Powerful Baking Soda Detox Drink
This drink should be taken at least one hour before, or one hour after meals. Having it closer to meal time will cause possible vomiting
and disruption of GI processes..
Dr. Jockers shows you how to make the detoxifying baking soda drink! For additional resources
and information please visit http://drjockers.com
and information please visit http://drjockers.com
Using Baking Soda to Help Beat Cancer Naturally
Vitamin c and baking soda cancer treatment including
cancers of the digestive tract
cancers of the digestive tract
Conflicts With Other Treatments
Do NOT take this protocol if you are on the Budwig Diet (the Vitamin C will interfere with the Budwig Diet).
Do NOT take this protocol if you are taking Protocel(R), Entlev(R), Paw Paw, or graviola . The Vitamin C will interfere with the way these protocols work.
Do NOT take this protocol if you are taking Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), sodium chlorite (stabilized oxygen) or chlorine dioxide. The Vitamin C will neutralize the way these protocols work.
NOTICE: The baking soda portion of this treatment should not be used for more than six weeks at a time. During the first week no more than two TEAspoons a day of baking soda should be taken orally. During the other weeks no more than one TEAspoon a day of baking soda should be taken orally. Only under the care of a medical practitioner should these maximum internal doses be exceeded.
For rectal enemas this restriction does not apply.
NOTICE: This is a supplemental protocol for colon cancer or any other cancer of the digestive tract. But it can be used for any cancer as long as the patient is using baking soda as their primary alkaline protocol. Before reading this article read this article:
Colon Cancer Article
This is a treatment for cancers of the digestive tract, including any cancer between the throat and anal area.
This treatment is actually a combination of two independent treatments for digestive tract cancers: vitamin C and baking soda.
In this treatment both baking soda and vitamin C are used, but they are NOT mixed together; rather they are taken at different times. They are both used because both are effective at killing cancer cells which they come into direct contact with. Remember, the baking soda and vitamin C are not mixed together nor are they taken at the same time.
This is a six week protocol for cancers of the digestive tract.
The six-week protocol can be repeated indefinitely, with a two week break between treatments.
The exact protocol will be given below.
Vitamin C
Mineral ascorbates, such as sodium ascorbate, potassium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate, etc. are much more effective at getting utilized by the cells than pure citric acid. The cells better utilize both the mineral and the Vitamin C content in the mineral ascorbate.
Most brands of mineral ascorbates will include some citric acid. You can also use pure mineral ascorbates if you wish.
It was mineral ascorbates which cured polio in the 1940s. Mineral ascorbates have been used to cure or treat many different diseases.
The doses of mineral ascorbates are not as restricted as the doses of baking soda because vitamin C in the bloodstream is perfectly safe.
Here is a large Vitamin C vendor:
Excellent Buffered Vitamin C Product (high in mineral ascorbates)
Vitamin C Doses
First, put a quality brand of powdered or crystal Vitamin C in a glass of purified water. Start at about 1 gram, but build up to 5 grams twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. If you get diarrhea you are building up too fast.
Within a few days after starting you should be taking 5 grams of Vitamin C (mostly mineral ascorbates).
Cells can't distinguish the difference between Vitamin C and glucose because they are almost identical. Thus cancer cells quickly grab the mineral ascorbates.
Once inside of cancer cells, it is thought that the Vitamin C is used to make hydrogen peroxide. It may be the hydrogen peroxide so created that actually kills cancer cells or even better yet, it may kill the microbes inside the cancer cells and revert them into normal cells (see the “What Causes Cancer” article).
When sugar levels in the blood are low, Vitamin C is more readily taken in by cancer cells. Thus, when taking this treatment stay on a strict, very low glucose cancer diet.
Warning: Taking too high of a dose of Vitamin C can cause kidney damage. Do not take doses higher than 10 grams a day without consulting a health professional.
Note: This treatment should not be used as a primary treatment for cancer except for cancers of the digestive tract. However, it is a superb supplemental treatment for any type of cancer.
Baking Soda
USE ONLY baking soda which is stated to be “aluminum free” (e.g. Bob's Red Mill Baking Soda, which is now called “All Natural”) OR use pharmaceutical grade baking soda. Arm and Hammer is also acceptable because it is very high quality and does not have any aluminum.
Bob's Red Mill Baking Soda/All Natural can be purchased at many health food stores and even some grocery stores with a health food section. Or it can be purchased online.
Here is an example of a pharmaceutical grade baking soda:
Baking Soda Doses
As mentioned above, the baking soda portion of this treatment (except for rectal cancer) should not be used for more than six weeks at a time.
During the first week no more than two TEAspoons a day of baking soda should be taken orally every day.
During the other weeks, one TEAspoon a day of baking soda should be taken orally. Only under the care of a medical practitioner should these maximum internal doses be exceeded.
For rectal enemas this restriction does not apply.
Be sure to avoid taking the vitamin c portion of this protocol and the baking soda portion of this treatment within one hour of each other. But both protocol can be taken on the same days, just not too close together.
The SIX WEEK PROTOCOL (Which Can Be Repeated)
The baking soda is taken one TEAspoons at a time, twice a day, always mixed in at least four ounces of water. During the first week of the protocol the baking soda should be taken twice. Thus, during this week two TEAspoons of baking soda are allowed each day.
During this week the baking soda is taken twice, at least 5 hours apart.
The vitamin C part of the protocol is taken 5 grams at a time. It is mixed in water, generally about 6 or 8 ounces of water for each 5 gram treatment. During this week Vitmain C is also taken twice each day.
Each vitamin C treatment is taken one hour after each baking soda treatment.
For the second and third weeks the baking soda is taken only once a day (one TEAspoon). The vitamin C should also be taken only once (e.g. 5 grams a day).
During these two weeks the baking soda is taken first, then one hour later the vitamin C is taken.
It doesn't matter what time of the day this treatment is taken.
Baking Soda Safety:
Every tumor has its own unique characteristics and not all tumors are highly acidic. However, regardless of the strength of the acidity of the tumor, balancing pH and creating a slightly alkaline environment in the body is always helpful to the body’s internal systems. Ideal pH testing on the pH strips should be between 7.0-8.0 – nothing higher than 8.0 or discontinue using baking soda immediately until the pH lowers.
The key to using sodium bicarbonate safely is in testing and monitoring both urinary and saliva pH with pH test paper or an electronic tester. You should do this every morning and chart results. If you are taking a bath with baking soda take your salivary and urinary pH when you get out.
If the pH goes above 8.0 than stop using the baking soda until the pH drops back down.
There are consequences to unregulated usage of baking soda. These include alkalosis, kidney problems, lowered stomach pH levels, etc. To avoid this, just be responsible with your usage and make sure you take the time to monitor your pH levels throughout the day. To avoid digestive problems don’t take the baking soda in water within 30 minutes of meals.
The key to maintaining a healthy body is to have a balanced pH level. pH is the measure of hydrogen ion concentration. A low pH would mean a high concentration of hyrogen ions, a high pH entails low concentration. For urine, a pH level of 6.7 – 7.0 is ideal. For saliva, a pH level of 7.0 - 7.5 is ideal. The more acidic the body, the more prone it is to developing dis-ease in your body. Just Fitter provides a way for you to monitor your pH levels helping you keep track to maintaining and improving your health. The body functions at its best when it is alkaline.