I began using it more than a week ago and I always took at least two days off each week...I am authorized to used FMLA due to my medical situation.
I could't climb the stairs at work before and since last week, seven of the 10 elevators went out so we're forced to use the stairs, unless we want to wait for long periods of time. Usually I had no choice but to wait, but since last week I have been going up and down those stairs like a pro, and it feels great to be able to do that again, after not being able to do so for seven years.
Today I was up and down the stairs again, going with the flow like everyone else. I was going up and down with a big smile on my face, because I couldn't believe how good my body felt. After 10 flights of stairs, up and then down and back up, I had to check my O2 Saturation and my pulse to see how well I was doing because I was speechless. My pulse was 101 and my O2 Sat was 99%. That's mind boggling, as I was the slowest of slow pokes just two weeks before.
Last week at Thanksgiving Dinner, every was surprised when I got up and did the Electric Slide...Yea, some people didn't even know I could dance because I haven't been dancing due to all the pain and me being so messed up. But after dinner we were having so much fun and with such good music, I danced and it felt really good. Some people were warning that I need to chill so I can go to work the next day because they knew my pain history. But the next morning I felt great.
This MMS Protocol works, and I am going to keep using it. You don't have to drink it, as it can be used on the skin. I'm happy that I decided to try it as it has proved to be a huge benefit.
So, I did the build up, sort of, to make sure I didn't get the Herxheimer Reaction. (You won't get the Herx if you do the Oral Treatments slowly...low and slow, and use the HCL 4% activator. Why? Because it's just like stomach acid so your stomach will tolerate it better. Anyway, you still need to build up as this baby kills toxins, pathogens, bacteria, fungus, etc. fast and you do not want to overload your system. Give your liver a chance to move out the debris at a controlled pace.
I got up to the 3 drops per hour and everything is fine because I followed the instructions and went LOW & SLOW. I then decided to do the Transdermal treatment. I began with 3 drops of MMS and 3 drops of the activator, allowed it to mix for the required time then added the DMSO drops. DMSO drops = twice the number of MMS drops. I applied it to my leg and rubbed it in a circular motion and let it remain uncovered until it was absorbed into my skin. Over a period of a week, I used several different locations on my body to apply the treatment. I did work up to the 10 drops but I didn't really need to.
Did it work? You bet it did...very well. Much better than I thought it would. I'm a living, breathing example of how well this works. No dizziness, NO pain, NO balance problems, NO headaches, NO cravings. OK...I'm OK Now. I have not felt any of the many symptoms at all after day #5 on Protocol 1000.
I was suffering from Gadolinium Toxicity, Ankylosing Spondolysis and Symptoms from a TBI, some uncomfortable skin problems, and with my hair falling out, etc. I finally relaized it was not Lyme. Thanks to good testing.
I ended up with the Gadolinium Toxicity because of too many MRI with the Gadolinium Contrast done on my brain and back. I'm a TBI survivor so that made me more at a disadvantage. The doctors still won't admit it so I'm also warning people about that. These were some of my many symptoms before beginning the MMS Protocol:
In rough order of frequency, and some symptoms were not felt every day, but frequently enough to become problematic.
Just to list some of the symptoms I was dealing with before using the MMS Protocol 1000 for ONLY 14 days.
There is one symptom I experienced that transcended several of the symptoms listed above. It was a sense of an electrified, vibrating, twitching feeling typically just under the skin that is sometimes localized and at other times a more overall feeling. Sometimes it felt like something was crawling around under my skin.
This was a particularly alarming feeling when I first experienced it. It was unlike anything that I had ever experienced and it is very difficult to explain to doctors. Well, they just didn't understand, they didn't get it, so they were useless to my healing efforts. I was most disappointed with my Neurologist. I have since got a New PCP who is aware and orders the necessary testing and My new Neurologist appears to know what she's doing. She ordered labs that I knew were indicated and I didn't have to beg or get mad, to get them ordered.
I am so excited that this combined with a Nutrition Program called Square One was able to get me over the hump. These MMS Protocols are a HUGE game changer. It is so inexpensive and yet soooo powerful.
Wow! God is so AMAZING. I give Him thanks for leading me to find this treatment. It seemed so simple, I almost didn't research it. I'm so glad I did, because this can help so many people, especially those who are poor without money for treatments. Folks can donate this treatment to the sick poor and sick indigent too. We can begin with the very sick in our churches. Just read this webpage and understand the Protocols and teach them how to help their bodies to heal.
This is my testimonial after beginning with info from Cancer Tutor, then following the instructions of Jim Humble the Protocol and Treatments Original Creator. Results will be typical ONLY if you follow the instructions as laid out for the Treatment Protocols and lay of junk foods, alcohol and cigarette smoking. Some people will take longer to get the best results based on what your illness or disease is.
I will continue to use this protocol intermittently, as it is so SAFE and ONLY helps healing, and will mitigate any recurrence of any symptoms. I know I must continue with my Square One Healing Program that is Plant Based Nutrition, to make sure that I continue to lose the steroid weight and look younger than my age. 😀
For those who might be skeptical about trying MMS, there are so many different ways to use it. You do not have to miss out because you may not want to use the oral treatments. You can douche, use enemas, nebulize it, spray it on your skin, rub it on your skin, use it to brush your teeth, use it as ear drops, nose drops, eye drops, foot soak, bath soak, etc. So many ways to benefit from the healing properties of this awesome product, MMS.
Healing is available to everyone who wish to step out in faith and use what God has provided. Like every medication that your doctor may order, this must be used according to the different protocols and you will benefit with healing.
Bishop Neva Thomas
Your Friendly Health Advocate
Certified Health Minister Genesis II Church of Health & Healing
(Joined to avail myself of the protection under religious freedom, because I need to keep sharing the MMS info freely without fear of reprisal.)
Originally, I had purchased the kit containing the Citric Acid Activator before I could find kits with the HCL 4 %. I didn't want to make my own. Now I've found the complete kit at the Genesis II site and promptly ordered the complete kit with the MMS, HCL activator and the DMSO. There are other Vendors that sell the kits but I preferred to get it from the Originators of the Treatment Protocols. In the meantime, I'm still using the Citric Acid Activator.
(Updated 11/28/17 - I now use the HCL for any protocol that goes on the inside of my body and the Citric Acid for topical protocols.)
My MMS/DMSO Experiment...
I have been meaning to post about this for days now but couldn't as I was knocked off line again...But I'm back now after paying to get an extra firewall installed. I know this information is freaking out some people who would rather that you continue to believe that MMS is not beneficial to sick people, especially those who are fighting Autism, Lyme Disease, HIV/AIDS and Cancer.
Saying that to say this...I have begun using the MMS Protocol recommended by Cancer Tutor. I was not progressing fast enough with combating the Gadolinium Toxicity so, after missing so many days from work I decided to order the MMS as well as the DMSO to experiment on myself...Meaning to come back and share my findings...I really believe that MMS is a really great answer to many illnesses, cancer included. It's definitely great for anyone battling heavy metal toxicity.
I ordered two kits and received them in less than a week. My initial kits include one bottle MMS and one bottle 50 percent Citric Acid. They also have Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) 4% that works better for some people, especially those who prefer the oral protocols. I couldn't find Hydrochloric Acid initially, so I opted for the Citric Acid. Doesn't taste great, but not as bad as I thought it would.
Anyway, I began with the oral protocol and after a few days of feeling better than I felt in years, I decided to add the DMSO with the Transdermal Protocol. I broke all the rules. I didn't follow Jim's starting procedure. But luckily, my body is not so riddled with toxins especially like Lyme patients.
Yes, MMS can be used orally and transdermally. I prefer the transdermal protocol because when I added the DMSO, I could really feel it working. (NOTE: You should NOT use DMSO if you use blood thinners)
It made me feel really queasy on Sunday, because I got overly excited and added two extra drops to my 2nd Oral treatment then again to the Transdermal protocol, just to see what it would do. (Gotta build up slowly...Low and Slow is the best). I had it on my legs and could feel the Herx coming on after about 30 minutes. I could taste it going straight to my old root canal.
It was just a very queasy sensation that made me want to just stop everything I was doing, so, I just went and lie down. If I used the HCL 4% activator that wouldn't happen. I slept for 6 hours and when I woke up I felt like a million bucks, and wasn't hungry at all. I was really surprised.
Hold on, I'm going to tell you how I used it but you can find the info in Protocol 1000 & 1000 Plus above or in the downloadable Downloadble Protocols Manual I placed it several places on this page, so it will be here for others to find easily.
I haven't missed a day at work since I began using it more than a week ago and I always took at least two days off each week...I am authorized to used FMLA due to my medical situation.
I could't climb the stairs at work before and since last week, seven of the 10 elevators went out so we're forced to use the stairs, unless we want to wait for long periods of time. Usually I had no choice but to wait, but since last week I have been going up and down those stairs like a pro, and it feels great to be able to do that again, after not being able to do so for seven years.
Today I was up and down the stairs again, going with the flow like everyone else. I was going up and down with a big smile on my face, because I couldn't believe how good my body felt. After 10 flights of stairs, up and then down and back up, I had to check my O2 Saturation and my pulse to see how well I was doing because I was speechless. My pulse was 101 and my O2 Sat was 99%. That's mind boggling, as I was the slowest of slow pokes just two weeks before.
Last week at Thanksgiving Dinner, every was surprised when I got up and did the Electric Slide...Yea, some people didn't even know I could dance because I haven't been dancing due to all the pain and me being so messed up. But after dinner we were having so much fun and with such good music, I danced and it felt really good. Some people were warning that I need to chill so I can go to work the next day because they knew my pain history. But the next morning I felt great.
This MMS Protocol works, and I am going to keep using it. You don't have to drink it, as it can be used on the skin. I'm happy that I decided to try it as it has proved to be a huge benefit.
So, I did the build up, sort of, to make sure I didn't get the Herxheimer Reaction. (You won't get the Herx if you do the Oral Treatments slowly...low and slow, and use the HCL 4% activator. Why? Because it's just like stomach acid so your stomach will tolerate it better. Anyway, you still need to build up as this baby kills toxins, pathogens, bacteria, fungus, etc. fast and you do not want to overload your system. Give your liver a chance to move out the debris at a controlled pace.
I got up to the 3 drops per hour and everything is fine because I followed the instructions and went LOW & SLOW. I then decided to do the Transdermal treatment. I began with 3 drops of MMS and 3 drops of the activator, allowed it to mix for the required time then added the DMSO drops. DMSO drops = twice the number of MMS drops. I applied it to my leg and rubbed it in a circular motion and let it remain uncovered until it was absorbed into my skin. Over a period of a week, I used several different locations on my body to apply the treatment. I did work up to the 10 drops but I didn't really need to.
Did it work? You bet it did...very well. Much better than I thought it would. I'm a living, breathing example of how well this works. No dizziness, NO pain, NO balance problems, NO headaches, NO cravings. OK...I'm OK Now. I have not felt any of the many symptoms at all after day #5 on Protocol 1000.
I was suffering from Gadolinium Toxicity, Ankylosing Spondolysis and Symptoms from a TBI, some uncomfortable skin problems, and with my hair falling out, etc. I finally relaized it was not Lyme. Thanks to good testing.
I ended up with the Gadolinium Toxicity because of too many MRI with the Gadolinium Contrast done on my brain and back. I'm a TBI survivor so that made me more at a disadvantage. The doctors still won't admit it so I'm also warning people about that. These were some of my many symptoms before beginning the MMS Protocol:
In rough order of frequency, and some symptoms were not felt every day, but frequently enough to become problematic.
- Pain – aching; burning, tingling, and/or prickling pain (paresthesia); deep bone pain. Typically in my hips and knees, and sometimes in the location where the MRI occurred, like my head and back.
- Dermal changes – like tight skin, lesions, hyperpigmentation, crazy itching. Most often in my extremities.
- Muscle issues – twitching – small, local, rapid contractions and weakness
- Ocular problems – worsening vision, dry eyes, bloodshot eyes
- Cognitive symptoms
- Debilitating Vertigo with several hospitalizations
- Ear, nose and throat – tinnitus, swallowing, and voice problems
- Low body temperature, extra cold hands
- Hair loss, thinning with a noticeable bald spot
- Itchy skin, especially after showering
- Balance problems, lack of coordination, dizziness
- Swelling of extremities (edema) mainly in my feet
- Blood Pressure fluctuations
Just to list some of the symptoms I was dealing with before using the MMS Protocol 1000 for ONLY 14 days.
There is one symptom I experienced that transcended several of the symptoms listed above. It was a sense of an electrified, vibrating, twitching feeling typically just under the skin that is sometimes localized and at other times a more overall feeling. Sometimes it felt like something was crawling around under my skin.
This was a particularly alarming feeling when I first experienced it. It was unlike anything that I had ever experienced and it is very difficult to explain to doctors. Well, they just didn't understand, they didn't get it, so they were useless to my healing efforts. I was most disappointed with my Neurologist. I have since got a New PCP who is aware and orders the necessary testing and My new Neurologist appears to know what she's doing. She ordered labs that I knew were indicated and I didn't have to beg or get mad, to get them ordered.
I am so excited that this combined with a Nutrition Program called Square One was able to get me over the hump. These MMS Protocols are a HUGE game changer. It is so inexpensive and yet soooo powerful.
Wow! God is so AMAZING. I give Him thanks for leading me to find this treatment. It seemed so simple, I almost didn't research it. I'm so glad I did, because this can help so many people, especially those who are poor without money for treatments. Folks can donate this treatment to the sick poor and sick indigent too. We can begin with the very sick in our churches. Just read this webpage and understand the Protocols and teach them how to help their bodies to heal.
This is my testimonial after beginning with info from Cancer Tutor, then following the instructions of Jim Humble the Protocol and Treatments Original Creator. Results will be typical ONLY if you follow the instructions as laid out for the Treatment Protocols and lay of junk foods, alcohol and cigarette smoking. Some people will take longer to get the best results based on what your illness or disease is.
I will continue to use this protocol intermittently, as it is so SAFE and ONLY helps healing, and will mitigate any recurrence of any symptoms. I know I must continue with my Square One Healing Program that is Plant Based Nutrition, to make sure that I continue to lose the steroid weight and look younger than my age. 😀
For those who might be skeptical about trying MMS, there are so many different ways to use it. You do not have to miss out because you may not want to use the oral treatments. You can douche, use enemas, nebulize it, spray it on your skin, rub it on your skin, use it to brush your teeth, use it as ear drops, nose drops, eye drops, foot soak, bath soak, etc. So many ways to benefit from the healing properties of this awesome product, MMS.
Healing is available to everyone who wish to step out in faith and use what God has provided. Like every medication that your doctor may order, this must be used according to the different protocols and you will benefit with healing.
Bishop Neva Thomas
Your Friendly Health Advocate
Certified Health Minister Genesis II Church of Health & Healing
(Joined to avail myself of the protection under religious freedom, because I need to keep sharing the MMS info freely without fear of reprisal.)
Hey, I now do Private Consultations for those who want
to use CD under the radar.
Other Testimonials
Susan Vaughn
MMS is amazing! It killed all my parasites and oxidized indescribable garbage from my intestines. I had no idea what it was or how filthy I was inside, huge egg sacks, oxylate stones, biofilms, large and small worms, and a parasite that looked like a giant flea the size of a quarter. I had hundreds of them. I've talked to so many people with similar symptoms as mine: chronic stomachaches, constipation, headaches, burning feet, etc. Although it took several months to complete treatment, MMS cured all my symptoms.
The newest information on the microbiome reports that most disease of unknown cause, including all autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative diseases are caused by pathogens and/or parasites. Thanks to bioterrorism, we are all suffering. Because it doesn't hurt you it is worth a try. Just remember to start low and build slow. Research all the information on MMS before you begin. All the sites that tell you it is harmful are disinformation sites. They tell you that MMS is chlorine bleach, which it is not. There are many documentaries on YouTube that explain the science.
Memory Restored:
An elderly guy (in his 80-90's), who claimed he was the last survivor of the chemical company (since closed), that used to operate in New Plymouth, and made Agent Orange, and many other toxic sprays. After 50 odd years working there, he said that he was so full of toxins that he couldn't remember things that he had done the day before, along with other health effects relating to a build-up of toxins in the body.
Someone told him about MMS, which he tried. He phoned me on the second day all excited, saying that he remembered all he had done the day before. He claimed to be 100% better within about a week on MMS. He is now an advocate for MMS, telling everyone who is willing to listen. —P ****************************************************
Advocate of MMS:
Absolutely, I am a huge, massive advocate of MMS. I have suffered intensely under doctor's care for 3 decades and they nearly killed me two times because they honestly didn't have a clue of what to do so they pushed about 15 different prescriptions from anti-depressants to beta blockers to methadone for two decades, and I lost organs due to their recklessness and carelessness.
I would have taken away all of their licenses [if I could], all 80 doctors that supposedly provided health care to me.
So, MMS, is pretty well the only thing I take now if I get even the slightest cold, and type of recognized infection in the body from cough to chills and shivers to urine infection (with uva uva combined) just for extra precaution for the urine...it is the best and most cheapest efficient and effective way to treat your body. I haven't been to the doctor's now for 2 years!
—Mel, Canada
Joe Hanson: Powerful testimonial, grabbed from YouTube
To all of you with negative comments about mms, I had a staph infection on my arm, it started out a red pimple and hurt. In about 4 hours my arm was swelled up huge, and really hurt. The red bump was now a infected big hump and it hurt so bad. I wrapped in gauze and poured alcohol on it and went to work. In 2 more hours it had swelled up bigger and was burning hot.
Now it was up to my shoulder and I couldn't take the pain anymore so i went to hospital. There they lanced the infected bump, and gave me 2 of the strongest antibiotics, and pain killers. Told me to come back in 3 days. After 2 days the hole that was left after lanced, was infected and my arm was swollen. It didn't look real and the hole was getting bigger, and percodans didn't stop pain, and my shoulder was infected.
I went back to hospital and showed them, take more antibiotics and nurse asked if I wanted to join a mears staph group, and told me since you have staph you will always have it, it will keep reoccuring anytime we can only control keep it dormant. I left the hospital and got on internet and looked up everything on staph infect, and came across mms. I ordered 5 lbs sodium chlorite, 4 bottles citric acid, from sedona labs. When I recieved it I mixed up a tub of mms and placed my arm in it and soaked it for an hour.
The pain quit, the swelling went down 50% and my shoulder no longer infected i wrapped my arm in a soaked towel of mms and put in plastic bag. The next morning arm was no longer infected and hole was no longer infected or red and no pain. In a few days the hole began healing back I went back to the hospital to tell the nurse how to cure all the staph mears groups and they told me to get out of the hospital and escorted me out, Cure patients that's their jobs. They don't want to hear anything about cure.
They just want to control sale prescriptions and collect insurance payments,,,,,,,,,,,Also I'm not through with negative posters.
I also had a dog who contracted PARVO took to vet and wanted $600 and 5 days on intervenious, and leave at vet office and not guarantee dog will live. I can't pay that. A few more days went bye dog not eating or drinking and cant get up or walk. So I took a turkey baster sucked up mms and stuck it down its throat and held its mouth so it couldn't throw up. Did it 2 times and let it lay there in closet for the night sure it would be dead in morning. About 4 30 in morning heard whinning and turned on the light. The dog was standing there wagging its tail wanted to eat. That PARVO IT KILLED IT ! So if you don't think mms works think again.
I suffered with a severe case of bronchitis every year in the winter for 5 years in a row. I found MMS and started taking it at the first sign of symptoms. I haven't had bronchitis in over 3 years now. I take it once a week during cold season just as prevention and every time anyone in our household shows any symptoms of cold, flu, etc., we grab the MMS and start dosing. It works every time.
—M. R., United States *****************************************
Breathe Easy:
I've been a smoker for many years. When I mix up a batch of MMS and start taking the 3 drop dose in 4 ounces of water, my breathing is so much easier. If you have any breathing problems or lung congestion, start taking 3 drops of MMS every hour. —B. S., United States
I found that MMS has totally cleared up the facial eczema I have suffered with very badly for two years. I tried everything, nothing worked but within days MMS knocked it on the head. Amazing.
—Peter, New Zealand ****************************************************
Bladder Cancer:
A friend of mine went to the emergency room because he was urinating blood. After that, doctors found out that he had a bladder cancer. He was sent home. Then doctors wanted to start chemotherapy, but he did not have insurance, so it took time to go back to the doctor. I gave him MMS and he started to take it every hour. He took MMS for 2 weeks. Then he stopped because he started to have a diarrhea and vomiting and he had enough of it. During that time he was qualified for insurance. He went back to the doctor to get chemotherapy, but before, the chemotherapy doctor went inside his bladder to check the size of the cancer. They were very surprised when they found out that there was no cancer.
—Tadeusz, United States
MMS Works:
It is safe. I have used doses ranging from 2 to 12 drops, from one to four times per day. I am 56 years of age and have used MMS off and on for a decade. And it virtually saved my daughter's life.
—Wayne F., Canada
Candida Gone:
I had Candida so badly that not only was I exhausted for years on end, but the fungus had migrated to my eyes and ears. It was like looking out through sheets of waxed paper. My ears buzzed and rang non-stop. I itched all over, especially at night when it was so bad it would wake me from a deep sleep. I had many other symptoms and tried many cures, none of which worked until I tried MMS. I had to change my diet to a very low carb diet because sugar feeds yeast. I don’t think you can get better if you continue eating the standard American diet, so I modified my diet to include almost no grains, no sugars of any kind, and very limited fruit. You must do this in order to recover.
I had found a product called Syclovir that did a great job at holding the symptoms at bay, but there was no cure even after a year on the product. Then I read that MMS could help kill Candida so I took 7 drops 4 times per day and began to see improvement. I think it’s been about 2 months of this approach and my energy is sky high.
I can tolerate more carbs now with no symptoms. I feel great and I know it’s because of the MMS. In addition, MMS has reversed the arthritis I had in my toes and it must have cleaned out my veins because I can now exert myself and not become out of breath. What a miracle MMS has proved to be in my life!
—Kathryn **********************************************
Multiple Recoveries:
MMS1 and 2 has cured me of prostate enlargement/pain…gum/tooth infection and candida. Amazing! I use MMS to bathe in…great for the skin and tired muscles.
—James A., New Zealand ******************************************
Throat Cancer:
Treating a guy with throat cancer. His blood count is back up, gained a little weight, and his doctor said whatever he is doing to keep doing it because it is working. UPDATE: The guy with throat cancer has been completely cleared of his throat cancer. I'm so excited for him and the fact that it just makes people better.
—C. P., United States
Heroine Free:
Thank you for giving our world MMS. I have personally helped quite a few people to get off a full blown heroin addiction in three to four days only with 3/4 drop of MMS1 an hour. This is every hour when they are awake. I have also included MMS1 baths, using 25 drops of MMS1 per bath. I have personally assisted a hand full of people with 100% unbelievable results.
—Ravi, England
If I told you there was an anti-viral you could prepare in your kitchen to prevent the flu in a day, would you believe me? My daughter woke up crying yesterday morning with a 104 degree fever and chills not to mention the nausea and headache. Poor girl. It was time to kick into healing mode for her. We both took about 5 doses of MMS yesterday. Twenty-four hours later she is fever free and I never got sick.
—H.P., Arizona
MMS is amazing! It killed all my parasites and oxidized indescribable garbage from my intestines. I had no idea what it was or how filthy I was inside, huge egg sacks, oxylate stones, biofilms, large and small worms, and a parasite that looked like a giant flea the size of a quarter. I had hundreds of them. I've talked to so many people with similar symptoms as mine: chronic stomachaches, constipation, headaches, burning feet, etc. Although it took several months to complete treatment, MMS cured all my symptoms.
The newest information on the microbiome reports that most disease of unknown cause, including all autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative diseases are caused by pathogens and/or parasites. Thanks to bioterrorism, we are all suffering. Because it doesn't hurt you it is worth a try. Just remember to start low and build slow. Research all the information on MMS before you begin. All the sites that tell you it is harmful are disinformation sites. They tell you that MMS is chlorine bleach, which it is not. There are many documentaries on YouTube that explain the science.
Memory Restored:
An elderly guy (in his 80-90's), who claimed he was the last survivor of the chemical company (since closed), that used to operate in New Plymouth, and made Agent Orange, and many other toxic sprays. After 50 odd years working there, he said that he was so full of toxins that he couldn't remember things that he had done the day before, along with other health effects relating to a build-up of toxins in the body.
Someone told him about MMS, which he tried. He phoned me on the second day all excited, saying that he remembered all he had done the day before. He claimed to be 100% better within about a week on MMS. He is now an advocate for MMS, telling everyone who is willing to listen. —P ****************************************************
Advocate of MMS:
Absolutely, I am a huge, massive advocate of MMS. I have suffered intensely under doctor's care for 3 decades and they nearly killed me two times because they honestly didn't have a clue of what to do so they pushed about 15 different prescriptions from anti-depressants to beta blockers to methadone for two decades, and I lost organs due to their recklessness and carelessness.
I would have taken away all of their licenses [if I could], all 80 doctors that supposedly provided health care to me.
So, MMS, is pretty well the only thing I take now if I get even the slightest cold, and type of recognized infection in the body from cough to chills and shivers to urine infection (with uva uva combined) just for extra precaution for the urine...it is the best and most cheapest efficient and effective way to treat your body. I haven't been to the doctor's now for 2 years!
—Mel, Canada
Joe Hanson: Powerful testimonial, grabbed from YouTube
To all of you with negative comments about mms, I had a staph infection on my arm, it started out a red pimple and hurt. In about 4 hours my arm was swelled up huge, and really hurt. The red bump was now a infected big hump and it hurt so bad. I wrapped in gauze and poured alcohol on it and went to work. In 2 more hours it had swelled up bigger and was burning hot.
Now it was up to my shoulder and I couldn't take the pain anymore so i went to hospital. There they lanced the infected bump, and gave me 2 of the strongest antibiotics, and pain killers. Told me to come back in 3 days. After 2 days the hole that was left after lanced, was infected and my arm was swollen. It didn't look real and the hole was getting bigger, and percodans didn't stop pain, and my shoulder was infected.
I went back to hospital and showed them, take more antibiotics and nurse asked if I wanted to join a mears staph group, and told me since you have staph you will always have it, it will keep reoccuring anytime we can only control keep it dormant. I left the hospital and got on internet and looked up everything on staph infect, and came across mms. I ordered 5 lbs sodium chlorite, 4 bottles citric acid, from sedona labs. When I recieved it I mixed up a tub of mms and placed my arm in it and soaked it for an hour.
The pain quit, the swelling went down 50% and my shoulder no longer infected i wrapped my arm in a soaked towel of mms and put in plastic bag. The next morning arm was no longer infected and hole was no longer infected or red and no pain. In a few days the hole began healing back I went back to the hospital to tell the nurse how to cure all the staph mears groups and they told me to get out of the hospital and escorted me out, Cure patients that's their jobs. They don't want to hear anything about cure.
They just want to control sale prescriptions and collect insurance payments,,,,,,,,,,,Also I'm not through with negative posters.
I also had a dog who contracted PARVO took to vet and wanted $600 and 5 days on intervenious, and leave at vet office and not guarantee dog will live. I can't pay that. A few more days went bye dog not eating or drinking and cant get up or walk. So I took a turkey baster sucked up mms and stuck it down its throat and held its mouth so it couldn't throw up. Did it 2 times and let it lay there in closet for the night sure it would be dead in morning. About 4 30 in morning heard whinning and turned on the light. The dog was standing there wagging its tail wanted to eat. That PARVO IT KILLED IT ! So if you don't think mms works think again.
I suffered with a severe case of bronchitis every year in the winter for 5 years in a row. I found MMS and started taking it at the first sign of symptoms. I haven't had bronchitis in over 3 years now. I take it once a week during cold season just as prevention and every time anyone in our household shows any symptoms of cold, flu, etc., we grab the MMS and start dosing. It works every time.
—M. R., United States *****************************************
Breathe Easy:
I've been a smoker for many years. When I mix up a batch of MMS and start taking the 3 drop dose in 4 ounces of water, my breathing is so much easier. If you have any breathing problems or lung congestion, start taking 3 drops of MMS every hour. —B. S., United States
I found that MMS has totally cleared up the facial eczema I have suffered with very badly for two years. I tried everything, nothing worked but within days MMS knocked it on the head. Amazing.
—Peter, New Zealand ****************************************************
Bladder Cancer:
A friend of mine went to the emergency room because he was urinating blood. After that, doctors found out that he had a bladder cancer. He was sent home. Then doctors wanted to start chemotherapy, but he did not have insurance, so it took time to go back to the doctor. I gave him MMS and he started to take it every hour. He took MMS for 2 weeks. Then he stopped because he started to have a diarrhea and vomiting and he had enough of it. During that time he was qualified for insurance. He went back to the doctor to get chemotherapy, but before, the chemotherapy doctor went inside his bladder to check the size of the cancer. They were very surprised when they found out that there was no cancer.
—Tadeusz, United States
MMS Works:
It is safe. I have used doses ranging from 2 to 12 drops, from one to four times per day. I am 56 years of age and have used MMS off and on for a decade. And it virtually saved my daughter's life.
—Wayne F., Canada
Candida Gone:
I had Candida so badly that not only was I exhausted for years on end, but the fungus had migrated to my eyes and ears. It was like looking out through sheets of waxed paper. My ears buzzed and rang non-stop. I itched all over, especially at night when it was so bad it would wake me from a deep sleep. I had many other symptoms and tried many cures, none of which worked until I tried MMS. I had to change my diet to a very low carb diet because sugar feeds yeast. I don’t think you can get better if you continue eating the standard American diet, so I modified my diet to include almost no grains, no sugars of any kind, and very limited fruit. You must do this in order to recover.
I had found a product called Syclovir that did a great job at holding the symptoms at bay, but there was no cure even after a year on the product. Then I read that MMS could help kill Candida so I took 7 drops 4 times per day and began to see improvement. I think it’s been about 2 months of this approach and my energy is sky high.
I can tolerate more carbs now with no symptoms. I feel great and I know it’s because of the MMS. In addition, MMS has reversed the arthritis I had in my toes and it must have cleaned out my veins because I can now exert myself and not become out of breath. What a miracle MMS has proved to be in my life!
—Kathryn **********************************************
Multiple Recoveries:
MMS1 and 2 has cured me of prostate enlargement/pain…gum/tooth infection and candida. Amazing! I use MMS to bathe in…great for the skin and tired muscles.
—James A., New Zealand ******************************************
Throat Cancer:
Treating a guy with throat cancer. His blood count is back up, gained a little weight, and his doctor said whatever he is doing to keep doing it because it is working. UPDATE: The guy with throat cancer has been completely cleared of his throat cancer. I'm so excited for him and the fact that it just makes people better.
—C. P., United States
Heroine Free:
Thank you for giving our world MMS. I have personally helped quite a few people to get off a full blown heroin addiction in three to four days only with 3/4 drop of MMS1 an hour. This is every hour when they are awake. I have also included MMS1 baths, using 25 drops of MMS1 per bath. I have personally assisted a hand full of people with 100% unbelievable results.
—Ravi, England
If I told you there was an anti-viral you could prepare in your kitchen to prevent the flu in a day, would you believe me? My daughter woke up crying yesterday morning with a 104 degree fever and chills not to mention the nausea and headache. Poor girl. It was time to kick into healing mode for her. We both took about 5 doses of MMS yesterday. Twenty-four hours later she is fever free and I never got sick.
—H.P., Arizona
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website or these videos has not been approved nor endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration, FDA. Our intention is to provide material for educational purposes only, and in no way whatsoever do we express an intent to substitute the council that only an appropriately trained and licensed medical practitioner can give.
At no point is the information provided within these webpages, designed to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent disease, nor replace or suggest the ceasing of one's existing medical therapy. Jahealthadvocate.com does not claim to act in the capacity nor replace the diagnostic capacity of your appropriately certified medical practitioner. Any ideas or suggestive material found within these videos or the pages of our website, is not meant to give you the impression that self diagnosis is in any way supported or encouraged by us.
Let it be known that you consent and assume any and all responsibility in the consumption of any product you purchase via the links we share, as a result of your visiting this website or watching any videos. Furthermore, you accept any and all possible damage, loss or injury felt to be experienced as a result from your exposure to any content, product or information discussed within these videos, and the contend on these web pages.
Remember, always consult with your medical practitioner or health care professional when dealing with any severe medical condition.
All we provide here is INFORMATION. Use it how you wish, knowing that you are responsible for your own actions.
At no point is the information provided within these webpages, designed to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent disease, nor replace or suggest the ceasing of one's existing medical therapy. Jahealthadvocate.com does not claim to act in the capacity nor replace the diagnostic capacity of your appropriately certified medical practitioner. Any ideas or suggestive material found within these videos or the pages of our website, is not meant to give you the impression that self diagnosis is in any way supported or encouraged by us.
Let it be known that you consent and assume any and all responsibility in the consumption of any product you purchase via the links we share, as a result of your visiting this website or watching any videos. Furthermore, you accept any and all possible damage, loss or injury felt to be experienced as a result from your exposure to any content, product or information discussed within these videos, and the contend on these web pages.
Remember, always consult with your medical practitioner or health care professional when dealing with any severe medical condition.
All we provide here is INFORMATION. Use it how you wish, knowing that you are responsible for your own actions.