The History of Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine Dioxide was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1844. The British chemist combined potassium chlorite with sulphuric acid. It will soon be discovered that this green gas would be a more effective disinfectant than chlorine.
By the 1930's Chlorine dioxide was being used more frequently for disinfecting areas. Because of it's gaseous form, it filled spaces evenly. The volitile gas was impossible to ship safely, so Sodium Chlorite began to manufactured as a relatively safe precursor chemical, and the industries using chlorine dioxide would then generate the gas onsite as needed. Because of Chlorine Dioxide's solubility in water, it starts being used as a water treatment.
In 1944, Chlorine Dioxide was used by the City of Niagra New York, to control odor and remove phenols from the river water used as the municipal supply to good effect. The city soon changes to Chlorine Dioxide exclusively.
The water is cleaner, tastes better, and has no odor compared to the use of chlorine.
In 1956 Brussels Belgium makes the switch from Chlorine to Chlorine dioxide for it's municipal water system.
It is discovered that CHlorine dioxide will destroy algae biofilm, a feat which Chlorine could not accomplish.
Through the 1960's more cities and swimming pools start to change to Chlorine Dioxide.
In 1967 The United States Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A) registered an aquaeous form of Chlorine Dioxide to be used as a sanitizer and disinfectant. Chlorine DIoxide starts being used commercially on fruit and produce as a sanitizer.
The US Government Did a Double Blind Clinical Trial With Chlorine Dioxide
They used 60 volunteers, all men ages 21-35.
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In the 70's and 80's The EPA began reccomending Chlorine DIoxide over Chlorine for water treatment and other applications.
This was due to the fact that because of their different chemical properties, Chlorine Dioxide was more efficient, and did not produce toxic trihalomethanes like chlorine.
In 1988 the EPA registered Chlorine Dioxide as a sterilizer approved for hospitals, laboratories, and healthcare facilities
In 2001 FEMA and other government agencies use Chlorine Dioxide to to decontaminate buildings contaminated with Anthrax
The Chlorine Dioxide was completely effective against the tiny Anthrax Spores. The buildings, walls and furnishings suffered no damage from the treatment.
In 2005 FEMA again uses Chlorine DIoxide. This time to eradicate mold from damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.
A restuarant in New Orleans was able to re-open after being treated for just 12 hours without major repair.
This was due to the fact that because of their different chemical properties, Chlorine Dioxide was more efficient, and did not produce toxic trihalomethanes like chlorine.
In 1988 the EPA registered Chlorine Dioxide as a sterilizer approved for hospitals, laboratories, and healthcare facilities
In 2001 FEMA and other government agencies use Chlorine Dioxide to to decontaminate buildings contaminated with Anthrax
The Chlorine Dioxide was completely effective against the tiny Anthrax Spores. The buildings, walls and furnishings suffered no damage from the treatment.
In 2005 FEMA again uses Chlorine DIoxide. This time to eradicate mold from damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.
A restuarant in New Orleans was able to re-open after being treated for just 12 hours without major repair.
In 2006, Jim Humble releases a book called "Breakthrough - The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century" in which he details that in desperation, he used the sodium chlorite solution in a chlorine dioxide water treatment product in an attempt to alleviate a man's severe malaria symptoms. The man was in fact cured. Jim went on recount many other illnesses he has discovered that chlorine dioxide could be used for. He develops MMS which is a system to generate small amounts of chlorine dioxide at home.
In 2010 the United States Food and Drug Administration issue a warning on using MMS according to the JIm Humble protocols. They label it as industrial bleach...BUT at the same time they have approved the use of Chlorine Dioxide for use in mouthwashes, toothpastes, and as a food service disinfectant among other uses, citing it as being a better alternative than chlorine.
The products, uses, and applications for Chlorine Dioxide continue to grow. More and more mainstream health and home related products are using chlorine dioxide. There are several patents issued for companies to use Chlorine Dioxide to make personal and household products. Jim Humble was ahead of his time...Thanks Jim for your many Health Recovery Protocols.
In 2010 the United States Food and Drug Administration issue a warning on using MMS according to the JIm Humble protocols. They label it as industrial bleach...BUT at the same time they have approved the use of Chlorine Dioxide for use in mouthwashes, toothpastes, and as a food service disinfectant among other uses, citing it as being a better alternative than chlorine.
The products, uses, and applications for Chlorine Dioxide continue to grow. More and more mainstream health and home related products are using chlorine dioxide. There are several patents issued for companies to use Chlorine Dioxide to make personal and household products. Jim Humble was ahead of his time...Thanks Jim for your many Health Recovery Protocols.