Protocol CDH Plus 1000
Please complete CDH Starting Procedure before going on to CDH 1000 or CDH Plus 1000
Protocol that CDH Plus 1000.
The reason behind this creation is to provide the user without the hassle of mixing MMS1 during onthe-go and have the same powerful healing as MMS1 is giving to us for such long years.
Many of us know that MMS1 effectiveness was due to the CD (chlorine dioxide)(CLO2) creation and partial non-activated available SC (sodium chlorite) that will travel deep into body tissue to find diseases to help our body fight diseases.
But SC is not allowed to be ingested without the presence of CD, because SC is very high in alkalinity (pH) that will react to heavy metal inside the body which is bad for us as told by Arch Bishop Jim Humble.
Now we also understand why some diseases is not so helpful by using CDS or CDH and it was partly due to lack of the availability of SC.
With CDH Plus 1000, we can have both CD and non-activated SC during ingestion without the need to do hassle mixture.
Once we have a ready-to-drink CDH, just add one drop of non-activated SC and drink it down immediately. It will hardly give the taste of MMS1 that many dislike. But it will give the benefits of MMS1 without the need to wait on the mixture and minus the mixing cup.
The Protocol for CDH Plus 1000:
1st Hour: CDH + 1 drop non-activated SC (MMS)
2nd Hour: CDH
3rd Hour: CDH + 1 drop non-activated SC (MMS)
4th Hour: CDH
5th Hour: CDH + 1 drop non-activated SC (MMS)
6th Hour: CDH
7th Hour: CDH + 1 drop non-activated SC (MMS)
8th Hour: CDH
The reason to space out 1 drop non-activated SC is to allow CD to neutralize anything toxic created by
SC non-activated nature that react with heavy metals inside the body (if any).
I also believe it is extremely useful for CDH user who kept their CDH longer (than 2 weeks) and may
lose even more available SC in CDH, to use this CDH Plus 1000 Protocol.
So far I find it better, so let us see how others will benefit from this Protocol if one does not wish to
have the hassle of mixing MMS1 or the bad MMS1 taste.
by Edwin3110 (Edwin Tan)
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