MMS Supporting Protocols
Cough Protocol
Many illnesses produce coughing and some produce extreme continuous coughing. Coughing zaps a person of energy, usually energy that is needed to help overcome the sickness. I have seen coughing continue on and on for weeks and sometimes even months.
Coughing can prevent health recovery and often can cause a sickness to worsen. One's muscles in his stomach can become extremely sore and likewise one's throat can become sore from coughing. Coughing can prevent sleep which is also debilitating. The fact is that prolonged coughing presents a major problem. The protocol below offers an alternative to taking drugs (for a persistent cough) which often have serious side effects. I have seen this work for others and myself; I believe it can work for you.
Coughing is caused by mucus and how the body reacts to it. Almost all diseases produce mucus in the area that they exist. For example, sickness in the lungs produces mucus in the lungs, and likewise sickness in the gut often produces mucus in the gut. Coughing, especially strong coughing, is the body’s effort to keep the windpipe (trachea) free of mucus. Blockage of the windpipe is an extreme problem. The body cannot allow this to happen or death results, thus the body’s natural reaction is deep, heavy, uncontrollable coughing in order to expel mucus from the windpipe. Even the smallest amount of it threatens to block breathing.
Mucus can vary from watery to very hard. One can cough for hours to just expel a tiny bit of mucus from some areas of the windpipe. On occasions, coughing does not stop when all of the mucus has been removed from the breathing tubes because certain types of mucus may still be present in the mouth and throat.
This mucus may be caused by other pathogens not related to the original cause of the coughing. Coughing will occur as long as certain types of mucus are in the mouth or throat. This mucus can be so thin that it is watery and it will even drip out of the nose when coughing, or it can be very thick and continue to collect in the throat, and it needs to be spit out.
Thus removing all mucus from inside of the entire mouth which includes the teeth, gums, the sides of the cheeks and throat, is needed. Once this is accomplished coughing should stop, this is almost always the case, but if coughing does not stop then you would need to repeat the steps given below a second time.
Instructions for Mucus Removal
Mucus removal from the mouth can be accomplished with the use of various acids in a diluted form.
Drops from a bottle of MMS activator such as 50% citric acid or 4% hydrochloric acid (HCl), or 1/2 squeezed lemon or lime can be used.
Using acid or lemon in these dilute forms will not hurt your teeth. You can rinse your mouth with plain clean water when you have finished each session. I do not recommend using baking soda or alkaline water to neutralize the acid, rinsing with clean water is sufficient.
Step 1
Add 20 drops of either 50% citric acid or 4% HCl acid (from a bottle of MMS activator), to 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water. Or use 1/2 squeezed lemon or lime in 1/2 cup of water. (Twenty drops of MMS activator acid in 1/2 cup of water is a very weak acid. It is much weaker than lemon juice and is easy to use.)
Add 1 drop of unactivated MMS to this solution and wait three minutes before using.
Step 2
Take a sip (about 1 tablespoon) of the mixture from the 1/2 cup you made in Step 1. Swish the water around several times in your mouth making sure it thoroughly covers your teeth and the sides of your mouth. If you have false teeth make sure the water gets under the teeth as well.
After swishing, tip your head back and gargle for a few seconds and then spit the water/acid mixture out.
Repeat this step 1 more time. Step 3 q Using a soft tooth brush, (make sure the toothbrush is clean with no toothpaste on it) pour a little of the solution that is left of the 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of acidified water that you made in Step 1 over the toothbrush. Brush your teeth and gums for one minute. This is to make sure there is no mucus film left on your teeth.
Step 4
Rinse your mouth out 1 more time, with a sip (1 tablespoon or so) from the 1/2 cup of acidified water made in Step 1.
- Do these four steps anytime a coughing spell comes on. Be sure to keep up with whatever protocol you are on (if any) while doing this extra procedure for a cough.
- If coughing persists, I recommend doing the Mold/Fungus Protocol (see page 99) as I have come to believe, like many other professionals, that mold can protect various diseases including diseases that create mucus that cause coughing.
- After you have completed the Mold/Fungus Protocol, if coughing is still a problem, then I suggest the following:
- Start over again with the Starting Procedure and work through the Health Recovery Plan.
- Whether prior to doing the Cough Protocol you were already on an MMS protocol such as Protocol 1000 or 2000, or if you were not on any MMS protocol, whatever the case may be—go to the Starting Procedure. Simultaneously, at this point please review and carefully consider if something stands in the way of your health recovery.
- Anytime you are on an MMS protocol, as a rule, coughing should stop. This is why I suggest you review what might be hindering your recovery, correct anything that may be wrong, and start over from the beginning.
MMS1/DMSO Patch Protocol
The MMS1 patch is another way to use MMS1 and DMSO topically. This is not the same as Protocol 3000 per se, but it is a variation of how to use MMS1/DMSO externally in an effective way to heal all types of skin issues. We have had success with many types of tumors, cancer tumors, and infections such as MRSA, diabetic ulcers, and other skin diseases. It has brought relief to pain areas especially when cancer is present. While Protocol 3000 is one way to absorb chlorine dioxide into the body, through the skin, the patch is designed to target a specific area of the skin.
See page 265 Health Recovery Manual for instructions on preparing an MMS1/DMSO patch for a child. Instructions for MMS1/DMSO Patch
Step 1
- In a clean bowl activate 10 drops of MMS with 10 drops of 50% citric acid or 4% HCl. Count 30 seconds for activation.
- Immediately add 10 drops of purified water.
- Then add 10 drops of DMSO. Make sure this solution is mixed well.
Step 2
- Pour the solution onto a cotton gauze pad making sure the liquid is fully absorbed into the pad.
- Cover the problem area with the gauze pad and leave for seven minutes. The first time you do this patch, I suggest applying it for only seven minutes in order to test how the skin reacts. If it goes well, then the next patches can be held on for 15 minutes each time. If the skin is overly irritated, adjust the solution as described in the notes below.
- It is best to hold the patch in place as putting tape on the soaked gauze pad could have a reaction with the DMSO. Step 3 q After the allotted time, remove the patch.
If the above steps cause any burning or irritation to the skin, add 10 more drops of water to the patch. If 10 drops of water doesn’t stop the burning on the next patch, add another 10 drops of water, and keep adding more until there is no burning or irritation.
Depending on the size of the area to be covered, this formula can be doubled or tripled, or cut in half accordingly. Apply once or twice a day until well.
Eyes, Ears and Nose Protocols
Cleansing your eyes, ears, and nose with MMS can allow them to heal when nothing else will. MMS is very gentle on these delicate parts of the body. Follow the directions given below.
We never recommend using tap water for your MMS doses. Especially for the eyes, ears and nose, you want to be sure not to use tap water from your faucet to make up your mixture as almost all tap water in the USA, and many other countries, has fluoride and often chlorine as well. Do not allow these poisons in your eyes, ears or nose.
Distilled water, if available, is the best choice for the Eyes, Ears and Nose Protocols, and secondly purified water. Avoid tap water altogether. When making up these different formulas (which are not all the same), be sure to clearly mark all bottles so as not to confuse what is what.
In times past, I have used an eye formula of 1 activated drop of MMS to 1 ounce/30 ml of distilled water, and sometimes 1/2 drop of MMS1 to 1 ounce/30 ml of distilled water. Both of these solutions can work for some body types. However, this strength of MMS1 for the eyes has caused discomfort in some cases. I have since developed a new eye formula (below) and have come to find this weaker solution will accomplish the same purpose to overcome eye problems.
A good rule of thumb is if the eye drops sting or burn more than just a few seconds, (a few seconds is normal) or to an uncomfortable degree, then it would be best to dilute your solution with distilled water. If you have test strips and can test your eye formula, the parts per million for the MMS1 eye solution outlined below should read between 6 and 10 ppm.
MMS1 Formula for Eyes
Activate 1 drop of MMS with 1 drop of 4% HCl (preferred for the eyes), or 50% citric acid. Be sure you have waited the correct amount of time (30 seconds) and that the MMS liquid has turned amber in color.
Add 4 ounces/120 ml of distilled or purified water to the 1 activated drop.
Pour this solution into either a dropper bottle(s) or a spray bottle.
This is the basic formula for the eyes—1 activated drop of MMS to 4 ounces/120 ml of purified water.
This mixture lasts about one week if it is in a bottle with a tight lid and kept in a cool dark place. So be sure to make up a fresh batch each week if needed. This is likely to be more than enough for eye drops or spray for a one week period for one person.
The actual formula for the eyes should be a 1/4 activated drop to 1 ounce/30 ml of distilled water. However, because it is not possible to measure 1/4 of a drop on its own, we suggest mixing up your eye solution in this way.
MMS1 Eye Procedure
These are our two preferred methods of applying the MMS1 mixture to eyes:
1. Spray bottle for eyes.
- Put the eye formula solution described above (1 activated drop of MMS to 4 ounces/120 ml of water), into a clean spray bottle.
- For the very best healing action, flush your eye or both eyes with this mixture. With your head tilted slightly back, eyes wide open and looking up towards the ceiling, spray each eye 4 to 8 times per application.
- Try to keep your eyes open when spraying, and then blink several times to aid the flushing. It may burn just a tiny bit at first, but if your mixture is correct, this will pass quickly.
- Do this 3 to 4 times a day for best results.
2. Dropper bottle for eyes.
- Use the same eye formula mixture (1 activated drop of MMS to 4 ounces/120 ml of water), added to a dropper bottle.
- Put 3 or 4 drops into each eye while blinking to spread it around.
- Do this 3 or 4 times a day. Notes Ü For most eye problems, MMS clears things up in one to four days with some cases taking up to a week, but you can continue to use the eye solution if needed, until well.
- Use the same mixture and procedure for children. Ü Use the eye spray bottle or eye dropper bottle 1 to 2 times a week for maintenance.
- Be diligent to clearly mark your bottles. You would not want to mix up a spray bottle for the skin, with a spray bottle for the eyes—they are two completely different solutions.
The formula of the ratio of activated drops to water is different for ears and nose than that of the eyes.
MMS1 Formula for Ears
- Activate 1 drop of MMS with 1 drop of 4% HCl, or 50% citric acid. Be sure you have waited the correct amount of time (30 seconds) and that the MMS1 liquid has turned amber in color.
- Add 1 ounce/30 ml of distilled or purified water to the 1 activated drop.
- This is the basic formula for ears—1 activated drop to 1 ounce/30 ml of purified water. The ear mixture lasts about one week when kept in a bottle with a tight lid and in a cool dark place. So be sure to make up a fresh batch each week if needed.
MMS1 Ear Procedure
Step 1
- Use the solution above, 1 activated drop to 1 ounce/30 ml of water. For adults, fill a standard eye dropper with 1 tight (full) squeeze of the bulb (this is about 18 drops). Use half this amount for a child.
- Have the person lay on his side with his head in line with his body. If lying on a bed, you will need to use a pillow, the head should be level with the body, not up higher or lower than the neck and shoulders.
Step 2
Slowly and carefully insert the eye dropper into the ear, and then gently squeeze the bulb 5 or 6 times allowing the liquid from the dropper to go in and out of the ear each time. This should be enough to get the liquid to the bottom of the ear.
The goal is to get the liquid to the bottom of the ear. (Rinse the eye dropper a few times with a stronger solution of MMS1, like the skin spray bottle concentration, by squeezing the bulb Chapter 141 to get the solution in and out before putting it back in your bottle.)
Normally, especially with children, (because children often heal quicker than adults) this procedure will eliminate most pain immediately, but if not, continue with this procedure hourly until the pain is gone.
The pain may subside, but you should continue with this process 2 to 3 times a day until completely well (free of any infection), which should be from one day to no more than a week.
- The formula of the ratio of activated drops to water is different for ears and nose than that of the eyes.
- MMS1 Formula for the Nose (this is the same formula as for the ears)
- Activate 1 drop of MMS with 1 drop of 4% HCl, or 50% citric acid. Be sure you have waited the correct amount of time (30 seconds) and that the MMS1 liquid has turned amber in color.
- Add 1 ounce/30 ml of distilled or purified water to the 1 activated drop.
- This is the basic formula for the nose—1 activated drop to 1 ounce/30 ml of purified water. This will last about one week if kept in a bottle with a tight lid and stored in a cool dark place. So be sure to make up a fresh batch each week if needed.
MMS1 Nose Procedure
The following procedure is effective when a person’s nose is stuffed up, and/or when he has a cold. In addition, this same method will usually work when someone has ongoing sinus troubles and a continuously stuffy nose for weeks or even years. This same technique can be used in addition to Protocol 1000 while overcoming the flu.
Step 1
- Use the above formula—1 activated drop of MMS to 1 ounce/30 ml of water.
- Lay flat on your back on a bed. Do not put your head on a pillow.
Step 2
- Put 4 to 8 drops of this solution into one nostril. It will burn a bit as the nose will burn even with plain water, but MMS1 will not do any damage.
- The idea is to allow some of the MMS1 to drain into your sinuses, and stay there for approximately five minutes. You can expect some of this to run out when you stand up. It helps to have a tissue on hand.
- Repeat the above step for the other nostril.
Do this 3 times a day until you are well which should not be more than four days in most cases. In the event you are not well in four days, continue until you are well.
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