Water Purification With MMS
Life on earth would cease to exist, if we had no water. Humans would slowly die out if we had no clean water. Sickness and death would be more rampant. The human body is made up of about 78% water.. A person can only survive a matter of days without water. The quality and the purity of this water directly affects the health of the individual.
On average, an adult needs to consume minimum 8 glasses of clean water each day to remain in optimal health. Under normal conditions safe drinking water is not a major issue in the developed world. But what do you do if you must travel to exotic locations or go camping or backpacking in the great outdoors? How do you maintain safe drinking water supply then? More thought provoking...how do you maintain safe drinking water supplies when the next disaster strikes, via a natural disaster like a hurricane, earthquake, or tornado? Or an act of terrorism.
Are you prepared? Never thought about that?
Well with this in mind, MMS was developed to provide safe and effective alternatives for all of your water purification needs. Your body has a lot of water that if purified, will lead you to optimal health. Purifying your body's water supply both inside and what you consume can lead to better health. Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) is the beginning for purified water, and better health..
When activated, this releases Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). One activated drop will purify one gallon of water making it safe enough to drink. For cloudy or more questionable water, more drops are required. See info below for details.
According to the EPA, Chlorine Dioxide is used in more than 900 public water systems to treat potable water. (See 1999 Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual, ch 4 Chlorine Dioxide on our Documents Menu EPA Documents Section.) Chlorine dioxide has also been used for air disinfection, most notably in decontamination of buildings after the anthrax scare of 2001 and in New Orleans for mold eradication after Hurricane Katrina. Sodium chlorite and the resulting chlorine dioxide differ from the sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) that is used to treat most municipal water systems and does not give off the undesirable harmful byproducts that can be associated with sodium hypochlorite.
MMS1 for water purification: Health Recovery Manual
To treat plain clear water that you feel should be purified to kill disease pathogens, such as tap water from your faucet,
1. Add 8 drops of MMS1 (activated MMS—use 50% citric acid or 4% HCl) per gallon of water (or 4 liters/4 quarts).
2. Count 30 seconds for the drops to activate then put the mixture into a gallon of water.
3. Mix thoroughly, cover and wait for at least one hour before use.
Keep in mind MMS1 does not kill the chlorine or the fluoride in your tap water but it will kill diseases.
For smaller quantities of water, use less drops. For 1 quart (or liter) use 2 drops of MMS1.
Turpid (cloudy) water requires more MMS1.
If you have a slight bit of turbidity,
1. Use 12 drops of activated MMS1 per gallon. A higher amount of turbidity requires higher amounts of MMS.
Use 12 to 24 of MMS1 drops or even more drops for river water. This is something you will have to evaluate and do your best to get it right. In this case, it is always best to error on the side of too many drops than not enough.
A slightly bad taste resulting from the MMS1 (if you have to go higher) will not hurt you.
MMS2 for water purification:
Water can be purified using MMS2 equally as well as MMS1. (Like MMS1, MMS2 does not kill the chlorine or the fluoride in your water but it will kill diseases.) Both MMS1 and MMS2 are used throughout the world to purify water in public water systems.
One #1 size capsule (see page 46 for capsule size) filled 1/2 full of calcium hypochlorite (MMS2) can be used to purify one gallon of normal appearing clear water.
I have found that using gelatin or vegetable capsules is a very convenient method of measuring small amounts of powdered MMS2.
Do not pack tightly or compress the MMS2 in the capsule, but loosely fill the capsule to 1/2 full.
Open the capsule and pour the powder from the capsule into the water. Stir well until dissolved, cover and wait two hours before use.
Turbid (cloudy) water requires more MMS2.
If you have a slight bit of turbidity, use a full #1 size capsule of MMS2.
In the case of more turbidity, you can use up to 2 full size #1 capsules of MMS2 for a gallon of water.
Use 1 to 3 capsules for river water. Again this is something you will have to evaluate. In this case of purifying questionable water, it is always best to error on the side of too much MMS2 rather than not enough.
You may alter the taste of the water with 3 capsules, but that would be a lot better than getting sick from the water.
Three capsules of MMS2 in a gallon of water will not hurt you even if it tastes a little bad.
DISCLAIMER: Let it be known that you consent and assume any and all responsibility in the consumption of any product you purchase as a result of your visiting this website or watching these videos. Furthermore, you accept any and all possible damage, loss or injury felt to be experienced as a result from one's exposure to any content, product or information discussed within these videos and the contend on these web pages. Remember, always consult with your medical practitioner or health care professional when dealing with any severe medical condition. All we provide here is INFORMATION. Use it how you wish knowing that you are responsible for your own actions. This information has not been approved nor endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration.
On average, an adult needs to consume minimum 8 glasses of clean water each day to remain in optimal health. Under normal conditions safe drinking water is not a major issue in the developed world. But what do you do if you must travel to exotic locations or go camping or backpacking in the great outdoors? How do you maintain safe drinking water supply then? More thought provoking...how do you maintain safe drinking water supplies when the next disaster strikes, via a natural disaster like a hurricane, earthquake, or tornado? Or an act of terrorism.
Are you prepared? Never thought about that?
Well with this in mind, MMS was developed to provide safe and effective alternatives for all of your water purification needs. Your body has a lot of water that if purified, will lead you to optimal health. Purifying your body's water supply both inside and what you consume can lead to better health. Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) is the beginning for purified water, and better health..
When activated, this releases Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). One activated drop will purify one gallon of water making it safe enough to drink. For cloudy or more questionable water, more drops are required. See info below for details.
According to the EPA, Chlorine Dioxide is used in more than 900 public water systems to treat potable water. (See 1999 Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual, ch 4 Chlorine Dioxide on our Documents Menu EPA Documents Section.) Chlorine dioxide has also been used for air disinfection, most notably in decontamination of buildings after the anthrax scare of 2001 and in New Orleans for mold eradication after Hurricane Katrina. Sodium chlorite and the resulting chlorine dioxide differ from the sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) that is used to treat most municipal water systems and does not give off the undesirable harmful byproducts that can be associated with sodium hypochlorite.
MMS1 for water purification: Health Recovery Manual
To treat plain clear water that you feel should be purified to kill disease pathogens, such as tap water from your faucet,
1. Add 8 drops of MMS1 (activated MMS—use 50% citric acid or 4% HCl) per gallon of water (or 4 liters/4 quarts).
2. Count 30 seconds for the drops to activate then put the mixture into a gallon of water.
3. Mix thoroughly, cover and wait for at least one hour before use.
Keep in mind MMS1 does not kill the chlorine or the fluoride in your tap water but it will kill diseases.
For smaller quantities of water, use less drops. For 1 quart (or liter) use 2 drops of MMS1.
Turpid (cloudy) water requires more MMS1.
If you have a slight bit of turbidity,
1. Use 12 drops of activated MMS1 per gallon. A higher amount of turbidity requires higher amounts of MMS.
Use 12 to 24 of MMS1 drops or even more drops for river water. This is something you will have to evaluate and do your best to get it right. In this case, it is always best to error on the side of too many drops than not enough.
A slightly bad taste resulting from the MMS1 (if you have to go higher) will not hurt you.
MMS2 for water purification:
Water can be purified using MMS2 equally as well as MMS1. (Like MMS1, MMS2 does not kill the chlorine or the fluoride in your water but it will kill diseases.) Both MMS1 and MMS2 are used throughout the world to purify water in public water systems.
One #1 size capsule (see page 46 for capsule size) filled 1/2 full of calcium hypochlorite (MMS2) can be used to purify one gallon of normal appearing clear water.
I have found that using gelatin or vegetable capsules is a very convenient method of measuring small amounts of powdered MMS2.
Do not pack tightly or compress the MMS2 in the capsule, but loosely fill the capsule to 1/2 full.
Open the capsule and pour the powder from the capsule into the water. Stir well until dissolved, cover and wait two hours before use.
Turbid (cloudy) water requires more MMS2.
If you have a slight bit of turbidity, use a full #1 size capsule of MMS2.
In the case of more turbidity, you can use up to 2 full size #1 capsules of MMS2 for a gallon of water.
Use 1 to 3 capsules for river water. Again this is something you will have to evaluate. In this case of purifying questionable water, it is always best to error on the side of too much MMS2 rather than not enough.
You may alter the taste of the water with 3 capsules, but that would be a lot better than getting sick from the water.
Three capsules of MMS2 in a gallon of water will not hurt you even if it tastes a little bad.
DISCLAIMER: Let it be known that you consent and assume any and all responsibility in the consumption of any product you purchase as a result of your visiting this website or watching these videos. Furthermore, you accept any and all possible damage, loss or injury felt to be experienced as a result from one's exposure to any content, product or information discussed within these videos and the contend on these web pages. Remember, always consult with your medical practitioner or health care professional when dealing with any severe medical condition. All we provide here is INFORMATION. Use it how you wish knowing that you are responsible for your own actions. This information has not been approved nor endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration.